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Kathryn Ring


I was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer September 5, 2022. I learned about the EES and started to go to the Mt. Pleasant center. As soon as Quantum Energy Therapy opened in Traverse City MI, I switched because it saved me hours in driving.
This system has helped me in many ways, most importantly my cancer is disappearing!! My body is able to fight it!
After my first 70hrs, I no longer have any food allergies! I had been very allergic to wheat, soy and dairy for over 10 years, I can now eat any of those things and have no reactions! My hair is turning from grey to dark brown! I feel like I'm getting back to normal! Thank you Quantum Energy Therapy for bringing the EES to TC!!!!!

April 1, 2024

Quantum Energy Therapy


20-unit EESystem

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Dale Erwin


I experienced the EES twice now and both times it has been extremely restful, puts me in a parasympathetic state. I have been experiencing detox symptoms which is great as that is what I am needing. Debra is just divine, so calm and gentle, knowledgeable and supportive.

March 28, 2024

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Debra Marvin


My main reason for visiting is to help with grief after my son died 11/11/22. I’m using the system in conjunction with seeing practitioners for anxiety and stomach distress as well. I have found the EE System to be very calming, yet energizing. I like the morning sessions to start my day. Overall very glad to have found this modality.

March 26, 2024

Healing Waters Health Center


12-unit EESystem

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Symone Tomlinson Taylor


I recently visited Gulf Coast with some apprehension due to persistent knee pain. Little did I know that this would turn out to be an outstanding experience!
From the moment I stepped in, I was impressed by how the staff took the time to listen to my concerns and understand my specific situation. Their expertise was evident as they guided me through the process.
And then there’s Peggy Coppola, the owner. Her passion for helping people shines through. She not only provided personalized attention but also shared valuable insights about managing pain.
Despite my initial uncertainty, the results were remarkable. Since my visit, I’ve been pain free in my knee.

March 23, 2024

Gulf Coast Energy Spa


16-unit EESystem

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I just want you to know that I really enjoyed the sound healing and being in the EESystem once again. After about an hour my body started relaxing and I felt like the core me again. I'm still buzzing and much happier than I was when I walked in. Joy and balance restored. When I came home I realized I need to do something to improve the energy in my home. Thank you lovely people for your amazing gifts. Gifting me the painting was truly heartfelt. It means more to me than you will ever realize! ♥️

March 22, 2024

Harmonic Health Club


8-unit EESystem

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Darnel P.


I have been experiencing serious pain in my lower back, hip and hamstring left side since 2008 due to a buckled spine and spinal stenosis. I spent several nights in the system at Gemini Wellness Centre and have had really wonderful results, the pain has decreased by about 80% and I am very appreciative for this amazing healing technology.

March 30, 2024

Gemini Wellness Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Christine Cowin


Wow! This session was an amazing experience I have had three sessions at Deb's healing centre, and I felt I am getting results. But last night I had a sleep over for 10 hours. I had awakened every 1 to 1.5 hours but I was so happy. It was an energetic experience. During this sleep over; I had an amazing dream; around 2 to 3 am, it was so vivid, like I was actually there. I was travelling around to different communities and meeting different groups of people, we all had our own Mascots. At the last outdoor met up; I met a lady with the most beautiful Gold, coloured head cover. The golden colour was not of this world. I was in awe of her head cover's; colour. I highly recommend, EESystem.

March 28, 2024

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Lou F.


My body felt like it was vibrating with energy. I felt wonderful. I was able to move around more than I had in years. I felt happy and energized. I’ll be back with my family. Thank you for all you do!

March 26, 2024

Harmonic Health Club


8-unit EESystem

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Maria Coward


Tara’s 48 unit center is just what I needed - I had been feeling out of balance and mentally splintered when I went in. I invested in an overnight visit + a comprehensive HRV scan, which uses Heart Rate Variability scanning to assess the well-being of several areas, including brain, spine, chakras, and more. The energy and intention Tara brings is beyond words and I highly recommend getting yourself to her center.

March 23, 2024

Aurora Healing Ministry Relax N Recharge


48-unit EESystem

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Diane Gingerich


During my appointment I felt my lungs and heart tingle. I also felt the nerves in my postoperative arm and wrist. I believe the session helped healing from my carpal tunnel surgery. I would recommend these sessions to anyone recovering trauma.

March 22, 2024

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Rosa Gutierrez


I completed my 13, over-night sessions earlier this month at Ascended Wellness in Norco, CA. The main reason for going to the center was to find relief for my Rheumatoid Arthritis. I was diagnosed 19 years ago. In the last 2 years the inflammation & excruciating pain especially in my hands, feet & ankles, had become unbearable. I struggled getting out of bed, dressing, bathing, holding my hairbrush or wringing a dishrag. After my 4th session, the pain & inflammation were reduced by about 75%! I can now make a fist, hold a coffee cup & get dressed in less than 20 minutes. There is healing taking place in my digestive system. The emotional & mental relief are just as profound. I am HOPEFUL!

March 29, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Abby Robertson


I was very depressed as a result of a recent surgery that left me with agonizing nerve pain and drop foot. I was seeking a way to get out of my funk and the ad for Quantum Renewal caught my eye and I signed up and went the next day. I was skeptic at first but after my two hours in the environment, I actually felt renewed. I was happier than I had been in months. My clarity and energy

March 26, 2024

Quantum Renewal


12-unit EESystem

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Tierra M.


I’ve had knee pain for years. The next day my knee felt GREAT! I slept so well that night and had a joyful and happy feeling. My feet also felt so good. Thank you! I highly recommend!

March 26, 2024

Harmonic Health Club


8-unit EESystem

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My ankle is feeling well - a lot better than it had. Oh my gosh - & I slept so incredibly well Tuesday night! Woke up Wednesday feeling amazing! Thank you so much!

March 22, 2024

Harmonic Health Club


8-unit EESystem

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Thank you again for getting us in a couple of days ago! My wife was extremely tired all day yesterday and had a palpable swollen lymph node on the left side of her neck that was pretty sore, but woke up today and that had gone down and she felt great today. My daughters ankle is healing quickly and feeling pretty good and my son and I both felt energized. Appreciate again getting us in!

March 22, 2024

Harmonic Health Club


8-unit EESystem

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