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Jon B.


Started research of EE a year ago. My wife and I go almost weekly. For me, the center is very relaxing and energizing. After a 2 hour yesterday. In the middle of the night, I was very energized. I feel that energy is placed in my body. I also feel energy concentration in hips. I know, long term this is a great tool to assist my body. Love it !

May 24, 2024

Healing Waters Health Center


12-unit EESystem

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Kim Stasik


I heard about the Scalar Room from some friends. My sister was visiting and has MS so I thought why not try? I was not quite skeptical but also not sure about what to expect. My experience was AMAZING. My sister's experience was AMAZING. I walked out after 3 hours feeling like I was aglow. I felt calm, energetic, and free of aches and pains. I typically have a problem sitting still. I actually lost time while I was relaxing. My sister's experience was the same. She felt the best she has felt in years, so much so that she began to look for Scalar wave locations in her area. I was so pleasantly surprised that I have passed the word on to everyone I meet. Highly recommend!

May 21, 2024

Maui Scalar Room


16-unit EESystem

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Terry Flower


My healing experience with Quantum Renewal has been nothing short of awesome! I have been plagued with the Rosacea parasite for years and tried everything to rid myself of it but three hours in the Center totally eliminated it. I never expected that. It's just gone.
In addition, I had many muscle issues disappear. In each case I felt pain where the issue was and it gradually faded away as I sat there. My elbow, my toe, my fingers, my neck. Those areas have improved a lot.
I've been twice now and each time I needed the detox bath afterward for two days in a row. That is really good healing.

May 18, 2024

Quantum Renewal


12-unit EESystem

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Keryn Mitchell


Chronic pain from fibromyalgia & osteoarthritis especially my left hip. R. Shoulder. Feet. Hands. Immune disease flair. Crohns disease. Chronic fatigue. Long covid. Epstein Barr. Very sensitive. Upon sitting in the chair I felt the frequency throughout my whole body. After half hr I experienced slightly intense pain in all areas then it decreased and went....completely. After the 2hrs I walked out in No Pain. I had energy like I haven't had most of my life. The frequency energy still lasts now 3 weeks later.

May 16, 2024

Holistic Healing Coffs Coast


12-unit EESystem

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Debbie Marks


I have a polycystic Kidney Disease & chronic Kidney Disease. In 2021, I got COVID, since then, my kidney function has been gradually declining and the cysts on my kidneys have been growing making my kidneys more than double their size. In January of 2024, my test numbers really hit a real low. My kidney function was at 20%, my creatine was 2.53 and my bun level was 81. I did 4 (2) hr sessions and had my blood drawn again and my kidney function was up 29%, my creatine is now 1.86 and my bun level is 53. I am also optimistic that some of the cysts on my kidneys will shrink. Thanks to Best of me Scalar Wave Center. Without this technology I would have to go on dialysis in 6 months.

May 13, 2024

Best of Me Scalar Wave Center


24-unit EESystem

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Hans Horst K.


My 98 year old father visited this EEC in Linnich, Germany an on recommandation twice. After the first visit his energy levels immediatly where very high and he danced in the room, after 2h of treatment. Home again he red the 20 page brochüre , we could buy in the center. Despite he never left his home for more than 2h he wanted to go again. I took a photo of him before and after the treatment and gave permission to Gabriela, the owner to use it. The difference could not be greater!! He looked happy and more than 10 !!!! years younger. His eyes where glowing fill of happiness and his face mirrored a big smile. He wants to come back soon.

May 24, 2024

Light Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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Shweta U.


I had one session and immediately felt so much better. I came seeking healing for a chronic cough and body aches, and I felt significant improvement even after just one session. I'm really looking forward to more sessions.

May 21, 2024

Wellness Visions


24-unit EESystem

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Donna Mower


Experiencing the Energy Enhancement System (EES) is life changing! This could be the fountain of youth. Here are the benefits to my health since using the EES:

Results at first visit (and every visit):

• Dry eye relief
• Brighter/whiter eyes
• Glowing skin

After four months (@ 2-hour sessions once per week):

• Eliminated inflammation
• Softer skin
• Hydrated face
• Reduced wrinkles
• Reduced/eliminated age spots
• Healthy nails

Additionally, my dog was having a hard time walking and was returned to vitality after an overnight stay.

