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Bonnie Menezes


I decided to join my husband who got some sessions for a gift!
I totally enjoyed it from the first session! I found that I had more energy but even also began to sleep better!
I also noticed that my skin is better feeling younger!
I feel like my body is better inside and out!

January 25, 2024

Regeneration Station


16-unit EESystem

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Catherine Ross


It is a miracle for me to be pain FREE! Both physical and emotional. I no longer experience debilitating panic which affected all areas of my life. I fell backwards on cement landing on my tailbone. I experienced pain and extreme panic for months when walking just a few steps. I needed the support of walking sticks. After only 4 hours of Vibrational healing I got into bed at the hotel and felt NO pain. I said to my husband I hope I am not imagining this but I am truly NOT in any pain. The wonder of this Miracle has remained with me! Thank you for bringing this amazing technology to Ontario to help restore the health and well being of so many souls.

January 23, 2024

Natures Energy Wellness


12-unit EESystem

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Judith Roomer


Vanuit nieuwsgierigheid dit Energy Centrum bezocht (geen ziekte oid).
Heerlijke flow, echt een oplaadmoment! Na twee uur merkte ik direct dat ik mijn leesbril niet/veel minder nodig heb. De dagen erna merkte ik een fijn, hoog energielevel.
Drie wkn later nog een keer geweest, omdat ik toen rugklachten had. Na twee uur merkte ik direct verbetering en de uren daarna nog meer.. 🙏🏻
(Visited this Energy Center out of curiosity (no illness or anything).
Wonderful flow, a real recharging moment! After two hours I immediately noticed that I don't need my reading glasses much less. The following days I noticed a nice, high energy level.
I went again three weeks later because I had back problems at the time. After two hours I immediately noticed an improvement and the hours after that even more so.. 🙏🏻)

January 20, 2024

Flowmotion Energy Center


8-unit EESystem

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Nick G.


A family member referred EES to me after experiencing profound results. So I went in with an open mind hoping to see reduction in inflammation and help with anxiety. I went before a road trip with my big trailer which has often brought anxiety and a drop in my immune system. After 20 hours split in 2 sessions I was blown away with my experience. Firstly, the lounge at NEW is super tranquil. But mostly I was pleased to experience 0 anxiety on my road trip, no pain in my joints and back, and my immune system stayed strong and has remained strong through out the winter. It reduced my inflammation, boosted my immune system, and my overall state of being. Highly recommend this to anyone.

January 17, 2024

Natures Energy Wellness


12-unit EESystem

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Janney Lopez


I was invited by a friend, I purchased 2 sessions, no change on my first 2 hour visit, on my second visit I came out of the room relaxed, with energy I just felt good!!!! I'm looking forward to my new sessions I purchased, I have other issues I will share as I improve my health and body. I'm very excited to continue my visits

January 17, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Susan Maggiacomo


I discovered the EESYSTEM in September of 2023. So far it has helped me tremendously with sleep and I had knee pain and it’s gone completely. I’ve been battling parasites for the past 2 years and I just went to get rechecked yesterday and “No Parasites‼️”
I am so happy that the EESYSTEM has helped my body get rid of them‼️
Thank you Ascended Wellness for providing this wonderful space to heal🙏

January 24, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Natalie Freeman


Enhanced Mind and Body has created a wonderful space for relaxing and healing. The staff is warm and welcoming. They create a sense of community. The environment is inviting. The service itself is very relaxing. I will visit again.

January 22, 2024

Enhanced Mind and Body


24-unit EESystem

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Lily Mitchell


I went to an overnight session in November because my hair is thinning. When I got back home I did the detox bath. I noticed that I had never felt that calm in my entire life. I threw away my Cymbalta. I didn't need it anymore. I asked the founder of Marigold Healing Center to let me work for her if she needed help. She did. Great energy there. I work their part time. My hair will get thicker with time. I recommend it to anyone that is seeking natural healing methods.

