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Flowmotion Energy Center


Van der Lindenlaan 2b, 1217 PK Hilversum, The Netherlands

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8-unit EESystem

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What Others Are Experiencing In The EESystem...

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"Wir fühlen uns jünger und haben viel mehr Energie"


September 6, 2024

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"¡Un gran cambio en mi energía y en mi hombro!"

Costa Rica

September 5, 2024

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"Entzündungen verschwunden, schmerzfrei und mehr Energie!"


September 5, 2024

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Joanne R


I have had consistent sharp pain in my shoulder for about 30 years. When I went to reach for something, a jabbing pain would shoot in my shoulder. While I was in the EE system, I felt a nagging pain in that shoulder. I was only in the system for one, 2 hour session, and after I left, I noticed the pain had gone away. In fact, the pain has never returned and I now I have no problem using that shoulder! Astonishing!


October 15, 2024

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Gary Carley


Hi my name is Gary Carley i am 65 years young and have been in construction for 40 plus years so I am no stranger to manual labour, in 2018 I was derigging some lifting gear when I simply under handedly threw a 17t capacity shackle up onto the back of a semitrailer I completely tore the ligament of the bone of my shoulder and had to have surgery to reattach ligaments the surgery was a success, but ever since I have carried considerable pain in my shoulder with no relief and had to resort to medication which never worked, one two hour treatment and the pain is gone


October 14, 2024

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Fjorn Joy


I am very happy & grateful to write about my healing experience. I had received an awful shock & manifested chronic OCD which I hadn’t experienced in 18 years so it was scary & totally overwhelming. My mind was not my own. After a 2 hour session in Vyves 24 unit system I felt the first calm in weeks.
I could breath with ease.
My body stopped constantly moving.
My mind slowed down.
The constant spelling of words of every thought slowed down & eased.
The double checking of everything fell away.
I came back the next week & had another session & more ease & calm was restored.
FREEDOM! The staff at Vyve were so compassionate, I was even given a hug when I was so distraught. Blessed


October 13, 2024

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