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Lisa Keen


My 13 year old dog has been remotely using the EE healing modality and has noticeably become more vibrant, playful, active, energized and just overall more vital. Definite difference.

January 3, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Lani Logan


I would like to send you a thank you gratitude note for creating a relaxing atmosphere for us to have the opportunity to experience this rejuvenation. This helps us all open our minds and leave behind limiting beliefs about health and healing. I usually say, we won’t know if we don’t try. I am glad I came over and tried the EES and plasma bed, and I am very pleased with my experience yesterday. For me, it was physically and spiritually comforting and it ultimately amplified my sense of humor. This is one of my favorite effects I noticed while integrating yesterday’s experience, laughter is good natural medicine.

January 2, 2024

Staying Aliive Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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Dallas Dutcher


My wife has degenerative disc disease and arthritis in her back from a car wreck. And I have been suffering from joint and muscle pain from my hips to my feet, especially knees. I had also dislocated my hip 2 days before we made the drive to Cape Canaveral. We heard testimonies of the success people had been having with various different conditions/ailments. We did 2-2 hr sessions and 2-30 min plasma bed sessions back-to-back. It used to take me a while to stand up and start walking due to the pain and stiffness in my legs. I can tell you the pain is 90% gone and I can stand up and start walking immediately now. My wife is also experiencing the same benefits with her back pain and arthritis.

January 2, 2024

Staying Aliive Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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Ruth Nodel


Initially I went to the Energy Light center to get the energy to drive a 3 plus hour drive back home to Michigan. I was exhausted from lack of sleep and knew from prior EES sessions in Michigan, that it would help give me energy and it did! I felt energized after my 2 hour session to drive the whole 3 plus hours back to Michigan and felt very peaceful to handle the long highway driving . The best results though were the next week, when all the cracks and cuts on my hands healed up and also the skin on my face has been healed up! i was having trouble with all the cold weather drying my skin and now no cuts! also my skin on my face looks great!

December 28, 2023

Energy Light Center


24-unit EESystem

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Nancy Wissell


I've been visiting the Centerville center each week for 2 hours since early November and have seen slight improvement after each visit, including: liver spots fading, eyes focusing easier and less puffy, less swelling in knees and feet, fingers and hands bending easier, better balance, easier going up and down stairs, and hair thicker.

December 22, 2023

Energy Enhancement Experience


24-unit EESystem

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Walter Hersey


I was in the Air Force and a Military Contractor in Afghanistan & Iraq for 30+ years. I survived many rocket attacks and the smell of Burn Pits and never expected to come home. My biggest problem has been trying to sleep at night. Memories haunted me. This all changed 2 days ago. I visited a UNIFYD HEALING CENTER for an overnight session with my service dog. Since my visit, I have not had to self-medicate to sleep and the bad memories that used to haunt me are gone. I feel peace like never before. My service dog has more energy and is hearing better. This treatment has freed me from my personal HELL. Thank you UNIFYD HEALING.

January 3, 2024

Rocky Mountain Energy Infusion


16-unit EESystem

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Tracie Harris


It was amazing. I slept well like I was in a deep sleep. My body felt great and my aches went away. My ankle and foot have been hurting for a few weeks. There hasn't been any pain. I am off of work, but I feel great! The atmosphere was warm and calming. The Staff was friendly. I have told my friends they must go for a session. I did the overnight.

January 2, 2024

Staying Aliive Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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Frannie Sheridan


Yesterday, celebrating our 1 Yr biz Anniversary, I realized this sharing was 15 MONTHS overdue! We would NEVER have opened an EEScenter(North Palm Beach) if the following miracle hadn't happened: During my book tour, I was hit with digestive pain so bad, for 3 days I literally could not go to the bathroom (either end) without screaming. This led us to Full Spectrum. I had previously healed myself from cancer and PTSD with my consciousness-raising practice, diet etc (all tests neg) BUT it had taken time. YET, after ONLY 2 HOURS in the 24-Unit EESYSTEM I felt I had "come home" to LOVE, additionally uplifted by Alice's powerful vibe. I was and am 100% well. And my husbands Tinnitus DISSAPPEARED!

December 30, 2023

Full Spectrum Quantum Wellness - Verona


24-unit EESystem

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Leying Lee


I have eczema, which is a chronic disease I've battled over many years. I usually use steroid creams or lotions to control it when my eczema flares up. After a few visits to the EE system, I noticed the frequency of using steroids have gone down.

December 25, 2023

Innergy.Life - Houston


24-unit EESystem

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Kerryn Sedgman


This is my second time at Sally's. An extraordinarily beautiful and serene environment where you are met with care and joy. After my first visit a vascular skin tag fell off my eyebrow, and the second I had a lot more energy in trying times. I am a healer of 40 years and the EES is the first machine technology that has made a difference. I will continue to regularly visit Sally's clinic and have taken a guest each time.

December 22, 2023

Omni Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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Ademola Elliotte


I found this healing modality after watching the YouTube video with Tony Robbins and Jason Shurka. After many hours of research, I shared the info with my parents. My mother has Parkinsons and cancer and I wanted to see if it would help her. Because she was too sick to go, I decided to try it myself. I noticed increased energy and less hip pain! I am allergic to mountain cedar and it is currently VERY HIGH in San Antonio. I noticed I don’t have the usual allergy response. I would normally be congested, sneezing, have achy ears, sinus headaches and head pressure, and I barely sneezed/blew my nose. I also noticed an increase in my white blood cell count. I’ve had 3, 2 hour sessions. Thank U!

January 2, 2024

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Sharon Kelly


I feel deep relaxation and connection to the divine. More confidence in myself. Improved vitality

January 2, 2024

Wellness Visions


24-unit EESystem

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Denise Rodgers


DX with 3b Kidney Disease in June '23 with EGFR of 34 which was knocking on transplant/dialysis door. Dr said I could halt progression but not reverse it. In 3 months, after 8 hours EES, function increased to 42. One month later, after 6-8 hours, EGFR number increased to 51, which is now within normal range. REVERSAL ACCOMPLISHED. Also used Acupuncture, more hydration, and DoTerra Essential Oils of Zendocrine Blend, Juniper Berry, and Peppermint nightly on kidneys.

December 28, 2023

EES of Austin at the Tree of Life Healing Center


24-unit EESystem

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Carolyn Meyer


I have been suffering from psycho somatic back pain for years, due to emotional abuse from my childhood and marriage. I have visited the light room twice with great results for the emotional. Then I visited with Andrea Bell, the Reiki healer twice. This second visit I had huge releases. I have been pain free for the first time in YEARS. I can’t say enough about it. I’ve never visited a reiki healer before and I am amazed. My son (18 yrs old) came with me last time and sat in the light room for an hour. He experienced a huge emotional release. But I will let him tell his story when he is ready. He is going to see Andrea then the light room in a week, his request. I feel blessed!

December 23, 2023

Energy Enhancement Experience


24-unit EESystem

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I have been experiencing Phantosmia (a phantom smell that doesn't exist and can't be identified) since I had C***d in 2021. I had this 24/7-it never went away or dissipated. It lasted 2 years. It was a constant distraction in my life. I am happy to report that after my 54th hour in the system, it has gone completely away and hasn't returned. I have also worked at the Chelmsford location for 5 months.

December 22, 2023

Boston Thermography Center


24-unit EESystem

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