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Centner Wellness


2333 Brickell Ave suite a 1, Miami, FL 33129, USA

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40-unit EESystem





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Learn More &
Book A Session Below!



Benefits Reported by Individuals

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What Others Are Experiencing In The EESystem...

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Anthony V.


"Cancer is 100% clear & chronic back pain gone!"


January 14, 2024

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"Ich bin viel fokussierter" (I'm much more focused)


January 10, 2024

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"Knubbel an der Schilddrüse war zwischendrin weg" (lump on thyroid gone)


January 10, 2024

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Stephany Hamilton


So grateful I stumbled upon 7B Energy Wellness. I have a torn labrum in my hip & with the EE System I am able to remain active. I'm a road/gravel cyclist & I am able to cycle virtually pain free after my sessions @ 7B{An average ride is 50 miles}. Had a BAD ear infection ~ 6 hours in the system & the next day my ear was 90% better. Jet lag - flew from the Philippines to the USA, the next day went to 7B for a 2 hour session = NO jet lag! My immune system has benefited from 7B as well. Along with my mental & emotional wellbeing. Even though I do not have any major illness nor disease - I still go, I want to keep it that way ~ Preventative is the way I see it.


August 1, 2024

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Lauren D


We signed up for a two-hour session as soon as I learned about the new EES Center. My husband fell asleep quickly. Afterward, I felt calm, peaceful and balanced; we both experienced elevated moods.

I took in my first oversight EES session recently as a way to quickly gain more hours in the system to expedite detoxing in my body, improve circulation, decrease inflammation and resolve some arthritic tendencies in my hands. I plan to continue on a frequent/consistent basis.

The Sandpoint EES location is easy to find with plenty of parking; it is well kept plus has comfortable, adjustable recliners. The owner is a wealth of knowledge and truly cares about the clientele benefitting from EES!


August 1, 2024

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Ann Coughlin


Wanting to avoid Hip surgery from my painful Rt hip arthritis, I learned of the 24 unit EES healing option that opened in Sandpoint, ID. Eager to try it, I went for a 2 hr session and felt immediate relaxation and a reduction in pain in my Hip. After going for about 24 hrs total I was able to sleep, walk and stand without Hip pain. I also have had total healing of hand nerve issues and a frozen middle finger. The center is professionally run, clean and very accommodating. The owner is easy to work with and full of excitement about EESystems. My truth is that "IT WORKS". All you have to do is be curious enough to go sit in a chair and receive healing. It's really that simple, HONEST!


August 1, 2024

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