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Joerg Christian Mueller


I spent 2 hours with 3 friends in the Energy-Light-Center in Linnich, Germany. We all felt the beautiful energy immediately, but the one who had the most pain was just overwhelmed: He could quickly fall asleep, which is rarely the case. After getting up, his knee pains were gone, his shoulder pain was gone, back pain was gone, the flashes in his right eye were gone, the constant cough he had was much less, his upset digestion was again in order. The 3h-drive home he was much more concentrated than for a long time, and he took a salt-bath to detox. His body was responding a bit harshly. The detoxing resulted in vomiting 3 times... yet he felt even better afterwards. He is determined to return.

March 2, 2024

Light Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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Mike M.


I was elated to find a center that was relatively located in San Gabriel Valley. The room was perfect for one person or even a couple. The owner also caters to cats, if interested. The room itself is spacious, calm, and a zero-gravity chair is available, along with a sofa. I did a two- hours session and felt full of energy and relieved afterwards. Christina is a welcoming host and makes your feel at home. I plan on visiting this location again.

March 2, 2024

The Bodega Cat Healing Center


4-unit EESystem

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Beverley B.


I feel so much better since having the EES sessions, it really kicked in after a a few 2 hour sessions and after a few sessions it gets better all the time. Especially after the regression session also. Having done 10 hours I feel I have more energy and much calmer. I really enjoyed working with Johanna and Cheryl, Johanna is very accommodating with times, friendly, intuitive and a very good listener.

February 28, 2024

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Rhonda D.


I was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma.
My son-in-law and my daughter helped me get in there because I could barely walk on my own. Right away, I noticed a difference, actually in a couple of days of being there, because I stayed for 30 nights straight in the center once I knew it was working. Within a couple of days of the first few times I was in there, I was able to walk better. I could feel it working every time in the areas that needed attention. They told me I was in remission when I went to have the follow-up for the PET scan. From the time I started there until I got the PET scan was about four and a half months.

February 26, 2024

Staying Aliive Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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My mother and I visited the center in Hickory, NC, USA. Our Experience Was Absolutely Amazing. The center was very welcoming and the Owner "Tracey" is Amazing! My focus was to improve my over health, energy and heal my body.
In 2012/13 I flatlined 9x from a heart condition (SVT). My energy, sleep & balance have been off ever since that time 10 yrs ago. We stayed for 2hrs I meditated while mom slept. During the session both my legs started to heat up and I had an amazing meditative experience (beautiful colors appeared) first time ever. After the session I notice my energy was better, sleep, balance and fasting 18/20hr daily is easier...I'm sold on the technology and Tracey's Beautiful Center!

February 22, 2024

The Remedy: Wellness with Heart


12-unit EESystem

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Shannon Baker


53 hours in the EESystem room over 5 weeks so far and my blood sugar is down an average of 52 points. That is huge, and just WOW. How does one say thank you to Dr. Sandra Michaels and the owners Inge, Leasel and their staff Sam and Stephanie. I mean they truly care about helping others. My husband & I both work full time & drive 6 hours round trip and it is so worth it. We both feel so much better. This is something we will do for the rest of our lives. It’s like re-booting a computer. Doing this now rather than when we are sick? Absolutely. We each need to make time in our lives to heal and live a full life making everyday count. This system helps us do that.

March 2, 2024

EESystem Healing Center of Bastrop


24-unit EESystem

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John Jace


I visited about 2 months ago. My experience was a miracle. I had a back spasm. And tried 6 to 7 other modalities to no avail.
I went to a 2 hour EES session, after this amazing relaxing session my back was completely healed. I would highly recommend this modality at EES Bastrop. Wonderful staff.
Best JohnJace

