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I have made more progress in regaining my health and energy in 4 months of sessions at Onyx Healing Collective than I did in 4 years of functional medicine treatments for toxic mold exposure. The rapid positive effects of scalar energy waves have confirmed my belief that energy treatment is the most wholistic and comprehensive antidote to chronic illness.! I am very grateful that we have the Onyx Healing Collective and scalar energy treatments right here in Boulder. It is a blessing.

December 21, 2023

Onyx Healing Collective - Boulder


24-unit EESystem

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It’s a good life, enjoy it: My 10 year old son and I have just completed our 4th session. My son struggles with ADHD symptoms and I’ve noticed a huge change in how he communicates and handles emotional outbursts. He is listening better and is a lot more agreeable, whereas usually he is defiant. He is always very calm after we leave the system. As for me, I have my sessions to self-reflect and meditate and have many breakthroughs while I the system and am able to complete a lot of shadow work. Thank you to Vass and all the beautiful staff here supporting us.

December 20, 2023

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Danielle Stern


Before coming to the Netherlands to help my daughter who lives on the 4th story appartment building with no elevator. 68yrs, I had super sore knees, lactose cane sugar and Gluten intolerance.
The universe had guided me to Jason's Unifyd TV months ago. Then I saw the interview on the EESYSTEM. looked up a centre in NL. Made an appointment from NAMIBIA where I reside. And started straight away after arrival.
My knees- much better. Engery levels super. Gluten allergy seems to be way better or gone.
My memory and emotional well being is 100% improved. Totally more balanced in all ways .
Return to Namibia 28th. I pray in gratitude this energy will remain, until my return in Sept. Thanks

December 20, 2023

Flowmotion Energy Center


8-unit EESystem

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Good Times become Good Memories :
An indescribable calmness, fluttering of muscle spasms – clearing arthritis pains, old injuries within the first half hour. I can “feel” organs (heart & lungs) getting stronger each time. Clarity of sight and memory – to name a few – in just a 2 hour session!

December 20, 2023

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Barbara Fisher


I went looking for an EESystem after watching the interview that Jason Shurka did with Dr. Michael. It fascinated me. My friends in Connecting Consciousness found Ascended Wellness in Norco, CA. I'd been diagnosed a few years ago with post-menopausal osteoporosis. I worked with a functional medicine nutritionist to strengthen my bones and heal my microbiome, worked with a trainer, did multiple 2 hr sessions and quite a few overnight sessions at the EESystem center, wore my EEMedallion, played healing frequencies through my caduceus coil and in my Medicare checkup this year, I'm now in osteopenia. My bones are stronger!

December 14, 2023

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Liljana Topalli


I tried this amazing new technology and i saw many improvements. Im 75 years old and after multiple sessions exposed on the EES I feel much better. My whole body feels more rested than ever before.
My days are way less stressful and my joints pain and the severe arthritis is 100% better.
Also my energy levels and my sleep pattern is improved dramatically. My blood pressure numbers have been improving since the time im been frequenting the wellness.
Thank you Angie for this amazing technology that you have offered to our community

December 20, 2023

Cloud-9 Wellness


36-unit EESystem

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Carry Laughter with you wherever you go : I have been dealing with a rotator cuff injury for many years, no therapy helped. After 3 sessions the pain is gone and has not returned, this problem is awesome!
…. 10 days later ….
Today is my 2nd session. I had a significant drop in blood sugar, and my planter fasciitis has disappeared. My rotator cuff pain is still gone. Blessings!

December 20, 2023

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There is something in every season, in every day, to celebrate:
I discovered the EESystem in the middle of a healing crisis. My body was covered with eczema, and wounds from scratching. I had been losing weight from stress and barely sleeping. I was amazed to fall quickly into a deep sleep in my first session. Since then, I come regularly and it is a huge support on my healing journey. I am back to a healthy weight, am sleeping every night, and my skin is almost back to normal. I believe the EESystem technology to be a Divine gift that allows our species to return to its state of Harmony, Balance, and Peace. It starts at the cellular level and ripples out.

December 20, 2023

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Robert B Hughes Jr


This is my 2nd visit to the Frequency Bar in Aiken, SC. Great care & concern by owner/managers, Elizabeth & Anthony. I always leave after an EES session feeling better overall. You are in great hands with Anthony, Elizabeth & the EES System.

December 17, 2023

The Frequency Bar


12-unit EESystem

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Gregory Donihoo


The Scalar Energy Wellness Center is clean, comfortable and a mental oasis. It’s very relaxing and I noticed that my mood improved both in sessions and for days afterward. I noticed that I was more aware of mood shifts and made corrections more easily while I was having weekly Scalar Room sessions. The SEWC communicates promptly and the entry system was easy to access. Definitely recommend to anyone who has tried other mood improving methods with mixed results.

December 13, 2023

Scalar Energy Wellness Center - Rockwall


24-unit EESystem

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Celebrate that which you share with others : For years I suffered from cold feet due to lack of proper circulation. After my first session a remarkable improvement was noticed. A tingling was felt during the session and a the time of this writing (2 weeks after 1st session) no cold feet anymore! Looking forward to my next session. – Peter

December 20, 2023

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Wendy Seeley


Our brightest blazes of gladness are commonly kindled by unexpected sparks: After many sessions “Life is Good” I am truly appreciative to all of the staff I have met here in Vernon. You are all amazing. I came here with prescriptions for blood clots. I was anemic from low red blood cell count. I do not take the prescriptions now. I feel very healthy. I feel as energized in the EESystem. My body flowers with energy and at times I feel detached from my body. I have made many daily health changes (diet, exercise and spiritual practices) I listen to divine source and move forward with excitement. I believe we are one. Let’s bring a new world.

December 20, 2023

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Brigitta and Beat


Theres a good time coming :
We enjoyed 8 hours in the EESystem, and it feels wonderful. My arthritis finger has no pain anymore and I can sleep much better than before my sessions. My husband has pain in his left shoulder for many years, and it is gone now! My blessings and thank you for your wonderful clinic

December 20, 2023

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Cathy T.


I had a kidney removed due to cancer. I went to a kinesiologist to learn what I should eat or not eat to keep my lone kidney healthy esp after chemo. I was showing modest improvement when I learned about the EE Bastrop system. I went for 2 overnights. I returned to the kinesiologist right after that. He was pleased with my improvements and even said WOW twice. I progressed from a 2 or 3 to a 7 or 8 in several areas. That kind of jump had not happened prior to the EE treatments. I had way more energy and a happier outlook even after 1 visit. This is helping me!! Everyone is so nice and caring. Inge is a special person. I feel drawn to her because she is filled with goodness.

December 17, 2023

EESystem Healing Center of Bastrop


24-unit EESystem

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Jeannie Causey


In the spring of 2023, I noticed this "growth" developing on my nose. It was beginning to cause me to be self conscious of this "thing" on my face. In August 2023, I began periodically going to HBHS in Covington to experience 2 or 3 hr EES sessions. In November 2023, I had completed 16 hrs of EES (so far) and the growth on my nose has dissipated! I cannot attribute its departure to anything else. Can't wait to see what other blessings will be revealed.

December 13, 2023

Healthy Body Healthy Soul


24-unit EESystem

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