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Vital Body Wellness Centre


411 Magill Rd, Saint Morris SA, Australia

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24-unit EESystem




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Benefits Reported by Individuals

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What Others Are Experiencing In The EESystem...

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Shoco 🐶


"Inflamed lymph node completely gone"


December 23, 2022

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Paula Travelbee


I have had 5- 2 hour EE sessions at this Center in the last 2 months. I was suffering when I began them from 3 years of severe leg Lymphedema, Lyme disease, and several types of blood paracytes that manifested out through my skin on my arms, back, and legs. All these diseases were incurred from a vaccine I received March, 2021.
I am very thrilled and happy to be able to say I no longer have any of them. The Lymphedema, I was told I would have the rest of my life, as there is no cure. THANK YOU to everyone involved in making these EE Systems available to more and more people.
And God Bless Sandra Rose Michael.


April 2, 2024

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Kathryn Ring


I was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer September 5, 2022. I learned about the EES and started to go to the Mt. Pleasant center. As soon as Quantum Energy Therapy opened in Traverse City MI, I switched because it saved me hours in driving.
This system has helped me in many ways, most importantly my cancer is disappearing!! My body is able to fight it!
After my first 70hrs, I no longer have any food allergies! I had been very allergic to wheat, soy and dairy for over 10 years, I can now eat any of those things and have no reactions! My hair is turning from grey to dark brown! I feel like I'm getting back to normal! Thank you Quantum Energy Therapy for bringing the EES to TC!!!!!


April 1, 2024

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Darnel P.


I have been experiencing serious pain in my lower back, hip and hamstring left side since 2008 due to a buckled spine and spinal stenosis. I spent several nights in the system at Gemini Wellness Centre and have had really wonderful results, the pain has decreased by about 80% and I am very appreciative for this amazing healing technology.


March 30, 2024

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