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Barbara B.


I had fears, anxieties and PTSD as a passenger and when I drove a car after an accident I was in. I had tried to deal with this through educating myself on how to cope, but this did not work. I was introduced to the EESystem from a friend and decided to try it. My sleep has improved greatly, and my nervous system has calmed down. The feeling at Vass Wellness is safe and relaxing and the staff is great!

November 21, 2023

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After 2hr session, tension in the head and body have dissipated. Feeling of a relaxed mind and body and improved mood.

November 20, 2023

Scalar Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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Beverly Lucas


I went for EES, several times at 3 hours each before my 12 hour over night. It was after the 12 hour session that I knew I was going to be okay. I had a mystery situation where I could not process nutrition or make blood, among many other situations. I had 8 blood transfusions since 2018. That full night it was like I could see and feel little pac-men eating away at something inside of me. The next morning Aug. 13, 2023 I went for the blood transfusion, 8 units. Since then I have held a high hemoglobin and all the symptoms I was having are gone. I have incredible energy and holding power. Since August, my husband and I receive 3 hours of EES each week. It has literally changed my life.

November 17, 2023

ScalarWave Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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Gina Kiris


EE sessions has helped me to feel years younger. I have been going each week for 3 sessions. I can tell you I am seeing a difference in my energy level and feel great. I don’t feel any more pain in my hands or hip. I feel like my body is reversing to a younger state in which I will be able to be active during my later years in life. EE system is providing the community with services that will help to improve our lives. We are fortunate that we have an opportunity to access this kind of service.

November 14, 2023

Infinite Energy of Allentown


12-unit EESystem

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Lissett B.


I visited this beautiful center to improve several health challenges. I had learned about EES and wanted to try it. I noticed improvement in the very first session. I was impressed. Some scars in my skin were reduced and my vision improved greatly, all in one session. I went back for more sessions, and my holistic health improved gradually. My vision continued to improve. I got clarity in my mind and being. My cognition became sharp, and I felt relaxed and happy, and more energy. I had some anxiety that also decreased dramatically. This center offers great packages. The staff is wonderful, very professional, warm, and knowledgeable. I highly recommend it.

November 11, 2023

Wellness Visions


24-unit EESystem

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Rita T.


Attending the EESystem was a very healing experience. I did 40 hours overnight. After being there the first 10 hours I felt the energy moving around my abdomen, arms, head, and in my neck where I have an old injury form playing gymnastics. The next coming sessions I noticed the swelling in my whole body went down drastically, the footers in my eyes completely gone, I felt energized , calmer, more balanced, my aches and pains are totally gone. The owner of the wellness is very professional , knowledgeable and I highly recommend it the center. Happy Healing everyone!

November 21, 2023

Cloud-9 Wellness


36-unit EESystem

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Michelle Falcone


I visited The Light Wisdom and Wellness Center because I was curious to experience the healing benefits of the Scalar Waves. The room was very peaceful and the chairs were extremely comfortable. During the session I felt very relaxed and calm. It was really the day after that I noticed I felt happier and more optimistic. We are experiencing our season changing to fall in Ohio and with the hours of darkness increasing and cloudy days being more frequent and I had been experiencing seasonal affective disorder. The session in "The Lights" really helped. I also noticed that my thinking patterns had changed and I was now more focused on what was going right. Highly recommended!!

November 19, 2023

The Light Wisdom and Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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Wilma Miller


After sleeping during our four-hour session in a comfortable recliner, I woke up feeling totally relaxed, but energized. I am definitely looking forward to returning to Etanni for more therapy as I believe it can and has helped me strengthen and heal my body after my cancers, a stroke, rheumatoid arthritis and other medical issues.

November 17, 2023



12-unit EESystem

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Jim Andersen


Tinnitus, Eye floaters, Balance, Peripheral vision, A-fib, Eye focus.

First time at the EES center for an overnight

Left eye floaters: gone, balance improved, and I was not stiff from sleeping.
Tinnitus: No more that’s been chronic for years
Peripheral vision came back that was gone since the last stroke about five years ago.
A-fib: Had this since birth, and I’m 70. The blood pressure which also detect heartbeat showed no irregular heartbeat.

Eye Focus: I realized that my eye focus was amazingly clear compared with what it had been when watching TV.

I’ve already started sharing about EES technology with people I know. Thank you for this beautiful experience!

November 13, 2023

5D Wellness Center


48-unit EESystem

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Susan Thomas


This is my 5th visit about 9 hours total since July, when I went in yesterday, which was November 10 I was having some pain in my neck on the right side because I had a knot was shooting pain down my right shoulder, my right hip and making my ankle a little numb I was still hurting a little when I left but this morning when I woke up on November 11 I noticed that I am pain-free today feeling pretty good and the ladies there are so sweet and make me feel at home I’m even taking two of my miniature dachshunds there and they’ve enjoyed it

November 11, 2023

EESystem Healing Center of Bastrop


24-unit EESystem

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Caroline Watson


I've been struggling from fatigue recently, and even with taking all the steps I normally take, having recovered several times before, it hadn't been lifting. My sleep for the week prior had also been disturbed. After my first 2 hr session at the Scalar Lounge a few days ago I had improved energy and sleep and my sleep returned to its normal pattern. My body also felt a little lighter and my belly a little flatter. These are nice bonuses I wasn't seeking and I attribute that to the detoxing effects. I'm back for another session today and curious to see what other changes and improvements I notice

November 20, 2023

Scalar Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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I have had Diabetes and chronic Macular Degeneration for nearly 20 yrs. Since visiting Etanni, now 20+hrs, I have noticed significant improvement in my vision and have been able to regulate my Diabetes without medication. Along with these improvements, my inflammation, digestion and mental clarity has also improved. I highly recommend visiting an EES center with ANY concerns whether mental, emotional or physical. Etanni's space is so comfortable, relaxing and inviting: quiet and welcoming. The perfect package and a blessing to the Olympic Peninsula. I'm officially an regular. Thank you Etanni!

November 18, 2023



12-unit EESystem

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Brian Hart


I’ve been overworked and stressed out and after my visit with this center I feel calmer, more balanced, and energized! I have more mental clarity and lot of my aches and pains are gone. Thank you so much and I will be a repeat customer!

November 15, 2023

Innergy.Life - Houston


24-unit EESystem

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Sharon Wollman


There is no category for my improvement . I started my treatment in September. I have Macular degeneration. My ophthalmologist had just told me my right eye was worse and there was blood showing up in my macula. I needed to see a specialist to start the injections. My daughter and I had heard about the med beds and she had searched and found Helen West had just opened her Ascended Wellness in Norco, CA. This is 20 minutes from where we live. I decided to go for it and had 7 sessions. I got a second diagnosis from from another specialist and he said there was no blood showing and did not see any need for the injections. I take it from his diagnosis that I am healing

November 13, 2023

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Haley K.


I have had the opportunity of immersing myself in the womb of the EESystem for 100+ hours now. I broke my pelvis 8 years ago and have had no physical therapy other than chiro adjustments that never improved my spine. I had before and after x-rays after 1.5years that showed improvement. I have had mobility issues due to my accident, which has caused my spine to curve drastically to the right overtime. My skeletal system is correcting itself, my spine is straightening and my hips are level again. The clicking in my hip is gone and I have no pain associated with this. Forever thankful for the healing I have experience through the EESYSTEM
Love & Light

November 10, 2023

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