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Rocky Mountain Rejuvenation


74 Graham Mountain Lane, Superior, MT 59872, USA

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24-unit EESystem




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Learn More &
Book A Session Below!



Benefits Reported by Individuals

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What Others Are Experiencing In The EESystem...

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Don L.


"Aches and pains improvement - no longer need meds!"


May 17, 2023

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Robyn Lamb


"New level of energy, craving healthy foods & exercise now, & no more hip pain!"


May 2, 2023

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"Completely at peace behind the wheel after session!"


April 23, 2023

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Marilyn R.


Dealing with an auto-immune disease I've been dealing with many issues. After 20 hours my doctor dropped my thyroid medication from 60.5mg (of 12 years) to 15mg. Also my lung capacity increased and my heart rate normalized during my cardio sessions. After 30 hours I no longer needed to be on bio-identical estrogen as my estrogen levels normalized. And after about 50 hours my chronic constipation of 30+ years disappeared and I am now regular every morning. My abnormal antibodies have consistently been dropping/healing since I started this EES journey. When my labs come back with 100% normal antibodies (hopefully soon) I will continue using this system as preventative.


May 16, 2024

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Keryn Mitchell


Chronic pain from fibromyalgia & osteoarthritis especially my left hip. R. Shoulder. Feet. Hands. Immune disease flair. Crohns disease. Chronic fatigue. Long covid. Epstein Barr. Very sensitive. Upon sitting in the chair I felt the frequency throughout my whole body. After half hr I experienced slightly intense pain in all areas then it decreased and went....completely. After the 2hrs I walked out in No Pain. I had energy like I haven't had most of my life. The frequency energy still lasts now 3 weeks later.


May 16, 2024

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Jennifer Loughran


We are so fortunate to have Dr. Carolin & Meg in our lives and I am forever grateful to them for getting my daughter a quantum session so quickly! My daughter was experiencing uncomfortable belly pain for several days after playing outside with friends with no other symptoms. She wasn’t eating or drinking enough and didn’t have any energy to play. After visiting an ER and getting no answers Dr Carolin and Meg graciously made a 2 hour session available to her! After that and a detox bath she was feeling better and eating and drinking with her normal appetite! Literally right after the session it was truly miraculous!! The system is a definite healer!!


May 16, 2024

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