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Infinity Life and Light Wellness


747 Steinebrey Ridge Road Northwest, Sugarcreek, Ohio 44681, USA

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24-unit EESystem



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Learn More &
Book A Session Below!



Benefits Reported by Individuals

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What Others Are Experiencing In The EESystem...

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Linda M.


"Parkinson's – massive improvement in my symptoms!"


August 18, 2024

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"I have no neck pain for the first time in 40 years!"


August 15, 2024

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"CT scan showed that my breast cancer was stable!"


August 12, 2024

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Judie R.


My Doctor informed me my kidney numbers were going down, so I tried Infinite Vitality EE centre. After about 8 hours, my Dr reported my numbers had increased, wondering what I was doing! The average kidney number is 60. I couldn't go for about two months, and my numbers dropped to 15. I returned to the EE centre and after the next 10 hours, my numbers came back up to 33! I am going to continue attending the EE centre because I certainly want to avoid dialysis! I am so very happy!


September 21, 2024

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Brent M.


I have been in constant pain since I fell 5 stories 30 years ago, crushed my heels and injured my back as well as an injured shoulder from the past 3 years. Doctors avoided surgery on my back for fear of paralysis. My first 2 hours in the centre, I felt aching in my shoulder and while driving home, I realized I had no more pain in that shoulder! After another 2 hour visit, I was not going to the bathroom as often in the night either. I returned to the EE room again for another 2 hours to experience a pain free back! I still do roofing work, but continue going to the EE centre every two weeks to maintain my body. I have no more sharp, driving pain! My life is so much better now!!


September 21, 2024

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Jim H.


The EE System has changed my life. After suffering a stroke in March 2020, I was left with paralysis on the right side of my body. Despite therapy, my right foot remained numb with no feeling in my toes. While spending the winter in Phoenix, I was told about the EE technology. After just two hours in the system, I felt something happening in my right foot. It was remarkable. By the time I left Pheonix, I had complete feeling in my foot, could raise my arms above my shoulders and could put my jacket on by myself. This technology has truly changed my life. It inspired the opening of a 24 unit center in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada "Infinite Vitality" that has been helping many others.


September 21, 2024

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