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Als ich das erste Mal im Center war habe ich gleich gespürt, dass mein Körper reagiert. Ich hatte nach der ersten Anwendung kaum noch Husten und meine Nase war auch frei. Ich habe COPD und bekomme sehr schlecht Luft. Dies hat sich auch sehr verbessert. Dieses Mal habe ich auch sehr viel abgehustet. Es ist wirklich erstaunlich. Mein Gesicht ist glatter geworden und sieht sehr viel entspannter aus. Der Zuckerwert war nach dieser Anwendung super! Ich komme sehr gerne wieder. Einen ganz herzlichen Dank an Gabriela und Edgar.
Ihr seid wunderbare Menschen!

January 29, 2024

Light Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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Wir haben einen schönen Familientag im Center verbracht. Mein Lebensgefährte, meine Mama, unsere Hündin Ruby und ich. Es war so herrlich entspannend. Unsere Ruby möchte niemals nach Hause gehen. Sie ist danach und die nächsten Tage immer sehr glücklich und guter Laune und ihr Fell ist wunderbar weich. Auch ihre Wackelzähnchen werden besser. Sie hatte mittags angefangen sehr zu hecheln. Gabriela sagte dazu, dass die Tiere darüber entgiften und dann er sehr viel trinken. Ganz lieben Dank an euch liebe Gabriela und Edgar! Und eure Herzlichkeit und Fürsorge sind überaus wohltuend!

January 29, 2024

Light Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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Ashton Sams


Love that there is now a location so much closer to me, and the staff here is great! I started visiting the EE systems because of seizures I've had since I was young. Since I've started, I've had more energy, less stress, and sleep better, which are factors that help control my seizures. I am now going on 2 years seizure free.

January 27, 2024

Energy Enhancement Experience


24-unit EESystem

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Michelle Burghard


I was in such a wonderful place I had forgotten what it was like to feel a Zest for life & wasn’t prepared for all that energy, so I kept working. On my 8th day of work, I even did 2 out call massages after work & still felt like it was my first day of work. I was high on life & it felt wonderful!! Even my over active bladder was also in check! I couldn’t believe I was going hours without having to use the restroom. I felt so fabulous I forgot to take my cymbalta & stopped my thyroid. I am so grateful I got to experience what life is supposed to feel like. I also wanted to add that I was requiring surgery on my left knee which I no longer need and am up skiing with no pain.

January 26, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Janice Snow


The staff of Enhanced Mind and Body are beautiful, friendly & caring individuals. The environment is comfortable, clean, and well-decorated. I highly recommend experiencing the EESystem at Enhanced Mind and Body ❤️🙏🏾

January 26, 2024

Enhanced Mind and Body


24-unit EESystem

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Während der Anwendung bekam ich kurzzeitig sehr unruhige Beine. Damit habe ich schon seit über 17 Jahren Probleme. Das ist jetzt 4 Tage her und bis jetzt keine Beschwerden mehr. Auch habe ich zwischendrin ein paar Mal sehr geschwitzt. Es tut sich einiges im Körper. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass meine Augen weiter geöffnet sind heute und mein Gesicht viel Entspannter ist.Ganz lieben Dank an euch liebe Gabriela und Edgar! Es ist immer wieder schön bei euch im Center zu sein. Die Energie des Systems und auch eure Energien sind wundervoll harmonisch! Und eure Herzlichkeit und Fürsorge sind überaus wohltuend!

January 29, 2024

Light Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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Yolanda Ketel


I have had chronic hip pain for almost 4 yrs and recently I was diagnosed with bilateral hip (bone on bone). Though I have answers, this entire journey has taken a toll on me, emotionally. After my 2 hr session, I felt lighter & happier. Then after my first overnight, I felt alive & full of joy (even with pain). I noticed that I wasn't being triggered by anything or anyone. As far as pain, there seems to be less. I use to struggle getting out of my car, due to weakness & physical discomfort. Not anymore. I am able to get out easily & quickly, with no pain. Thank you Sara with "Heaven on Earth Ministry" in Santa Ana, California. You have given me hope again!!! You are my angel!

