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Denise Gianoutsos


Just finished my second overnight this week. Hard to describe the calm and peacefulness I get after, especially an overnight. I can feel my body healing in so many ways mentally and physically.
Going back to my very first visit about a year ago, within 45 min., I started coughing and couldn't stop. I stepped outside so not to bother anyone that was there. The cough persisted for about 5 min. I had noticed the last couple yrs. my lungs felt kind of heavy when breathing, especially after having that 'flu'. Anyway...after that coughing spell, I felt a clearing in my lungs and I could breath better then ever. Since then my lungs/breathing have never been better. Sincerely Grateful.

February 10, 2024

Aurora Healing Ministry Relax N Recharge


48-unit EESystem

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Marcel Gosselin


First time visit to an EESystem, it took about 20 minutes for me to relax and then I felt a calming and energizing feeling at the same time. Two days later I notice I was no longer having sciatica and back pain and small muscular pains in the shoulder, fingers and arm had all disappeared. Furthermore I had been having dizzy spells when I turned on my right side at night, those disappeared also. I am quite impressed overall and will continue visiting this centre until I go back to Canada at the end of high season.

February 8, 2024

Riviera Nayarit Energy Renewal Oasis


16-unit EESystem

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Gwen McFarlane


I have a 14 year old American Eskimo cross dog with severe arthritis, thyroid, collapsed trachea, elbow displaysia and skin issues. I charged jugs of water in the EE system overnight, hoping it would help him. Well, he is now acting like a puppy and I swear his twisted right back leg is straightening up. I am beyond grateful!

February 5, 2024

Infinite Vitality


24-unit EESystem

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A little over 2 and a half years ago, I noticed a tremor in my hand (abbreviated story) Crazy! I started looking into it because I was complaining to my pcp of some other issues (pain in my back, walking slow, balance issues, etc.). He recommended I see a Neurologist and sure enough I was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Since then, I have been on my journey of full recovery. I just didn't know how exactly that was going to look like. It is in God's hands! Well it turns out that E E systems has definitely been a part of my healing. The first sign of healing after my first session is being able to smell for the first time since 2020. Sign of my liver healing. Can't wait to see what's next.

February 3, 2024

EESystem Healing Center of Bastrop


24-unit EESystem

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Anita Burress


I was a wreck from head to foot. I had reverse shoulder replacement. I have had polyps every 3 years when I've had a colonoscopy. I've worn glasses since grade school and had total pelvic floor prolapse. My neck was stiff, my nerves hurt in-between my shoulder blades. My right knee was stiff and left ankle hurt and a bump on the bottom of my left foot. My vision has improved. My neck and knee are more flexible. The nerve pain between my shoulders is gone. 2 large age spots fell off my back and lichen planus on my hand is gone. I have more strength and energy and sleep all night about 6-7 hours. I have always had thin hair and I am getting new hair growth. Mind clearer. Less emotional.

February 1, 2024

Scalar Energy Wellness Center - Rockwall


24-unit EESystem

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Susan Horrocks


The reason I first experienced the EEsystem was because I have Orthostatic tremors, unable to stand still, that's when I have the tremors. They say, cause unknown, no cure, is progressive. I have done many great hours at Tara's amazing center, and definitely have had improvements.
Tara has 48 units and keeps adding additional healing technology. The most recent has been the Real Rife machine, she has been offering overnights at a great price and sets the frequency to each individual healing needs. I personally have her set tremors, so I receive that plus all the other's she puts in, also a Theraphi plasma bed which is amazing. I am so grateful, I am looking forward to complete healing

February 10, 2024

Aurora Healing Ministry Relax N Recharge


48-unit EESystem

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Beth T.


Visited for inflammation, arthritis, and pain relief. I spent two hours. I wasn’t able to fall asleep; I relaxed, prayed, and meditated with eyes shut. I had a vision of a large salmon filet cooking on a metal surface using a rectangular metal tool which covered a portion of the top. I then saw the face of a man and it zoomed to his nose.
My session ended.
After, a friend picked me up from the center and took me to eat unexpectedly. The host was from the vision as I first noticed his nose. It was my first time there - I knew to order the peppered salmon. It arrived shaped as the tool and top seared.
Physically, I had less pain flying home. Fish oil is now prescribed for my cholesterol.

