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Nancy Ellenberger


I've had two treatments at Ascended Wellness in Norco within 1 week. I was interested and open to this technology to help my eyelid and chronic RA challenges as no other avenues have worked! I am delighted to express I've had very positive results from The EESYSTEM! Less inflammation in my body and more comfortability for my eyelids...

January 13, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Traude K.


Sleep. Finally!

After 4 months of managing 0-4 hrs sleep daily, following a nervous system injury, I was exhausted & my body lost its ability to heal.

After my first EES session I had an unexpected hour sleep while there & then 8 hrs that night!

With sessions over the following 5 weeks, I’ve built up to averaging 6-8 hrs/night, which has given me my life back.

In the past 2 weeks, I also added Quinton Water to my daily routine. My energy levels increased dramatically!

My body is healing, I’m no longer anxious, I've regained my energy & can once again do the things that I’d been unable to do for so long.

Immense gratitude to the caring team - Jasmine, Paris & Zack.

January 9, 2024

Vital Body Wellness Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Nanette Hart


Remote healing: I must say that, as a sensitive person, I anticipated I would certainly 'feel something' but I wasn't sure what to expect. Now, here's the most interesting: I went to help my family and slept over one night on Thursday. My new 6 week old grandson has developed a bit of colic... Every time, EVERY time they passed little Robby to me he stopped crying 🙏 He slept on my chest, he burped for me easy, and he was calm and alert while in my arms 💕 Yes, I tend to be the 'baby whisperer' - however THIS was notable! Your system has cared for me, helped bring me closer to healing AND has allowed me to somehow transfer that energy through love to little ones in pain. Ahhh such a gift!!

January 8, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Jana Lea


What a Blessing to InJoy this Sacred Space created and filled with Divine Light and Sounds of healing frequencies, reminding my body how to heal. Returning soon for another level, as I have felt much progress regarding pain and inflammation especially. Feeling Blessed and Grateful 💜

January 8, 2024

Harmonic Health Club


8-unit EESystem

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Angelique Amari


This was my second visit to the energy enhancement centre U.K. and it was the best session I’ve had yet! The first one I did an interview be right stay with my children and it was lovely but I knew I had to come back. 6 months later I did and just wow. I had the most amazing physical healing from a spiritual influence. I saw the angelic healing come in, I received downloads and location maps. My third eye was being bashed and my ailments within my body were literally being zapped and kissed by the angels at the same time. I felt super energized and powerful. My chest feels lighter (past pulmonary embolism), I’m no longer wheezing, my should left arm are now buzzing-where as before in pain.

January 6, 2024

Energy Enhancement Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Donald L.


Stage 4 Prostate Cancer widespread metastases bones, lymph node12/5/2021. Not given much time to live, began 1yr alt therapy and HT blocking testosterone. Pessimistic, I started at LOVING LIGHT REGENERATION. Hands tingled quickly slept. More sessions painful stiffening metastases faded after days. A HT migraine recurred, disappeared. BP lowered=heart health confidence. 30-40% of HT patients=severe cardiac event. More EES. MRI and CT scan NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE in prostate/bones! My oncologist said “unique” My urologist “not what I normally see”. 2 more identical scans. PSA 0.42 Oncologist “all we can expect". Owners, Dani and Frannie's positivity and encouragement were key factors in my healing.

January 10, 2024

Loving Light Regeneration


24-unit EESystem

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Caroline Watson


I found the scalar sessions very relaxing with a nice floaty feeling in my body. After the detox bath, I noticed a significant detox reaction each time with mild headaches and heaviness. (This is appreciated as my body has always struggled with detoxing and I just kept my water up as recommended.) My sleep in the following days was lovely and deep too!
I've also noticed a moderate easing of my perimenopausal symptoms in the last couple of months with monthly bleeds being more manageable, and less painful. I'm on a waiting list for surgery for this, but the reduction in symptoms has me wondering whether I may be able to postpone or cancel it and at least making the wait less stressful.