March 2, 2024

EESystem Healing Center of Bastrop


24-unit EESystem

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Kathleen Fleming


I've tried everything; even multiple stem cell injections. I have a rare progressive debilitating genetic condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome; collagen defect cause ligaments & tendons to rupture spontaneously, vessels weaken...every organ, joint, everything is affected. I did an overnighter & WOW! This is beyond hope; it really works. My vision sharpness came back & the black hazy covering lifted. My mind is sharper. Before, if I went out, I'd be totally distracted by pain. Now, I can enjoy just being with friends. That hasn't happened in decades. Pain kept me from living; I had become a hermit that couldn't function. I'd break teeth because of pain. No more. What a Life Changer

February 28, 2024

Regeneration Station


16-unit EESystem

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Beverly Millett


I have been to the center a few times and I love the ambiance and Mike and his wife are perfect hosts. I am on a healing journey and I do believe that this modality will be key to my complete recovery so I will continue to visit.

February 26, 2024

Innergy.Life - Houston


24-unit EESystem

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Esther Henderson


I had a beautiful and healing Expirience at the frequency room. I arrived with severe tooth and gum pain after a treatment that was rejected by my body. I was in such pain for 2 whole weeks, praying for a Miracle. I heard about the eesystem and had an instinct that it’s right for me. I even thought to fly to the USA just for healing my teeth. I reached out and was so surprised they referred me to the eesystem in israel! I arrived with so much pain and had an instant relief. After 2 hours i wasn’t in pain anymore and was able to sleep. I went again that week to boost the effect and thank G-D never had that pain come back.
Thank you so much! I feel this healing system is such a gift!

February 22, 2024

Light Energy Meditation Center


36-unit EESystem

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Viki Messina


3 weeks ago there were 2 spots on one of my breasts discovered by ultrasound.
Last week I decided to have a biopsy. Within the first discovery and the time of the biopsy the spots were smaller.
I realized that I had a total of 6 hrs in the wave room prior to the biopsy. That has made all the difference.
Thank you Quantum Healing!!!!!

March 2, 2024

Quantum Healing and Wellness - Bedford Hills


24-unit EESystem

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Kathleen Fleming


Overnight with my service dog in training after a bloody acute pancreatitis. This 75# 8 month Doberman puppy has HOD, an inflammatory issue of the growth plates and can affects organs. He was smart at 8 weeks old; not so much as he aged. Results were AMAZING. He's healthier by far than he's ever been. He has the energy to go all day, in high gear. He now notices details like my neighbors flag waving,
& his sense of smell now works! And his training; he's now always on task & easy! His & my life will be changed because of this. Thanks!

February 28, 2024

Regeneration Station


16-unit EESystem

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Spent a Saturday night in the EE room with my girlfriend and her mother. The next morning we all woke up rejuvenated with a ton of new energy, especially, my girlfriend's mother, who is turning 90 in a couple of weeks. We came in from Houston and had a 5 hour drive home and she stayed awake talking the whole time. She never stays awake that long in the car. Her energy level has been through the roof since our session. We look forward to getting back for another overnight session.

February 27, 2024

Healthy Body Healthy Soul


24-unit EESystem

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Melissa Lovely


I wish everyone could experience the Energy Enhancement System. I've been diagnosed with a rare tumor on the vagus nerve which affects my throat and tongue and which makes talking, eating and swallowing difficult. After several 2 and 3 hour sessions in the EES my symptoms are at least 90% better! I am completely thankful and blessed with this improvement -- the EES is wonderful! The people at the Centerville center are so kind and courteous and I am so happy there is an EES center in Ohio. All I can say is thank GOD for the EES!

February 24, 2024

Energy Enhancement Experience


24-unit EESystem

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My son and I visited the The Remedy. I wanted to have more energy and strength. Tracey (Owner)is a wonderful person and the center has an extremely relaxing atmosphere. After the 2hr session I immediately noticed that my energy was better and that my walking had improved. In February 2023 I had open heart surgery and I attend dialysis 3x a week. It's been over week now, my energy has remained high and my walking is much better. I highly recommend visiting The Remedy in Hickory NC, I'm sold on the technology and Tracey is awesome!

February 22, 2024

The Remedy: Wellness with Heart


12-unit EESystem

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