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Vital Body Wellness Centre


411 Magill Rd, Saint Morris SA, Australia

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24-unit EESystem




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Benefits Reported by Individuals

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What Others Are Experiencing In The EESystem...

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Bennedy Soto


"Nuestro hijo de 2 años ha disminuido un 90% la ansiedad y su primera palabra intencional."

Costa Rica

June 23, 2024

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Ron V.


"I no longer have diabetes! My hypertension and cholesterol have corrected themselves!"


June 5, 2024

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Muira S.


"EMFs - My brain fog and depression has lifted!"


June 5, 2024

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Mark C.


We have been visiting Infinity Life and Light Wellness Center for about 6 months now with 175 hours.
I have had issues with my gums for several years.
At the completion of my latest exam, the hygienist actually removed her mask, looked me straight in the eye and remarked that she couldn't believe this! "This never happens! Your gums have gotten better!" She followed up explaining that gums never get better; they stay the same or get worse.
Imagine my private joy at this revelation! If the scalar waves have made that kind of a difference on my gums, I wonder what other benefits I have been receiving that I am not even aware of. Thank you to Leon and Wilma for providing the center for us!


September 5, 2024

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Dagmar Noethlichs


Meine 88 jährige Mutter hat leider in den letzten Jahren einige gesundheitliche Herausforderungen. Zuletzt Anfang Juni ging es ihr körperlich sehr schecht, Magendruck, Übelkeit,kalte Schweissausbrüche, ganz niedriger Blutdruck.
Ein Besuch bei der Hausärztin ergab nach Abgabe von Blut, dass sie ganz schlechte Nieren, Gallen, Leber und Diabetiswerte hatte...Bereits nach einer Übernachtung hatte sich nachweislich das Blutbild schon verbessert, nach der 3.Übernachtung konnte meine Mutter, die vorher nur an meinem Arm zur Toilette gehen konnte, dies ganz alleine erledigen. Sehr liebevoll werden wir dort immer versorgt.
Und wir sind sehr dankbar für Gabrielas + Edgars Center❤️❤️❤️


September 4, 2024

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Megan N.


In January 2024 I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. I finished chemo in June and now am doing immunotherapy. I’ve struggled to get my blood work back to normal, specifically my red blood cells. After just 2 visits my blood work came back the best it’s been since last year! Including my RBC. I’m looking forward to seeing my results continue to go in a positive direction.


September 4, 2024

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