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Vitality Energy Healing


1940 East Thunderbird Road suite 105, Phoenix, AZ 85022, USA

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12-unit EESystem





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Benefits Reported by Individuals

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What Others Are Experiencing In The EESystem...

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Marnie Jurkowski


"No longer on ADHD meds, reduced anti-depressions meds, never felt happier and better!"


July 15, 2024

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Marni Holden


"Pain reduced, improved energy, able to do more physically, & excited about life!"


July 15, 2024

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Joseph Lacono


"Lingering cough gone, & I have mental clarity and direction!"


July 15, 2024

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Dave Tan


I am a bioresonance practitioner for 7+ years. I have Thymolysis which is the condition known to destroy the thymus cells. There is a score (co-efficient) and for years that score was very low at 0,100. 0,500 being the "passing" grade. the machine is Sensitiv Imago 520. I have worked on myself with the device and taken many nutraceuticals with no avail. Since exposure to EE System with an accumulation of about 15+ hours, each sessions being about 2 hours, the breakthrough came last month. I felt a certain sensation at the throat area. I did not realise my Thymus was healed at that moment until about a week later when I took another scan. The score is now up to almost 1,000!

September 13, 2024

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Helga Wahl


Für mich war es als 70-jährige normal, 15 mal am Tag zur Toilette zu gehen! Wenn dann eine in der Nähe war.


September 8, 2024

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Kathryn Hewitt


Wow! This was my first time experiencing the EES and it was amazing. I was drawn to exploring this after much research as I suffer from hypertension and an auto immune disease. Immediately I felt warmth radiating around my heart region and the heat spread up my spine and flowed throughout my stomach and continued radiating around the small intestine staying with me throughout the entire 2 hours. I also listened to Dr Sandra’s meditation and toward the end, when at the top of the chakra steps, I felt like I was in my pineal gland and the space was so beautiful. I just wanted to stay there forever. I also gained many insights with regards to my journey in this life cycle. It was very relax


September 8, 2024

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