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Vital Body Wellness Centre


411 Magill Rd, Saint Morris SA, Australia

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24-unit EESystem




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What Others Are Experiencing In The EESystem...

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Shoco 🐶


"Inflamed lymph node completely gone"


December 23, 2022

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Rosa Gutierrez


I completed my 13, over-night sessions earlier this month at Ascended Wellness in Norco, CA. The main reason for going to the center was to find relief for my Rheumatoid Arthritis. I was diagnosed 19 years ago. In the last 2 years the inflammation & excruciating pain especially in my hands, feet & ankles, had become unbearable. I struggled getting out of bed, dressing, bathing, holding my hairbrush or wringing a dishrag. After my 4th session, the pain & inflammation were reduced by about 75%! I can now make a fist, hold a coffee cup & get dressed in less than 20 minutes. There is healing taking place in my digestive system. The emotional & mental relief are just as profound. I am HOPEFUL!


March 29, 2024

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Dale Erwin


I experienced the EES twice now and both times it has been extremely restful, puts me in a parasympathetic state. I have been experiencing detox symptoms which is great as that is what I am needing. Debra is just divine, so calm and gentle, knowledgeable and supportive.

March 28, 2024

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Christine Cowin


Wow! This session was an amazing experience I have had three sessions at Deb's healing centre, and I felt I am getting results. But last night I had a sleep over for 10 hours. I had awakened every 1 to 1.5 hours but I was so happy. It was an energetic experience. During this sleep over; I had an amazing dream; around 2 to 3 am, it was so vivid, like I was actually there. I was travelling around to different communities and meeting different groups of people, we all had our own Mascots. At the last outdoor met up; I met a lady with the most beautiful Gold, coloured head cover. The golden colour was not of this world. I was in awe of her head cover's; colour. I highly recommend, EESystem.

March 28, 2024

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