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Sue Gargiula


I was noticing my skin was loosing pigment on my forehead, hands, and legs. After about 25 hours in the energy center My pigment is coming back!

December 4, 2023

Illuminate Energy Center


16-unit EESystem

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Ever since hearing about this a couple years ago I really wanted to try the EESystem. When I saw a centre had opened in Dunedin I organized an overnight session right away. My mind is normally quite active, and it really settled and calmed me. I had covid a while back and thought the effects were all gone, but the next day I noticed my breathing had improved. I've also had a lot of energy since. Johanna was great, and very hospitable. Highly recommend!

December 2, 2023

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Jesse Keith


As much as I hate labels sometimes listing mine can be an easy way of conveying my situation. Starting around the age of nine I've been labeled as AIG (academically gifted), ADD/ADHD, Insomniac, Drug Addict, Manic Bipolar 1 Disorder, PTSD, and Chronic Pain Patient just to name a few. I am currently 33 years old and have been on so many different medications as a result of this. Each of these medications led to another problem which led to another medication. I have been in and out of hospitals, rehabs, and jails trying to fix or drown my emotions. After only 1 month of distance healing and 1 two-hour visit, I can say without doubt EES was all I needed to awaken my true, healthy self.

December 1, 2023

Scalar Health Enhancement Center


8-unit EESystem

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Tracie Kelly


To be honest I was completely skeptical but I went with an open mind … (to my 2 hour session). I came out feeling very calm and relaxed. By the evening I felt I had so much more energy than normal and now I understand that my cells had been recharged. But what took me by complete surprise was that the excruciating nerve pain had reduced to bearable and I slept without strong pain medication for the first time in months. It was so good to come out of the haze of pain medication yesterday.

November 28, 2023

Scalar Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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Mark V.


September 2, 2023: I decided to try out a 2-hour EES session at 5D Wellness Center. I have a few health concerns, but the major one was the prostate issues. I would go to the bathroom 5-6 times each night. After the initial 2-hour session led me to an overnight on September 6, 2023.

November 22, 2023

5D Wellness Center


48-unit EESystem

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Odalis Miguel


Dad was skeptical about our overnight, but he agreed because we were doing it for my mothers 84th birthday, it was the gift of health (due to glaucoma she has very little eyesight). Dad had lost his hearing years ago and refuse hearing aids, 3 days after the overnight he intervened in a conversation I was having with my sister, in surprise I questioned him on how was it that he could hear our conversation he stated that 2 days prior he had buzzing in his ears and then a loud pop and that he could hear, his energy levels have also increased. Mom has also reported more clarity on her eyesight and less stress.

December 3, 2023

Loving Light Regeneration


24-unit EESystem

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Emma Ferguson


My sessions are always wonderful at Innergy.Life EESystem Houston. I am 77 years young and so I have accumulated a number of issues over the years. One issue is scoliosis in the spine… slowly , but surely, my spine feels stronger and more stable. I have one leg slightly longer than the other and so I have lost all cartilage in my left ankle which creates pain in the joint and neuropathy on the outside of that same foot. More and more the pain is diminishing and some days there is none. I also have some issues with my eyes and again the right eye, which has had a hole in the retina… is definitely getting better… not all the way yet. Universally, each session brings me more clarity as well.

December 2, 2023

Innergy.Life - Houston


24-unit EESystem

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LuAnn Budiselic


I'm finding I am 100% calmer, happier with a little skip to my step. I attended an overnight which is my second and immediately I feel my body accepting and making changes within. I don't have the words to share but the adjustments I feel within are immediate. My brain is firing with immediate determination and focus to the point. Which I've noticed immediately in returning to my work. I want to apply myself, it's so lovely.

November 30, 2023

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Kasia Michalska


I visited the centre because of problems with my vision (vitrectomy) and the ensuing depression. After 10 hours I noticed a few changes. Shortly after leaving the centre, I felt the veil of depression lift. Now it’s been 5 weeks since I was at the centre and my mood is still good. Also, I smoked one cigarette a day before but now I don’t feel the need to do it; the joint pain has diminished a bit and a small lump on my leg has become flat. The moment I sat down in the armchair I felt calm and the time I spent there I either slept or just enjoyed the state of deep relaxation and bliss. I certainly would like to visit the centre again; the owner, Alina, is really friendly and helpful!

November 26, 2023

BioScalar Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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Leszek Z.


I had constipation, nightly anxiety, nervous system instability and pain in my right costal arch. I've tried yoga, diets and acupuncture treatments and nothing changed. I decided to try something alternative and the EESystem was it. There is an improvement in all aspects and the pain in my side disappeared completely. The best thing about Vass Wellness is the atmosphere created by the staff and the relaxation during sessions.

November 21, 2023

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Pamela Southwell


As soon as I walked into the healing room, I felt a wave of pure energy wash over my body. There was a wonderful warm sensation in my chest and then my heart chakra opened up. A sense of relief filled my being.

December 3, 2023

Transformational Health


8-unit EESystem

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Neela Chari


I was introduced to the center in Sarasota by my niece and nephew. When i visited i found it helped me with my inflammation. Thanks to centers sale prices I am easily able to afford my treatment. My inflammation feels better and i am feeling more energy. As I heal I will post more.

December 1, 2023



24-unit EESystem

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Wanda Mcneill


My name is Wanda I first started going to EE system because of pain in my knees and just overall I was amazed at the progress my legs and knees was just moving without pain I also took a bath with the salt afterwards when I tell you my body felt and looked different I was light almost painless I felt different amazing I was hurting every day now I have a different problem might have cancer so I say maybe do a overnight there and try to get as much hours there as possible when I tell you the pain I was experiencing was the worst with no help so I went overnight Wednesday Nov 28 2023 the best I felt in years no pain while I slept no pain when I woke up now it’s Thursday.

November 30, 2023

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Syed Iqbal


I am suffering from adenoid cystic carcinoma in the form of 2.5 cm lesion at my minor salivary glands for over a year now due to which I have trismus and reduced mouth opening. I learned about the EESystem after watching few of Unifyd Healing videos and understood the technology. I went to the center near me and stayed there for 6 days and 5 nights. I did not feel much difference despite being on vegan diet and taking salt baths regularly. My pain in the lesion still persists. The only difference I felt was in my energy levels and mood enhancement. I have also ordered my medallion which I am yet to receive. I may visit the center again and will spend another week to see if it helps.

November 24, 2023

Sri Brahmrishi Asram


24-unit EESystem

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Sonja Fitzpatrick


It's a miracle, the Remote Healing EE System works! I'm completely blown away, health has been restored! Trucker experienced congestive heart failure. He needed oxygen ASAP. His tongue was blue, hanging out & breathing very shallow. I knew 'time' was of the essence. I rushed him to the vet for critical care. Fortunately he responded very well. He would be dependent on 3 medications for the rest of his life. He did well for a few months then his health declined. Desperate, I gave Remote Healing a try. Within 3 weeks, profound transformation took place. I have to send a video to share about his turn around. My heartfelt prayers were answered! Thank you UNIFYD healing, I am humbly grateful.

November 21, 2023

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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