January 19, 2024

Marigold Healing Center


24-unit EESystem

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Lisa Hurst


I have had the pleasure of experiencing the EESystem several times. I didn’t realize it was in the building and my dietary needs and interests started to change. I went off coffee and was starting to be more focused on wellness. It has directed me toward higher consciousness. I feel more attuned and I feel more grounded. I also could feel my body healing in areas that had been injured in the past. It’s truly remarkable. I’m grateful it’s available in our community. Lisa

January 17, 2024

Natures Energy Wellness


12-unit EESystem

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Karen Hammond


I visited the centre in October 2023 as I have had severe pain in my legs and hips since November 2020 due to ankylosing spondylitus. I have inflammation of my joints especially hips, knees and shoulders but before that I was fairly fit and active, doing the park run every week and walking the dog twice a day. For 3 years I have had such severe pain in both my legs especially at night and struggled to walk, sit and stand. Within 24 hours of my first 4 hour session I had just slight pain behind my knees and after my second session the pains in my legs had gone. I am sleeping better and I actually feel that I have been given a new lease of life. A big thank you to Tina. I recommend 100%.

January 15, 2024

Zenrji Wellness Centre


12-unit EESystem

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Salesi Wicht


I had "by chance" read a report about Dr. Sandra Rose Michael and the Energy Enhancement System, and then took a closer look at the system.
In my case, it was the right eye, which has been suffering from a Herpes infection. The result was a constant slight clouding of the cornea and, due to the scars caused by the Herpes, a massive loss of visual acuity. After five sessions of two hours each in this system, I noticed that the cloudiness on the cornea had noticeably decreased, and the visual acuity had improved to my delight. I also had the subjective feeling that the visual burden no longer had to be borne by "one eye" only. It has given me a wonderful relief in my perception of the world.

January 23, 2024



24-unit EESystem

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Tony Geron


I was fortunate to schedule a 2 hour session for my wife and myself this past Saturday at the new Enhanced Mind and Body facility in Vienna, VA. Their office is simply beautiful and you can feel the great vibes upon walking in to their space. The owners / staff are simply warm and wonderful, they made the entire experience both easy and memorable. Please consider scheduling a session for yourself or a loved one. I know we will be returning for another session sometime soon, I'm personally ready to continue my journey inward and continuing the dialogue that I began with my body. I never realized just how alive and conscious, every single cell, organ and aspects of my body.

January 22, 2024

Enhanced Mind and Body


24-unit EESystem

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Susan Fairbrass


I recently visited the Unifyd healing Centre in Bedford.. Tina is an amazing host.. I visited because I suffer with joint pain, someday its difficult walking .. I had 4 hours relaxing and immediately felt like my mind had been defragmented , I could think clearly and felt happy .. i did feel sml sensations during the healing.. The following day I was able to walk round a local lake without pain.. I feel I have space to concentrate on my diet and exercise to further improve pain management and mobility.. I am keen to return for another session soon.. Each day I notice more improvements especially sleeping. Thank you ...

January 19, 2024

Zenrji Wellness Centre


12-unit EESystem

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Tremendous healing at Inner Sage. Arthritis (neck, spine, lumbar facets, feet, hands); torn shoulder; granuloma annulare; ovarian cyst; 4 cm fibroid; floaters; skin tags; ten pounds weight loss; old knee injury. This wasn’t a one and done for me, it was cumulative. After the first time at two hours it felt as though all my joints were burning like I was taking a beating. When I got home I felt worse but then I recalled Dr. Sandra video saying if that happens you need to get right back into the system. So I went the next day for four hours and had a breakthrough. I have been going every week since November and I never want to be without it. All Glory to God.

January 17, 2024

Inner Sage Healing Arts Center


12-unit EESystem

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Meredith Ryan


Having lived over 21 years with a severe acquired head injury this has given me back my life. The symptoms I had were so severe I was bed ridden for 90% of those years unable to walk and many times unable to communicate. I spent the first 19 years in full darkness with all windows covered with total blackout. Symptoms disorder sensation between hot and cold, severe photophobia, headaches, nausea, paroxysmal vomiting, permanent vertigo, epilepsy, cataplexy, narcolepsy, disorientation, sensory/motor skills, poor balance, acoustic nerve change, decreased hearing, constant tinnitus. visual disturbance.
I fractured my pelvis twice over 2 years. I am 69. I am starting to live again

January 13, 2024

Scalar Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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