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Energy Infusion Room


2510 South Old Highway 94 ste 100, Saint Charles, MO, USA

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48-unit EESystem



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Benefits Reported by Individuals

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What Others Are Experiencing In The EESystem...

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Carmen Clemente


"Hand pain gone, no more watery eyes, and lump on shoulder is gone!"


January 7, 2024

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Leo Aguirre


"Shoulder and arm isn't in pain anymore!"


January 5, 2024

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Leying Lee


"Improvement in eczema and sleep!"


January 4, 2024

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Joel Laliberte


Hi, I heard about those EESystem center near Montreal by the site Unifyd healing, I saw the interview with doctor Sandra Rose Michael and wanted to try. Now for almost 2 years I had problems with my Trigeminal nerve (middle and high branch), I had a lot of pain for 1 minutes or 2 specially when I brush my teeths or when I was eating. Sometimes I couldn't brush my teeths for several days in a row. After approximately 10 hours in a EESystem center (24 units) over a period of maybe 10 months I started to see a results and now I'm still going back sometimes. Since February 2024 I don't have no more pain, I can brush my teeths without any problems. Thank you to EESystem.


July 19, 2024

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Judi Malpass


I visited Zenrji initially because I was curious to find out what it was like. I felt reasonably fit and well at the time with the odd painful niggle in my knee.
Tina made me feel very welcome and I loved the peaceful and calm atmosphere. I have spent several hours at the centre including an overnight stay. I have a lot more energy and I feel younger in lots of ways. My skin feels lovely, my knee is better and I am literally able to run around with my grandchildren and my dog. I play 18 holes of golf and no longer feel exhausted. I will visit again in the Autumn. Thank you Zenrji

United Kingdom

July 17, 2024

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Bob Stively


I came to this establishment with no expectations. I engaged two modalities in one visit. Two hours in the EESystem and 30 mins with the Theraphi bed. Afterwards, I completed the recommended foot soak for detoxification. That afternoon, I felt more energized than I’ve been in years. Upon retiring to bed, my wife inquired if I was tired? I answered no. Later that night I quickly came to realize something extremely different in regards to getting out of bed. My back pain of over 30 years was completely GONE! I had a rash about my body on my face and feet and I noticed it was also gone. To feel my pre back condition days has me so stoked. I will be back.


July 16, 2024

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