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la technologie révolutionnaire qui améliore le bien-être mental, physique et spirituel.


La Vie Vitale



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Qu'est-ce que le système EESystem ?

Que peut-il faire pour vous ou un être cher ?

Le système EESystem génère un environnement hyper-sain qui permet au corps de se guérir naturellement. Les individus ont partagé des expériences puissantes d'amélioration de leur bien-être.

Bénéfices rapportés par les individus


Ce que les autres expérimentent

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November 21, 2024

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November 21, 2024

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November 21, 2024

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Donna Mower


EE System is the fountain of youth! I tried it to cure my inflammation and dry eye which it did. What I didn't expect are the anti-aging effects. After a year of attending at 2 hours per week, my age spots are gone, my hair is shinier and healthier, and my nails and teeth are whiter and stronger. I am 56 years old and have turned back the clock. This outcome took many consistent weeks and am so glad I did this! Thank you to the staff at the Regeneration Station, Pensacola, FL! They are the best!


December 26, 2024

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Sarah Heximer


Sleeping in the EESystem is an experience unlike any other. I've done two sessions now. The first, included wild dreams, the second, I was dead to the world and the shoulder that had been plaguing me for 6 months was 1000x better than it has been in months and I can raise my arm overhead without wincing (and this is after 6 weeks of PT not making a dent). The clarity of mind, body and spirit is worth every penny of the investment.


December 17, 2024

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Rochelle Kabran


I am so amazed at this technology and can tell you that a viral infection, mosaic warts
to be exact - two of them on my right foot - went away within several days after spending 2 hrs in the "Womb Room"... and have not come back - a year and counting!
Frannie Sheridan, Author, Actress, Comedienne and Inspirational Speaker
leads a Workshop on Sundays for one hour which is followed by an hour of rest. Frannie guides the participants thru deep breathing followed by humming with Love Intention a Practice she calls FRUMMING, as a hands on way to relax and find our "center", shift the emotions and vibration; a coping mechanism for stressful living used with Positive Reprogramming.


December 9, 2024

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