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Cheryl Rowland


My first visit to Marigold Healing Center took three hours to get there but was well worth it. As soon as I walked in I could feel peace and Michelle was very helpful and caring. I did an over night and was very comfortable. The next day when I got home I realized everything was louder and my hearing had improved. I had a hearing problem since I was a child. I also noticed my short term memory recall had improved. Dealing with stress was also better. I can't wait to go back!

December 12, 2023

Marigold Healing Center


24-unit EESystem

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Judy Moen


OMG!!! I went for the first time back in May and there were only 24 units at that time. Since Tara has doubled the units to 48. I had Vertigo for the first time in my life which is one of the reasons I went. I only was there for 2 hours and when I left the Vertigo was completely gone! That was 7 months ago and I have never had any more signs of it since. People who have Vertigo quit suffering and get to the EES Energy Room. I have been going since and will be writing more about my experiences. My gratitude is overwhelming for what Tara has provided for the masses. She truly wants to HELP people heal. She also keeps improving her center to help more people. What are you waiting for?

December 9, 2023

Aurora Healing Ministry Relax N Recharge


48-unit EESystem

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Debra Franklin & Michael Pierce


My husband, Michael has Motor Neuron Disease with limited mobility and speech loss and went with the hope of reversing this illness. He had severe diarrhea and an overactive bladder, both of which improved substantially. His mobility issues continue but there did appear to be just a little more energy in his body and slight improvement in muscle discomfort.

December 7, 2023

Cloud-9 Wellness


36-unit EESystem

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Kathleen Marden


Formerly a bestselling author and international speaker, I could no longer work in my chosen field. I had recently been hospitalized with Post C***d Syndrome and was housebound with nursing care. My dear friend presented me with a gift for a night at the Regeneration Room.

The following morning, I awoke feeling regenerated. I was ambulatory without my walker, and my thoughts were much clearer. I was now able to carry on a conversation without the troublesome word finding problems and mental confusion that I had been experiencing. I felt as though I was beginning to make progress toward meaningful healing. I am grateful for my experience at the EESystem Regeneration Room in Orlando, Florida.

December 5, 2023

Regeneration Room


36-unit EESystem

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Odalis Miguel


Dad was skeptical about our overnight, but he agreed because we were doing it for my mothers 84th birthday, it was the gift of health (due to glaucoma she has very little eyesight). Dad had lost his hearing years ago and refuse hearing aids, 3 days after the overnight he intervened in a conversation I was having with my sister, in surprise I questioned him on how was it that he could hear our conversation he stated that 2 days prior he had buzzing in his ears and then a loud pop and that he could hear, his energy levels have also increased. Mom has also reported more clarity on her eyesight and less stress.

December 3, 2023

Loving Light Regeneration


24-unit EESystem

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Jill Rogers


My guides told me to go there as I was travelling through the area on my way back home to Canada. Elizabeth the owner told mage was closed the date I was driving through. My guides told not to worry and then my time was booked and it was amazing. I received more downloads and information that night and many more of my guides came through with messages for me.

December 12, 2023

Quantum Healing Center


12-unit EESystem

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Shannon Lawler


I am honored to work at a beautiful, cozy EESystem center. Not only have I experienced my own incredible healing of thyroid and many other issues... and had my hair return it's color that I was as a child, but I have now witnessed so many incredible healing happen before my very eyes. I cry with joy each time I see and here of our guests healing. After 15 years in nursing field..... I now know what true miracles of healing can do. My soul, mind, and body are healed and I can now see that.... The Best Is Yet To Come! Enjoy your healing ride. It's phenomenal!

December 9, 2023

Gotts Cove Healing Center


12-unit EESystem

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Meredith Ryan


My condition was Traumatic Brain Injury 2002
The benefits I am getting are outstanding, constant vertigo vomiting gone after 21 years.
I can see better without glasses and they are making me nauseous when I put them on now.
There is a complete shift in my body mind and spirit undeniably.
I feel absolutely amazing 🤩

December 5, 2023

Scalar Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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Nicole Cook


After 20 plus years of dealing with migraines, one year ago I had another stroke. They said I had more than just one. I had a rats nest in my left side of my brain a lesion by my neck, signs of multiple strokes and an area of concern somewhere else. Tired of alternating OTC meds and not really enjoying life with one good week out of a month, I tried this center. Skeptical sure, but willing to try anything at this point. 13 hours with this technology later and a second MRI, 9 months later - nothing abnormal to show!!! Migraines have all but left occasionally a headache associated with menstrual cycle, but even that is fading away. This place is my lifesaver! I have a real life now pain free!

View Medical Reports Here:

December 5, 2023

Inner You Energy


8-unit EESystem

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Pamela Southwell


As soon as I walked into the healing room, I felt a wave of pure energy wash over my body. There was a wonderful warm sensation in my chest and then my heart chakra opened up. A sense of relief filled my being.

December 3, 2023

Transformational Health


8-unit EESystem

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Tom Macdonald


During winter I found myself suffering from a very painful lower back, and restricted mobility. My pain increased to where it affected my sleep, fitness and energy levels. For about 5 weeks I persevered with visits to my chiro, 3 visits to a local Osteo and in desperation a trip to the doctors for some pain killers that would work. My doctor also gave me a referral for X-rays. All of these professionals were very helpful, but the pain persisted, along with my mobility and energy levels. 'My Place' had organized group sessions for the Omniwellness EES technology, so I gave it a try. Within just 24 hours the debilitating pain was gone. A few sessions later and I still feel great.

December 10, 2023

Omni Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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Wendy Webster


I started my EESystem treatments to help with my back pain. I always received relief and had added energy and sense of calm and well-being. The miracle came when I suggested my daughter give it a try. She had been battling HVP for many years and after a PAP test she was scheduled for an emergency hysterectomy the following week. We got her into 4 - two hour EE sessions and then went for the final biopsy examine before the surgery. The doctor was amazed and said to keep doing whatever you are doing as there are no longer any signs of disease. Follow up examines have shown that there is no HVP or pre-cancer cells.

December 8, 2023

Las Vegas Holistic Center


32-unit EESystem

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Meredith Ryan


You cannot imagine the sensations Holi and I experience sleeping surrounded by my beautiful crystals charged during my 2 hour session.
There’s a serenely peaceful calm that we are both feeling.
Your Amazing
Gratitude and Love 💕
M &
The Imperial Goddess Holi

December 5, 2023

Scalar Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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Sue Gargiula


I was noticing my skin was loosing pigment on my forehead, hands, and legs. After about 25 hours in the energy center My pigment is coming back!

December 4, 2023

Illuminate Energy Center


16-unit EESystem

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Ever since hearing about this a couple years ago I really wanted to try the EESystem. When I saw a centre had opened in Dunedin I organized an overnight session right away. My mind is normally quite active, and it really settled and calmed me. I had covid a while back and thought the effects were all gone, but the next day I noticed my breathing had improved. I've also had a lot of energy since. Johanna was great, and very hospitable. Highly recommend!

December 2, 2023

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