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Vitality Energy Healing


1940 East Thunderbird Road suite 105, Phoenix, AZ 85022, USA

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12-unit EESystem





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What Others Are Experiencing In The EESystem...

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Stephanie Koch


"So at peace, so much love in our hearts!"


March 25, 2024

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"Worry was replaced with calm & faith - it's transformed my life!"


March 21, 2024

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Anthony Vergalito


"Cancer 100% removed, chronic back pain disappeared, tennis elbow gone, and feeling enlightened!"


March 17, 2024

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Mary McIntosh


I came to the Scalar Lounge in Brisbane with very sore and painful joints, lots of inflammation in my body and feeling very unwell. After my first two hour session in the Scalar Lounge the pain in my back disappeared. I now have had a total of six hours in the Scalar Lounge and feel amazed at the improvement in my body. I’m excited about my results and eagerly looking forward to continuing my sessions. Vivienne has been a great help and I feel so comfortable going there.


August 12, 2024

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Ena Bergmans


I visited Scalar Lounge in Wooloowin and had a 2 hour session there. It's a beautiful, relaxing and quiet environment. I disappeared very quickly in a meditative state. It feels wonderful and very relaxing. I just try to stay as healthy as possible. I have been using an Oura Ring & out of 100 I generally had a result around 75, sometimes early 80. After using the EESystem it now shows up from 85 to 92.
I have also been wearing an HFA mini for years. It's copper that turns dark during negative times. Very surprisingly the HFA mini turned a golden colour, then the next day a beautiful pink & golden again. I have never seen that before! Thank you so much for bringing the EES to Brisbane!


August 12, 2024

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Meike Rueppel


Heute war mein 2ter Besuch in Linnich (12 Std.), vor 2 Wochen meine erste Einheit mit 4 Std. Etwas zu beschreiben, wo unser Verstand beschränkt wurde, ist eine Herausforderung. Wir dürfen ins Fühlen kommen, uns Zeit für uns nehmen. Gabriela und Edgar ermöglichen mir dies auf eine einmalige und wunderbare Art. Ich "arbeite" im Vertrieb und als Empath ist die heutige Welt eine Herausforderung. Zum heutigen Zeitpunkt kann ich sagen, dass an diesem Ort meine Akkus wieder aufgeladen werden, ich wieder durchatmen kann und zu mir komme. Zudem darf ich feststellen, dass mein Unterleibsziehen weg ist und meine Periode vom zweiwöchigen Rhythmus sich scheinbar reguliert. Ich bin unendlich dankbar!


August 11, 2024

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