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Daniel Gallegos


I highly recommend Enhanced Energy Wellness. From the moment I stepped into their welcoming facility, I was greeted with warmth and kindness.

I am delighted to share that the results of my scalar field therapy sessions have been nothing short of remarkable.

Not only have I experienced a significant boost in my energy levels, but I have also noticed a remarkable improvement in my mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Enhanced Energy Wellness has truly enhanced my overall quality of life.

I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone seeking a natural and effective approach to holistic wellness.

May 1, 2024

Enhanced Energy Wellness


8-unit EESystem

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Beth Dietrich


1st time writing a testimonial. I had come to a free seminar demonstrating the EES System.
I have arthritis in my knees. It makes it difficult to walk and step up and down. I was there for 1 hour, and when I left, I noticed no pain climbing the stairs to leave the building. I figured that it would return, but 2 weeks later the stiffness and the pain has not returned. The swelling has not returned either.
Thank you.
Beth Dietrich

April 27, 2024

Infinite Energy of Allentown


12-unit EESystem

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Jose van Deudekom


I visited the center because I had severe problems in my body. So much problems that I thought that my life was almost ending soon. I went in for 2 hours. I felt tinglings especially in my hands and feet and a flow all over my body. The next morning I experienced that the tension in my body was disappeared. No headdeck when waking up. More energy. Could instantly quit pain medication without withdrawal symptoms. Back pain gone. Fluid in my operated knee (placed prothese) gone. Oxygen level was 89-92% for years!! now 99% . Wow Wow Wow

April 22, 2024

Rebalance Energy Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Christine Cowin


Wow! My second sleepover and another amazing experience. I felt a lot of joy and happiness. Highly recommend this energy healing. Thank you, Deb and Robyn for offering us this amazing healing opportunity.

April 18, 2024

Whole Self Healing


12-unit EESystem

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I heard about the energy meditation center and decided to check it out, made my appointment for me and my mom. the hostess Hannah very kind and sweet lady gave us our instructions and when we went in after 3 hours I must say I felt very very relaxed and at peace the pain in my arm that I had when I arrived had subsided down to I could barely feel it anything I'm a message therapist so it's important for me to beable to do my work, also my mom had knee pain and back pain that she's had for years. when we were finished she felt she could walk better she felt less pain also she was very energized and she was in a calmer mood .so my take away from this experience is, Very good will return .

April 8, 2024

Light Energy Meditation Center


36-unit EESystem

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I have been working with EE since summer 2023 in NYC and I recently visited Energy Enhancement Experience in Dayton. It was the first time I was in a 24 unit EESystem. I have been working to reduce a uterine fibroid and have made significant headway. But after the 24 unit visit I felt significantly different and another reduction in the fibroid size. EE works even for complex issues. I was so surprised I had to ask them what were the settings on their units and it was the standard setting. My experience has been incredible with EE and the staff was amazing. I highly recommend EE as there are so many benefits.

April 29, 2024

Energy Enhancement Experience


24-unit EESystem

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Catrina Hartz


I love this place! It is Amazing. I have Benign Multiple Sclerosis for 25 yrs, I don't take meds. But I have had 27 hrs of the EE system and it helps me with my energy and my feet are getting better. I feel the energy on my body, it is so cool! I get excited whenever I can get here for 2 hrs at a time , or a sleepover for 12 hrs. You will experience anything like it.

April 26, 2024

Aurora Healing Ministry Relax N Recharge


48-unit EESystem

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My experience with Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion
I was having major issues with my eye, tearing, red spots and white lines interfering with my vision. In September 2023 my Ophthalmologist scheduled eye surgery for January 17 2024, this was very scary for me.

A very close friend had suggested using the EE system medallion which are very good (especially) for vision. I was wearing the medallion that was sewn into an eye mask for 2 months every night prior to my eye surgery.

Upon arriving at my surgery appointment I was prepped, when I was brought into talk to the doctor I was told that the surgery was no longer needed. I was so happy, nothing short of a miracle. EE system

April 22, 2024

Waters Edge Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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I have a serious lung condition since 9/11 ( we were next to the towers). I went in March 2024 to the center in Bozeman for 5 hours to help my condition and it got improved by 50%!!!! I will be back this April or May 2024 for 5 more hours. Will post all results after the session. But I feel renewed and immensely grateful....

April 12, 2024

Energy Big Sky


24-unit EESystem

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Tanya Roman


I visited Ascended Wellness because it has 40 EE Scaler units and I wanted to immerse my body into this healthier environment that would enable me to enter a total state of functional possibilities.

One thing that I suffered with for several years was peripheral neuropathy in the soles of both feet. They were so numb that having to catch my balance to keep from ‘tipping over’ had become a normal occurrence.

As a result after several 4 hour sessions at Ascended Wellness I noticed this numbness was vanishing.

I currently have left only a very slight, not bothersome, tingling underneath the ends of four toes on both feet.

April 4, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Alexandra L.


I am a high performance athlete. After my overnight session on Friday I had an incredible training session on the Sunday. What I noticed is that my body didn’t not fatigue as quickly when doing my speed work. I found I was able to keep my power wattage up for longer.

Others also commented on how they didn’t know it was me powering down the lane. I had also had 2 big weeks of training so I wasn’t really that rested either going into this training session.

April 29, 2024

Vital Body Wellness Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Brigitte Fotsch


I wanted to be in balance with my body and mind and improve my health situation with diabetes ||. So far, I was 3times there for 8 hours. My sleeping improved, I feel much better, a feeling that never showed up as a pain showed up after one session in my upper leg out of a sudden and was hurting for about 3 days and then gone. I feel more aligned and in balance, more with me. The experience in center is awesome, so caring and helpful.

April 22, 2024



24-unit EESystem

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It was an interesting experience. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Everything was explained to us on arrival. I went into a very deep meditative sleep once in the room where we were exposed to the energy field. On completion I didn’t feel any different but the next day I felt lighter, my thinking was clearer & I slept really well.

April 22, 2024

Scalar Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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Heidy Miner


My teenage daughter has struggled for many years with stuffy nose and allergies. She blows her nose continually. We went for a full night session at Regeneration Station. The next day, she blew her nose only once during the whole day! She mentioned feeling happier and in better mood. We are planning to do more sessions hopefully it will completely help my daughter to heal her sinuses and allergy issues. We are feeling very thankful and hopeful. I am glad that this place exists!

April 10, 2024

Regeneration Station


16-unit EESystem

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Paula Travelbee


I have had 5- 2 hour EE sessions at this Center in the last 2 months. I was suffering when I began them from 3 years of severe leg Lymphedema, Lyme disease, and several types of blood paracytes that manifested out through my skin on my arms, back, and legs. All these diseases were incurred from a vaccine I received March, 2021.
I am very thrilled and happy to be able to say I no longer have any of them. The Lymphedema, I was told I would have the rest of my life, as there is no cure. THANK YOU to everyone involved in making these EE Systems available to more and more people.
And God Bless Sandra Rose Michael.

April 2, 2024

ReGenerate Wellness Center


12-unit EESystem

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