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Joannne Loney


I came from Ontario, Canada to experience the Energy Enhancement System.

I was pleasantly surprised with my experience. I chose to try the 2 hour session as recommended.

The room provided very comfortable chairs and blankets. Debbie explained Scalar Energy and gave suggestions on how to focus and bring awareness to our environment.

While in Alpha state while focusing on my body and healing I experienced having both my Pappa and Mom (who are no longer here) with me. These are the two people in my life who I knew loved me unconditional. Truly a blessing!!

Since returning back to Canada I have already sought out a closer location so I can continue with the EESystem.

September 20, 2024

Sacred Vortex Holistic Therapies


8-unit EESystem

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Mel Schultz


What an amazing healing tool to have access to in Coffs Harbour. I have Autoimmune Diseases and I need to be doing something proactive, something apart from taking medications to help my body heal itself and this is it. Wish I could go more regularly. Thank you Rachael and the team at HHCC.

September 18, 2024

Holistic Healing Coffs Coast


12-unit EESystem

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Claire Provost


Amazing experience! I did 2 sessions (4hrs) in a day, and meditated and slept during both of them. During the second session I woke up after having slept on my side without ANY hip pain. It’s been over a year since I woke up without my hip hurting. Also, I felt like I’d slept better than I had in years…so relaxed and no brain fog!

It’s been 2 days since my sessions and I feel so much like my old self: more loving, patient, calm, clear headed and no body aches or stiffness. I swear my vision has improved and I’m breathing better. And for the first time in months and months I’ve been waking up with tons of energy. Unbelievable! Thank you Innergy.Life for this amazing experience!

September 17, 2024

Innergy.Life - Houston


24-unit EESystem

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Jessica Marquez


I found a cyst in my pelvic area, I immediately got a EES session, it went away over night 😮, for me that was a miracle, went for a second session for my twisted knee and follow up for the cyst - cyst is gone and knee is back to normal - I am beyond thankful and will continue sessions moving forward 💕 Staff at this center are amazing and I totally recommend it to everyone.

September 17, 2024

Innergy.Life - Houston


24-unit EESystem

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Dave Tan


I am a bioresonance practitioner for 7+ years. I have Thymolysis which is the condition known to destroy the thymus cells. There is a score (co-efficient) and for years that score was very low at 0,100. 0,500 being the "passing" grade. the machine is Sensitiv Imago 520. I have worked on myself with the device and taken many nutraceuticals with no avail. Since exposure to EE System with an accumulation of about 15+ hours, each sessions being about 2 hours, the breakthrough came last month. I felt a certain sensation at the throat area. I did not realise my Thymus was healed at that moment until about a week later when I took another scan. The score is now up to almost 1,000!

September 13, 2024

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Tiffany Hale


I became a member of Unifyd, and saw a documentary about the EESystem. I was surprised to find one 45 min away. So I booked myself, and a few friends. I could feel a charge, or tingling throughout my body. It helped me feel very relaxed. My friends were very skeptical, but not ONE could say it didn't work. Two of them experienced improvement with pain, and one has a blood disorder. She claimed a day later she could go up the stairs without becoming winded. For myself, I regain clarity, energy, and overall balance. We love it! I have been working on opening my own center! 😁

September 19, 2024

Regeneration Station


16-unit EESystem

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Andrea Smith


Back in the early spring I was clearing out the garden and either got poison ivy or the old tomato plants oil got my skin. It was gnarly. I still have thr marks and after showers they are brighter. But after my shower post EEsystem they barely show up. I noticed it after the first session but assumed they’d just gotten better. After my second session in the EE they are barely visible! Incredible! Looking forward to continued sessions!

September 18, 2024

Harmonic Health Club


8-unit EESystem

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Karen MacKay


I was informed by a Laser Specialist in California about Innergy.Life after she had a session with great results.

I was amazed to find Innergy.Life a few miles away from my home and had my first session today.
This was an eye-opening experience to a next level of taking care of our bodies.

Mike was great, he is knowledgeable, professional and provided great information,

I will be scheduling additional sessions and encourage people try this.
They will also be amazed after their first session!

September 17, 2024

Innergy.Life - Houston


24-unit EESystem

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Michael Gallien


I needed to ensure increased health/wellness following a severe illness after a major surgery. Not knowing the actual source my illness, I went a search for alternative health methods beyond what is currently offered by the medical industry. After eleven (11) months of subjecting my wellness conditions to the EE system I've consistently experienced an increased in my overall wellness.

September 16, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Helga Wahl


Für mich war es als 70-jährige normal, 15 mal am Tag zur Toilette zu gehen! Wenn dann eine in der Nähe war.

September 8, 2024

EES Vital


24-unit EESystem

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Michael Matusewic


Watched a video with Jason chirka and was interested in trying it out, when it came available in our region we jumped at the chance. I had a parachuting accident in the service which left my mobility limited, after two 3 hour sessions my pain went from an 8 to 3 and my mobility stayed with me .

September 19, 2024

Dynamic Energy Healing


12-unit EESystem

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Sandi Norton


I heard about this scalar energy place from a friend and wanted to try it

Ive had quite a bit emotional trauma
And I noticed by then end of using this just 2 weeks
Such of that has subsided
I was also having a lot of joint pain and aftery 4 weeks that pain as well has subsided

September 18, 2024

Vitality Energy Healing


12-unit EESystem

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Marijon Johnson


Great over night experience. Bed was great. I feel a lot stronger today.
Thank you for bringing EESystem to Houston!

September 17, 2024

Innergy.Life - Houston


24-unit EESystem

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Ursula T.


Betreffend meine Haut möchte ich unbedingt von diesem kleinen Wunder erzählen: Eigentlich reservierte ich wegen Rückenschmerzen eine 12-Std.-Nachtsitzung im EES Vital. Wenige Tage nach der Sitzung bemerkte ich, dass zwei störende Wucherungen im Gesicht komplett verschwunden waren und ich den Hautarzt-Termin für deren Entfernung absagen konnte. Die Veränderungen meiner Rückenschmerzen habe ich in einem weiteren Bericht geschildert.

September 15, 2024

EES Vital


24-unit EESystem

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Kathryn Hewitt


Wow! This was my first time experiencing the EES and it was amazing. I was drawn to exploring this after much research as I suffer from hypertension and an auto immune disease. Immediately I felt warmth radiating around my heart region and the heat spread up my spine and flowed throughout my stomach and continued radiating around the small intestine staying with me throughout the entire 2 hours. I also listened to Dr Sandra’s meditation and toward the end, when at the top of the chakra steps, I felt like I was in my pineal gland and the space was so beautiful. I just wanted to stay there forever. I also gained many insights with regards to my journey in this life cycle. It was very relax

September 8, 2024

Energy Lounge 369


16-unit EESystem

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