January 9, 2024

Scalar Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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Nanette Hart


Remote healing: The energy is hard to describe but I definitely feel the positive vibrations. Almost like a rolling effect or a guided river through my bloodstream. What I didn't expect was the effect on others. My littlest doggie has not ventured beyond constant close personal contact other than to potty & grab a few bites of food. I think he feels the vibrations too & wants to absorb all the goodness. Next, my senior pup Emma has a few ailments - being 14 1/2. She has shown marked improvement on a stubborn rough skin patch, reduced her little cough & is walking better! All this during the week of MY energy healing!!

January 8, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Karen Schamle


I went at first for recovery from dental surgery and gums that wouldn't heal. To my surprise, the pain disappeared within hours, the gums healed, AND I no longer felt a need for some medications for anxiety and pain!!! I highly recommend!

January 8, 2024

Vitality Energy Healing


12-unit EESystem

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Cody Fertig


I visited the EESYSTEM because I had heard about it through Jason Shurka and believe it to be technology of the future. Our body’s have electro magnetic energy, so it makes sense. I have been practicing Tao meditation and the circulation of magnetic energy in the body. I did a two hour session and meditated for the two hours very easily. After the detox bath, I felt great and noticed that my mind was very sharp. I could read very fast and felt very in tune with my body. I am going to try to go at least once a month.

January 5, 2024

Wyoming Life Energy


24-unit EESystem

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Foma Rashkovsky


My story started at the beginning of summer 2023. I had an unfortunate accident where by falling down the steps my both legs were injured. It took about 1-2 months for bruises to go away, but both ankles there swollen all the time.
After I was introduced to the One Mind One Body Wellness in Brooklyn, NY and after taking 2 2 hour sessions of EESystem, my wife noticed that my ankles were not swollen anymore. I was so surprised to see this.
I am a 72-old man and noticed some white flakes on the floor near my bed. This happened to be particles of a dead skin I previously observed around the bottom on my feet and my toes. This means that some positive changes taking place in my body.

January 9, 2024

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Julie D.


I have been coming to EES sessions since mid 2023, weekly for 2 months then fortnightly. My health concerns included diabetes, high blood pressure, poor balance/dizziness. I saw no changes for many months but continued as the sessions energized me & I felt much happier.

Since then my balance improved & the dizziness that was constant is gone. Also...

1. I got shingles & was in a lot of pain for 2 days before diagnosis & had had very little sleep. Before starting the anti-virals I decided to have a session. At the end of it I was pain/symptom free & have been so ever since.

2. My blood sugar levels have gone from 8.8 to 7.2! I did not change anything else during this time.

January 9, 2024

Vital Body Wellness Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Ali Clifford


I have had two 10 hour sleep overs within a week of each other. First time felt a little weird but also amazing and did have a detox the next day. The second one my body adapted better and it was incredible! Had the best sleep there in the beautiful, comfy bed and was bouncing out of my skin for days later! I really felt amazing and my heart palpitations I was getting daily have stopped!! I really believe in the EESystem therapy and will continue to see what more I can experience health wise from these sessions.

January 8, 2024

Scalar Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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Trudie Day


I am blessed to have this most wonderful centre just an hour away. Catalin the host welcomes everyone into his home with such warmth and compassion. I have been going regularly at least 4 hours every few weeks for 6 months . I first started going as I suffered with terrible anxiety. After a few months I already started to feel so much better and on a level. I now have no anxiety at all. But The main thing that has impressed me more than anything is recently I was reading a book with very small print and suddenly realized I had not needed my reading glasses to see. Yet another miracle this system has performed 🙏

January 6, 2024

Energy Enhancement Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Michaela O'Driscoll


I visited because I am a health practitioner (homeopath, naturopath & sound healer) Many people are very unwell at the moment & I had had bronchitis for 3 months. As soon as I was in the field I felt joy and relief-like this is the medicine of the future, amidst all the crazy not healing health services. First I felt like dancing. My body felt deeply relaxed. I could feel different parts unwinding softening and releasing. I slept and rested. My energy felt restored and I felt great well being. I’ll definitely recommend this to others, friends family and clients.

January 4, 2024

Energy Enhancement Centre


24-unit EESystem

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