January 28, 2024

Heaven on Earth Ministry


24-unit EESystem

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Dale Crouse


I had 28 grams of my prostate cells removed (TURP) from my bladder in '13. My PSA tests were 2-4 & it was benign. However, the tumor was causing severe urination problem. A biopsy in '16 w/ a PSA of 5 showed prostate cancer with gleason 7 rating. In '19, w/ a PSA of 10, the biopsy showed no cancer. In '20, w/ PSA or 13, MRI confirmed the biopsy showing cancer w/ a gleason of 7. In Oct. '22 w/ a PSA of 29 & biopsy gleason 7, a bone scan found no spread of the cancer.
Did 2 overnights in Aug' 23. My urologist indicated that based on the PET scan on Jan. 5, 2024 at the Univ. of Washington, Fred Hutch Cancer Ctr, my prostate cancer had not metastasized. PSA was 47.

January 26, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Marilyn Wagner


I'm 88 and have had Macular Degeneration for years and was told that my vision was never going to return and that I should prepare to be blind. Yesterday I went to retinal specialist and my vision in my left eye improved from 20/400 (not being able to read the chart at all) to 20/70 being able to read three lines of the chart! The staff was amazed. Neither eye showed any signs of bleeding or floaters - so no injections were needed (I have had injections for years so this was unexpected). I have been going to the EEsystem 2 hours every other week and occasionally do an overnight since March of 2023. My blood work has improved to the point that my physician said I only need to come in yearly!

January 26, 2024

Quantum Wellness For Life


16-unit EESystem

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I am a work in progress - so many issues! I spend just 3 hours in the EE System and it made a vast difference in 2 areas. I had sciatica pain so bad that I couldn't even stand to sing the hymns in church. I also had tinnitus so bad that it was a constant cricket concert in my head. Now, my sciatica pain is gone! The tinnitus comes and goes, but there are days of relief that I never experienced before.

January 25, 2024

Regeneration Station


16-unit EESystem

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Wir haben einen schönen Familientag im Center verbracht. Mein Lebensgefährte, meine Mama, unsere Hündin Ruby und ich. Es war so herrlich entspannend. Mein Lebensgefährte hat Alzheimer und hatte abends eine Erstverschlechterung. Im Laufe der letzten 4 Tage hat es sich kontinuierlich verbessert. Es geht zwar langsam bei ihm, aber es tut sich was. Sein kognitives Gedächtnis hat sich verbessert, er ist sehr viel Entspannter und sicherer geworden und wieder sehr viel fröhlicher, aufgeschlossener und aufmerksamer. Ganz lieben Dank an euch liebe Gabriela und Edgar! Es ist immer wieder schön bei euch im Center zu sein. Die Energie des Systems und auch eure Energien sind wundervoll harmonisch!

January 29, 2024

Light Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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Kim C.


My inflammation has significantly decreased in my ankle & my overall sense of well being has increased. I’m glad I went & would certainly go again!

January 28, 2024

Harmonic Health Club


8-unit EESystem

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Kathy Stacey


I was dealing with low energy, mental fog and general aches and pain. I was very thankful that a center opened closer to me. Eileen one of the owners was very helpful and made me feel welcomed. Every session brings a different reaction and I love it! My mental fog has cleared and my overall energy has increased. I encourage everyone to try it.

January 26, 2024

Energy Enhancement Experience


24-unit EESystem

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Dale Crouse


During August of 2023, I spent two nights in your EE therapy room. I have been wearing a stone medallion around my neck. During January of 2024, I received a very positive medical conclusion, which I believe are at least party due to Ascended Wellness healing therapy.
My podiatrist indicated I had no diabetes. I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2007 using a hemoglobin A1c test for glucose in the blood. Thank you and God Bless.

January 26, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Keith Hemesath


I purchased an unlimited monthly package from Sonia and went to the center 3-4 hours 6 days a week. I had my blood work taken prior to beginning the sessions. After spending 3 weeks at Vitality Energy Healing my family physician performed my yearly physical. This included bloodwork and an ultra sound. The final results were amazing! 18 segments of the bloodwork were decreased, PSA went down from 4.4 to 3.8 and my spleen size reduced by 20%. I was diagnosed 2 years prior with an enlarged spleen.

January 25, 2024

Vitality Energy Healing


12-unit EESystem

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