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Vital Body Wellness Centre


411 Magill Rd, Saint Morris SA, Australia

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24-unit EESystem




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What Others Are Experiencing In The EESystem...

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Yovanna G.


"Took my dog to 3 doctors with no results - during EES session, she started walking!"


June 28, 2024

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Esther Henderson


"Severe pain in mouth - within 2 hours, I felt 90% better! Joint pain went away & feeling aligned!"


June 25, 2024

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Bennedy Soto


"Nuestro hijo de 2 años ha disminuido un 90% la ansiedad y su primera palabra intencional."

Costa Rica

June 23, 2024

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Kathryn Hewitt


Wow! This was my first time experiencing the EES and it was amazing. I was drawn to exploring this after much research as I suffer from hypertension and an auto immune disease. Immediately I felt warmth radiating around my heart region and the heat spread up my spine and flowed throughout my stomach and continued radiating around the small intestine staying with me throughout the entire 2 hours. I also listened to Dr Sandra’s meditation and toward the end, when at the top of the chakra steps, I felt like I was in my pineal gland and the space was so beautiful. I just wanted to stay there forever. I also gained many insights with regards to my journey in this life cycle. It was very relax


September 8, 2024

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Eileen Plunkett


I was introduced to the Maahi wellness EES by a friend. After my first trial session I felt so so calm, grounded and at the same time energised. I am now past my sixth session and that same grounded calm is such a lifesaver in these crazy time we are in currently. My anxieties and stress levels are less and it is something I want to introduce my daughter to when she visits from the UK in a couple of months.
Thank you for making this EES available in Vancouver.
I am beyond grateful.


September 7, 2024

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Davina Huey


The Gemini Centre here in Kelowna has the most wonderful staff and comfortable beds to rest on I have had about 40 hrs all together I went because I was feeling mentally exhausted from doing a Masters and having a full practice as a counsellors, even after the first session I felt calmer and more rejuvenated, as if I had been on a vacation. The EES is definitely energy that I want to visit regularly to keep me tuned up for my busy life . Thank you !


September 6, 2024

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