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Elizabeth Harris


Went with friends. We were there all afternoon & through the night. Myself overall wellness. I got more Energy, less muscle pain, clarity mind. My friend has MS, hardly sleeps, brain trauma, many things. She slept like a rock, woke up energized, more clarity of mind, less pain. The following week, more of the same. Her son 21 yrs. old, Autism. Chronic sinusitis. After about 4 hours his breathing was clearing. He got really happy & relaxed. Fingers & Toes tingled, in a good way. He slept in the same position all night, no snoring, clear breathing. Week following, more energy, happy, clarity of mind, breathing better. Really enjoyed atmosphere, very home like, comfortable & friendly.

May 11, 2024

Energy Infusion Center


16-unit EESystem

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Annette Hoegner


So far I have had 2 sessions and I love it!
I feel so relaxed when I leave then after a couple of hours I am full of energy, it's like a full body reset. I highly recommend trying it out for yourself!

May 1, 2024

Enhanced Energy Wellness


8-unit EESystem

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Mary Urso


My husband recently has had 2 strokes and heart surgery with facial drooping. After our first 2 hour session, he is more clear and has more energy. I see improvement with his droopy eye and when we came home he slept the deepest in months. We’ll be getting more sessions because no therapy we’ve had has made him feel this much control of his body. Finally something that helps!
Thank you so much!

May 1, 2024

Enhanced Energy Wellness


8-unit EESystem

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Linda Hayes


I have had 10 hrs in the room. After the first 2 hours, I noticed my neuropathy pain is gone!!
I have a lot of energy that lasts for almost a week. Angela and Mike, the owners, are caring and kind. I feel really blessed to have met them. I highly recommend you give it a try.

May 1, 2024

Enhanced Energy Wellness


8-unit EESystem

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Caryl Peck


I love the Enhanced Energy Wellness center.
I can finally sleep through the night. I used to have to get up 3 or 4 times a night to urinate. My Bladder issues are finally gone.
Thanks to Enhanced Energy Wellness.
God Bless Angela and Mike.

May 1, 2024

Enhanced Energy Wellness


8-unit EESystem

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Cathleen Caiola Beerkens


I was so fortunate to have the experience of learning about this center run by two very qualified and wonderful owners, Elyse and Evelyn. They really spent a lot of time with me and genuinely cared for my wellbeing. The EESystem is becoming more well known in the US and around the world as helping to detoxify the body and initiate the bodies own healing ability to rebalance itself. When I go there I feel rejuvenated and I am convinced it helps my heal.

May 3, 2024

Flowmotion Energy Center


8-unit EESystem

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Evelyn Hernandez


Amazing!! Upon arriving, I walked upstairs (instead of taking the elevator). My left knee was hurting as I walked up and after an hour session, I decided to test out my knee by walking up and down the stairs and it no longer hurt and ever since that day I have no longer had any type of problem with my knee as I climb up stairs. Truly amazing!
Everybody MUST not pass up an experience like this. Thank you so much for bringing this to our Neighborhood. Truly life changing for me.

May 1, 2024

Enhanced Energy Wellness


8-unit EESystem

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Corie MaueCorie Maue


I have long been in the health and wellness space, and I was very impressed with my experience with Enhanced Energy Wellness. Angela gave me a great preview of what to expect and good instructions on how to prepare, what to bring, etc. The session itself was very relaxing and comfortable. I had a bit of a detox-y feeling later that afternoon, but felt better after taking the detox bath as she advised. I slept great and woke up refreshed. I had good, calm energy throughout the day and found my appetite was diminished in a positive way. I typically feel low-key starving all day, and simply did not have any cravings or big blood sugar dips.

May 1, 2024

Enhanced Energy Wellness


8-unit EESystem

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Vickie Barton


The experience I've had at Enhanced Energy Wellness is phenomenal. I didn't know what to expect. I attended the grand opening (August 2023) & spent 2 hours in the room. I felt good things occurring at various times in different parts of my body (my elbows, wrists, stomach, heart, and in my brain, etc.) Not sure exactly how to describe it. ALL GOOD!!!! Been back to three 1-hour sessions. Always leave feeling at peace, calm, and with "looser joints". Will return for sure!

May 1, 2024

Enhanced Energy Wellness


8-unit EESystem

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Rick Salcedo


Loved it! Felt so much peace - I fell asleep and woke up feeling wonderful. Can't really explain it but it does make you feel great. Give it a try!

May 1, 2024

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Bernadette Rijnders


All my life allergic to cat hair. Sneezing, watery eyes and shortness of breath. After three 2-hour sessions in the Energy room at Rebalance Energy in Amstelveen, it turned out that I was surrounded by two cats for five hours, with one even on my lap, and had virtually no reaction anymore. I will definitely go back to be able to handle it 100%.

May 3, 2024

Rebalance Energy Centre


24-unit EESystem

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John O'Brien


Very welcoming atmosphere! Angela makes sure your visit is as comfortable as possible & they offer generous discounts. Overall, I feel better after each session.
Normally, it’s hard for me to quiet my brain, but I notice within 15 minutes, I’m asleep and wake up feeling rejuvenated with energy allowing me to tackle projects.
I also noticed more creativity, better memory recall & focus.
During 1 visit, I was recovering from a sinus infection and after just 2 hours in the room, it completely cleared up!
My chronic back pain is non-existent while in the room & improves with each session.
I feel happier and better able to cope with stress.
My blood profile is also back to normal!

May 1, 2024

Enhanced Energy Wellness


8-unit EESystem

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Gayle Nyberg


After just 2 two-hour sessions, my hair has stopped falling out. I find that astonishing! On top of that, I now see hair starting to grow back in a bald spot! In just a few weeks, my hair feels thicker. I can only imagine what kind of good things are happening inside my body.

May 1, 2024

Enhanced Energy Wellness


8-unit EESystem

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Peter Parra


I don't ever post/comment on a business. But Enhanced Energy Wellness has made a Big difference in my daily life. I've had a couple sessions and the pain & discomfort in my feet, ankles & knees has dissipated tremendously.
I highly recommend it. Can't wait to get my Mom here from AZ & take her in for treatment. The treatment is amazing & so are Angela & Michael!!

May 1, 2024

Enhanced Energy Wellness


8-unit EESystem

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Patsy Reeme


6 mos. ago, my cardiologist said my heart valve, implanted in 2005, was so damaged that I may need another open heart surgery. I'm often short of breath, lack energy, have distressing palpitations and high BP. In 12/23 I also got shingles.

Mid 12/23 Mobius BioEnergy opened. After my 1st visit I left with NO shingles pain! I have been going every week since.

At my 6-month cardiologist appt my Dr. told me he hadn't seen my heart in such good shape in a very long time. My echo was normal, few palpitations, BP great. He said "As your doctor, all I can say is to keep doing what you're doing because it's working!" I am so grateful for the EESystem! Patsy

May 1, 2024

Mobius Bioenergy


24-unit EESystem

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