February 7, 2024

Rocky Mountain Energy Infusion


16-unit EESystem

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Yvonne Garcia


I came here with my son last week. I've got some health issues I'm working on & I just KNEW my son needed this too. He is 17yrs old. He was carrying negative funky energy with him for over a week. Yes, I am aware he is a teenager haha but my son is just a happy, silly, helpful guy on the regular. For over a week he was rude, confrontational, unhappy, super buzz😆kill! Its like he had some ill energy attached to him. Helen sent out an email that I had a free session (THANKS Helen!) I convinced my son to go with me, by the time we were done I could feel a shift in him. Next day he was vibrant & silly per usual. It's been a week & he is still good! I'd say this is a must for grumpy teens haha

February 4, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Sharon Floyd


I have literally been sick my entire life. Over the last few years I have not been able to function well and can no longer “fake” that I am ok. Not surprisingly, I received a cancer diagnosis last summer (2023) and have chosen to help my body heal holistically. Quantum Healing Solutions has been the GAME CHANGER!! The center is beautiful, calming and peaceful and the staff is authentically kind and caring for the people who visit. After my first visit I felt AMAZING!!! I had forgotten what it felt like to feel good and my pain was gone. I had several visits for just 2 weeks and then declared CANCER FREE by my doctor!!!

February 2, 2024

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Pyari Cordero


So amazing! I felt vibrating Energy all over. Two days Kater sind feel More and More energy. Also a very beautiful Team, 5 Star Rating💓

January 30, 2024

Light Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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June Anderson


I am a breast & bladder cancer survivor. My last chemo treatment on my bladder created an extremely inflamed bladder lining. I had also been diagnosed with 2 breast cysts that were being watched. I had heard about the EES through Jason Shurka's Telegram channel. I had 3 mths until my next cystoscopy to prove I could heal my bladder, against the wishes of my Dr who wanted me to go through a chemo maintenance program. I credit EES with healing my bladder and shrinking the breast cysts. At my 3mth cystoscopy, all red inflammation was gone, and scar tissue from previous surgeries looked healed. No signs of cancer. I have check-ups every 3 mths but am confident my bladder is healed.

February 9, 2024

Heaven on Earth Ministry


24-unit EESystem

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Karen Harrington


I'm 55yr old and suffer from severe psoriatic arthritis. was looking for other treatments. By luck I stumbled upon EESYSTEM At the moment I had been in a wheelchair for 2 years with an undiagnosed nerve condition. I found cloud 9 therapeutics in Dedham MA. To my surprise after 4 hours of the eesystem I felt great was able to walk my wheelchair out to car.I felt peace, more energy, a lot less pain and inflamation from my arthritis and burning from nerve issue in hands feet and legs were gone .my tinitus gone. I walked my wheelchair to car. After next 2 visits I was walking without my wheelchair and feeling great. After maybe 10 visits still walking w/o wheelchair and continue to feel great!

February 5, 2024

Cloud-9 Wellness


36-unit EESystem

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Daniel Gingerich


I was curious about the technology and wondered if it would help any of my pain. I found that after a two hour session my right hip was no longer painful, just a slight ache, the neuropathy in my left foot from knee surgery was almost gone, and the sensitivity in my hands has improved. I plan on doing more sessions here. Roni and Amanda are very nice and make sure you are comfortable, the facility is clean and in a wonderful setting. Highly reccomend making use of this if you can.

February 4, 2024

Rocky Mountain Rejuvenation


24-unit EESystem

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Lauren Jenkins


I have always suffered from anxiety in new situations, but this leap of faith was the best experience I've had in a long time! Faith explained everything in depth and immediately put me and my husband at ease as soon as we walked in the door. The staff was very patient and welcoming. My husband and I walked in with no expectations, but departed feeling more connected and at ease with each other. It's a feeling I cannot describe, but I highly recommend and will be returning next week.

February 1, 2024

Healthy Body Healthy Soul


24-unit EESystem

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Ich war ja schon öfter im Center bei Gabriela und Edgar und ich muss sagen, dass ich so angenehm überrascht war, dass mir so viel Herzlichkeit und Liebe entgegengebracht wurde. Meine Stimmung hat sich positiv verbessert. Mein Kopf fühlt sich nach der Anwendung wunderbar leicht an und es kommen viele Glücksgefühle in mir hoch. Obwohl ich schon von Natur aus ein fröhlicher Mensch bin. Mein Zuckerwert war ebenso nach diesen neun Stunden mehr als optimal.
Einen ganz herzlichen Dank an Gabriela und Edgar.
Ihr seid wunderbare Menschen!

January 29, 2024

Light Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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