Thank you to Pam and the team at the Regeneration Station of Pensacola, FL for this wonderful experience!

May 18, 2024

Regeneration Station


16-unit EESystem

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Jennifer Loughran


We are so fortunate to have Dr. Carolin & Meg in our lives and I am forever grateful to them for getting my daughter a quantum session so quickly! My daughter was experiencing uncomfortable belly pain for several days after playing outside with friends with no other symptoms. She wasn’t eating or drinking enough and didn’t have any energy to play. After visiting an ER and getting no answers Dr Carolin and Meg graciously made a 2 hour session available to her! After that and a detox bath she was feeling better and eating and drinking with her normal appetite! Literally right after the session it was truly miraculous!! The system is a definite healer!!

May 16, 2024

Quantum Renewal


12-unit EESystem

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Winkay Reed


We are so encouraged and excited to discover our healing place! It has healed my husband’s arthritis of 30+ years! Also benefitted a stomach issue I have had after a salmonella infection. When we took our 15 year old Yorke in, he turned into a puppy again. We feel so thankful and blessed!

May 13, 2024

EESystem Healing Center of Bastrop


24-unit EESystem

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Ann W.


As a senior I'm dealing with several age-related issues. I visit the EES in Centerville once a week since they opened last fall and have seen a big increase in my energy levels and I'm sleeping much better. My doctor has noted a dramatic improvement in my liver function which he can't explain; I'm convinced it's the EE System! The people at EEE are friendly, helpful and professional, and their center is a welcoming and comfortable environment.

May 22, 2024

Energy Enhancement Experience


24-unit EESystem

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Sue S.


After an allergic reaction to an unknown food allergy, I decide to go sit in the healing room at healthy body. My face was so swollen that my eyes were slits, I was also very itchy. I didn't want to take the oral steroids that I was prescribed. I sat in the room for three hours and had ice packs on my face.
That evening the swelling was down considerably. The next morning I looked human again. That room is just amazing! I will continue to go back, I highly recommend it!

May 20, 2024

Healthy Body Healthy Soul


24-unit EESystem

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Marilyn R.


Dealing with an auto-immune disease I've been dealing with many issues. After 20 hours my doctor dropped my thyroid medication from 60.5mg (of 12 years) to 15mg. Also my lung capacity increased and my heart rate normalized during my cardio sessions. After 30 hours I no longer needed to be on bio-identical estrogen as my estrogen levels normalized. And after about 50 hours my chronic constipation of 30+ years disappeared and I am now regular every morning. My abnormal antibodies have consistently been dropping/healing since I started this EES journey. When my labs come back with 100% normal antibodies (hopefully soon) I will continue using this system as preventative.

May 16, 2024

Infinity Energetics


32-unit EESystem

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Ik had vernomen over Medbeds en op dag kwam dit onder mijn aandacht. Heb mij er in verdiept en was nieuwsgierig geworden. Samen met 2 vriendinnen zijn we naar Rebalance gegaan in Amstelveen. We zijn zeer vriendelijk ontvangen door Morgan en zijn vrouw Sara. Eenmaal in de ruimte hebben we een heerlijke rust ervaren. We hadden geen lichamelijke klachten maar ik voel me nu na 2 dagen anders. Kan de vinger er alleen niet op leggen. Ik voel de behoefte om nog een keer te gaan om de vinger er wel op te kunnen leggen wat het nu is wat ik voel.

May 13, 2024

Rebalance Energy Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Elizabeth Harris


I came for over all health & wellness. The Energy Infusion Room in St. Charles Mo, had 24 panels in Nov. 2023, the first time I came. A friend & I did an overnight session. I slept very well. I felt energized, yet peaceful with more clarity of mind. Less pain, over all beneficial. I went back in April 2024. They now have 48 panels. Again did an overnight session. I had some tingling in my hands & feet. My hands turned into cramping & pain, as well as my legs. I got up & walked around some. Went back to bed but, did not sleep at all. The week after had charliehorses in my legs, especially at night. And my hands ached. I dont feel the 48 panels worked well for me!

May 11, 2024

Energy Infusion Room


48-unit EESystem

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