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LuAnn Budiselic


I did a remote healing for my hubsand as he saw his Optometrist for his annual yearly visit and she asked him if he had had any floaters and he replied he had. She shared that he had a hole in his eye and wanted to schedule surgery right away. He visited the surgeon for consultation and heard he has two holes in one eye. The surgeon immediately performed surgery. Two weeks later my husband had his follow up and his eye has healed and fast! He'll continue to have follow up visits.

February 22, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Phillip Hanson


20 years a prop in rugby, 10 years surfboat rowing, 35 years driving a desk, 8 years outside work wore out shoulders, constant pain, restriction of movement, poor sleep, brain fog and low energy. At 68 was concerned for my ability to continue living my offgrid dream. Dan Holtz convinced me and after 4 sessions was waking with no shoulder pain, much more energy and feeling like my old indestructible self. Pain free time is already 3-4 days and increasing with more sessions. A complete change in life in 6 weeks. I have high expectations about my overall health's endpoint. I am deeply grateful to the inventor Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, and also to Sally for bringing EE to Geelong.

February 18, 2024

Omni Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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Ally P.


In January 2024, I found out I had stage 3C Triple-negative breast cancer. I was really scared and couldn't eat, sleep, or even get out of bed because I was so afraid of dying. Around that time, my friend told me about the EE system. During the first session, I cried a lot, but then I felt my body relax, and I peacefully fell asleep.

The first few times I used it to relax but I noticed I felt more energetic each time. I've used it for more than 20 hours, and now I feel mentally strong and full of energy. My first chemotherapy is in a week, and I'm ready to fight because I believe the EE system will help me. Thank you.

February 16, 2024

Innergy.Life - Houston


24-unit EESystem

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Daniel Gingerich


I used the center for pain management again. This was my second 2 hour visit but for a different area of pain. My lower back was extremely painful due to an old injury, any time I spend bent over working on anything causes my back to go into spasms. Once again the center was quiet and peaceful, very relaxing.
This time I had a very different experience. I had warmth radiate from my ankles to my neck and then I started to shiver. When the shiver stopped after a minute or so I fell asleep for the rest of my time. I was very relaxed when I woke up and left. On the way home I noticed my lower back was very warm and seemed to be pain free. My back has stayed pain free since. I will be back!!!!

February 14, 2024

Rocky Mountain Rejuvenation


24-unit EESystem

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Leanne James


I did have the most incredible breakthrough experience during my last Saturday scalar session. An emotional healing that I'm still feeling the rewards of.
Since then I've been a different person ❤️

February 13, 2024

Scalar Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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Julie Meidinger


I have gone to the EES 4 times, and I have seen so many wonderful things happen to my body! First, the pain in my knee is gone, my lungs feel better, and I can get more air. My blood pressure is normal, and my feet don't hurt, which is due to my diabetes. My hair is getting thicker and nails growing, and I have lost 20 pounds. Also, my toenail fungus is fading, my varicose veins are almost gone, and now when I sneeze, I don't have an oops! I have energy that I haven't had since my 30's. The last few years I've had a hard time getting things done, but since I've been at EES I am like an energizer bunny! I have accomplished so much, it's easier for me to concentrate and stay on task.

February 21, 2024

Rocky Mountain Rejuvenation


24-unit EESystem

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P. Family


I go there three times a week, and last night, our family of four had a night session with our 2 young kids. I know the EE system is amazing. But my husband, who usually doesn’t believe anything he can’t see except for God, woke up a couple of times because he is not used to sleeping in places that aren’t home. Surprisingly, he mentioned feeling peaceful and relaxed. But he didn’t sense his body recharging until he got home. Then he said, “I’m not sure because of EE system, but I feel so refreshed and energized.” I responded, “ Of course, it’s from the EE system!” : )

February 18, 2024

Innergy.Life - Houston


24-unit EESystem

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Bob Cangiano


Helen, I want to let everyone know what a wonderful experience it is to be served by you and the wonderful people at Ascended Wellness!


February 15, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Brittany Hobson


I honestly can’t believe my results. I was in a car accident five years ago that left me with severe bursitis, muscle tears and migraines. After my first session (one day later) my husband went to massage my normal trouble spot where a ball had formed in my back and he gasped and asked where it was…. It’s almost completely gone! I’ve been three times and experienced different reliefs each time but that by far was the most life changing. Before, I had been going for chiro and massage weekly or bi weekly since the car accident. I’ve only been in for one massage and one chiro session in two months (since I started ees). I rave about Gemini Wellness to everyone I know.

February 14, 2024

Gemini Wellness Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Robyn Middleton


Johanna was the perfect host, both Bruce and I went for an overnight stay. We both slept very well, Bruce had very vivid dreams. Very relaxed and energized after. We noticed our skin was very soft and still is. We would recommend the EE System for everyone, it is the future of healing no matter what the ailment and for overall good health. we will be going back for sure.

February 13, 2024

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Shannon Baker


In December 2023 I had two Meniscus tears one in each knee. After visiting a surgeon the very next day surgery was in the future. But, I wanted to try something else. Researched and found EESystems. Made a 3 hour appt. On a Saturday. Went to the center and although I was nervous fell asleep as I was in quite a bit of pain for about 5 weeks since the tears happened. Two and a half hours into our initial 3 hour session I got up and had no stabbing ice pick pain. Unbelievable as my back was also throbbing from walking funny for weeks. No back pain either. The next 3 weeks we booked overnights. With 33 hours total I am so much better. We will be going every week until our bodies tell

February 19, 2024

EESystem Healing Center of Bastrop


24-unit EESystem

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Katharine Cevallos


My husband and I did an overnight stay at Ascended Wellness. When we went in my husband had a pretty bad ear infection and was ready to see a doctor as it was getting worse. During the night it got worse with the pain and then early in the morning the pain went completely away. By the time we left the infection was gone. I am so glad we stayed overnight because judging from what he went through that night we would have been at the doctors the next morning and who knows what drugs and ear drops he would have had to take and how long it would have taken to clear up. We love all the staff and the environment!

February 17, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Julie Kneafsey


I first heard about EESystem from a friend. I did some research but to be honest still don't grasp all the science behind it but I decided to go with her to see for myself. I was hoping to feel some relief from my joint pain & anxiety. I went with an open mind but slightly skeptical. Our 4 hour session flew by and was so lovely and relaxing. I felt lighter and had less anxiety and joint stiffness for weeks after. I just went for another 4 hour session because my stomach was bothering me. I could actually feel it tingling a bit while I was there and the swelling has gone down considerably. Again, I can't say how it works, just that it does! It's truly amazing!

February 14, 2024

Rocky Mountain Rejuvenation


24-unit EESystem

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Kelly Grimes


I started going to Elevated Wellness and Rejuvenation about 3 months ago to help with some cognitive and pain issues due to a TBI. From my first visit I pretty quickly felt a sense of peace and yet energized at the same time. In the past months my family, Friends and my Doctors have noticed improvements in my speech and other cognitive functions. It is hard for me to explain but the improvement on body pains and migraines also from the brain injury continue to improve each time I go to a EE session. And Ronnie and Amanda are so kind and welcoming and also really so knowledgeable and helpful. I can’t recommend this enough.

February 13, 2024

Rocky Mountain Rejuvenation


24-unit EESystem

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Danielle-France Laplace Spence


First try of Energy Enhancement EE healing. A beautiful experience of being in the moment for a while: no sensation, no emotion, no feeling, no thinking, just and simply being. Thank you.

February 11, 2024

Omni Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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