Benefits Reported by Individuals

What Others Are Experiencing In The EESystem...
Linda Deckers
"Blokkade schouder en heup geheel los gekomen, fysiek verlicht"
November 19, 2024
Grietje Voeten
"lichaam krachtig en zacht in overgave, innerlijke vrede, oké met mezelf"
November 18, 2024
"stijfheid heup verdwenen, ontsteking tanden weg na 1 sessie"
November 18, 2024
Lois Murry
I want to shout out the EES at HBHS as part of my recovery journey following knee surgery. The results have been impressive. I had an unexpected injury to my knee and was unable to walk/drive. I had been to the EES before and always felt increased energy, but this time I needed healing! After a 2hr session 4d after surgery, I noticed a marked decrease in pain and swelling which made a difference in mobility and comfort. I went again for 2hrs and 10d after surgery I feel great! EES helped promote circulation & tissue repair as well. For anyone dealing with surgery or chronic pain, the EES could be a useful addition. It certainly helped me regain normalcy more quickly than expected.
February 11, 2025
April Werla
Brian and I went to Healthy Body Healthy Soul La this weekend. Brian snoozed a bit in the recliner (they encourage this) and I got into a deep, heavy body meditation state. We were both done about 1hr in. Brian has been in some SERIOUS pain since October. Yesterday, Brian and I snuggled on the couch and I was leaning on his right shoulder (The one he doesn't like anything touch and doesn't want to move.) with NO issues. He then folded laundry and helped with a few chores. We even had a good rainstorm last night and he didn't need any pain meds. And then!!He slept through the night!(down from 6x/night). It was great a great birthday gift to be at HBHS and have my man back again.
February 11, 2025
Aymey Austdone
20 years ago I was left with nerve damage to my left foot from a sciatic nerve pinch. Over time the numbness and pain had been getting worse.
After 100 hours in the EE System the pain in my foot has gone from an 8 to a 1. The numbness is still there but my foot is pain free, flexible again and does not cramp up anymore.
I have also noticed great improvement in joint pain, muscle pain, jaw pain, bleeding gums and digestion.
My mood has improved and I wake up feeling well rested and more energetic.
Overall it has been a very positive experience and I would highly recommend this clinic.
Thank you Sahar for your support and kindness during my sessions at the clinic.
February 8, 2025