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Sandy O.


I had terrible night vision for years, and couldn't drive in the dark. I also had severe arthritis in my hands that was almost at a 10 constantly. I have taken supplements and done eye exercises to try and restore my vision, with no success. I also tried voltarin for my arthritis with no prevail. I was introduced to the EESystem as it had arrived at a clinic I was doing detox saunas with. After 20 hours my night time vision improved by 95%, and daytime is improving slowly with more sessions. My arthritic pain sits at 2 out of 10 on the scale, with inflammation flare ups few and far between. The sessions conducted at Vass are welcoming and warm and the environment is relaxed and calm

October 24, 2023

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Michael Gallien


Diagnosed with degenerate disk in my lower back, I have live with the pain for 10 plus years. I heard of Jason Shurka and UNIFYD and joined his organization in 2022. Jason interview Dr. Michael and spoke of EE systems. Thankfully, Helen West also heard Jason. This was the beginning of my first pain relieving session at Ascended Wellness. After 5 sessions, it has been a life changing experience.

October 22, 2023

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Robyn Lamb


Well this is chapter 2 of my testimony. My life in general has improved overall. I visit due to multiple ailments, like hip and knee pain. Not only did the pain go away and I am able to move about without pain. My skin is still improving, my mind is still clear. I'm getting inundated with creative ideas. Life is no longer a chore. It's a joy!

October 19, 2023

Regeneration Station


16-unit EESystem

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Laurie J


Hubby and I have had 8 treatments. Both of us have noticed an increased amount of energy as well as far more restful sleeps. I have just started chemo treatments (have had one of 6 cycles) for cancer and was hoping by raising my frequencies that my body would more readily be able to fight the cancer and also more readily be able to stay as healthy as possible during the chemo treatments. I hesitated to hope beyond hope that I was getting optimal results but after visiting with my oncologist yesterday and finding out that my blood and health numbers are quite a bit better than they were I’m super excited for what lies ahead. Diane and Alan and Ashley are the best. They are very knowledgeable.

October 18, 2023

Revitalife Wellness


8-unit EESystem

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Joan R


It’s been about 15 sessions now, and the list of improvements is long: grey hair seems to be diminishing, eyesight, eye floaters, and hearing are improved, pain from a long-ago broken finger is gone, inflammation has lessened, thinking is clear and I’m remembering more words!
I’m keen to see what happens after the next 15 sessions.

October 18, 2023

Revitalife Wellness


8-unit EESystem

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Ara Frim


I’m having shoulder and neck pain and stiffness and muscle. After my visit to this healing center and getting exposed to the EE system, I felt the lot of pain relief and much more relaxed.

It’s a great place and great experience to have.

October 24, 2023

The Bodega Cat Healing Center


4-unit EESystem

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Rob. O


Serious shoulder pain for years that sits at a 7 or 8/10, and I have also struggled with lack of sleep. I have tried sports therapy and chiropractic adjustments for my shoulder pain, which never fully helped. I've also tried meditation apps and frequency to help myself get more rest, without success. My wife started making me appointments for the EESystem and after 15 hours the pain was significantly reduced and after more sessions my shoulder is 1000% better and no more pain! Vass Wellness has a family feel with a warm aura and a healthy amount of magic mojo!

October 20, 2023

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Jerry Huber


I visited the regeneration station and brought an elderly man who suffers from macular degeneration after our 2 hours in the EE system, my elderly friend could see the individual leaves on an oak tree and was overwhelmed with joy. I have a tooth with a bad cavity that aches all day. The pain has subsided after 24 hours and tooth is regenerating and my vision improved after 1 week to where I do not need reading glasses. Going to bring my dad for his enlarged prostate and macular degeneration health problems.

October 19, 2023

Regeneration Station


16-unit EESystem

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Mishka Long


Jet, my 15 year old toy poodle, had a miraculous healing after his 11 hour sleepover at Quantum Healing Noosa's EESystem with a cyst he has had for a few years. Over the last nine months I've been doing frequency treatments off and on with an iTerra wand and the last few months he's been on cbd oil but the only difference I noticed from the wand is that the growth shrunk slightly and went a little black in the middle. The growth blew up from 1.5cm to 4.5cm and turned nasty only a few hours before we were scheduled to sleepover. The next morning the growth had shrivelled up overnight by 2/3 and popped, pushing out a dried up black mass and leaving an empty hole.

October 18, 2023

Quantum Healing Noosa


24-unit EESystem

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I booked my first 2 hour session in August 2023. I have had an inflamed prostate for about 4 years which has caused me to wake up at least 5 to 7 times every night to urinate. As a result, I had very poor sleeping patterns which affected my energy levels during the day. After my first 2 hour session at the EE Center, that night I slept through the night. I could easily empty my bladder with full control of my urine. My prostate is now normal. I also realized that the pain that I lived with on my neck & shoulder is completely gone. Furthermore, my energy levels and mental alertness have shot up. After 2 more sessions, My eye sight is sharper than ever. Try scalar, it works.

October 16, 2023

Light Up Within Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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Alejandra Cortes


I visited Pacific Wellness Center for a yoga class with the instructor named Asti and it was an amazing experience. I felt very relaxed , at peace and at zen.

October 23, 2023

Pacific Energy Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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Beverly Mayler


Visited Jennifer's serenely created space when i found on the net the EESystem - Jennifer is an amazingly wonderfully talented & knowledgeable practitioner of all forms of healing modalities - felt extremely welcomed & well informed about what I may expect from my first visit onward - lost count of how many sessions i participated within including 3 overnights - always walking away in a state of 'what just happened here' - basically came to her lovely doorstep with what I refer to as vague, post flu symptoms of 3 yrs ago - 0 panic attacks & an overall sense of wellbeing has been the direct result of Jennifer's gentle guidance, experience & knowledge of her own astute use of the EESystem- amazing!!

October 20, 2023

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Natalie Zacharias


Today was my first time experiencing the EESystem and I am absolutely blown away! I am a healer and have been walking my healing path for many years now. The moment I stepped in the room I could immediately feel the energy flowing. It’s difficult to use words to describe the full experience but I felt completely recharged after the two hours finished. It felt like a full multidimensional renewal. I’m so excited to come back again and hopefully bring my mother with me! I highly recommend it to anyone who is even curious! Natalie from Howell, NJ

October 19, 2023

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Leslie Brown


WOW!!!! Right after the sessions Luke noticed greater mental clarity and his rectal pain had dropped from 8 to a 3. He only got up one time through the night (usually at least 5 times), had a good bowel movement this morning, zero bowel leakage through the night, less knee pain this morning (his knees are bone on bone), and he had a sense of wellbeing (not a word he normally uses) and felt rested and alert this morning. As for me, I had no knee pain. I walked down the stairs without thinking about the possibility of my knees giving out or having to hold onto the railing “just in case.” AMAZING!!! We are both so THANKFUL! Big Hugs, Leslie

October 18, 2023

Harmonic Health Club


8-unit EESystem

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Janet Toles


For me, it was a wellness visit but I had been experiencing some sinus and skin issues. These have both been resolved since my visit. Sarah and Justin were amazing. I felt very welcomed and they went above and beyond to make my experience comfortable, pleasurable, and beneficial. During my session, they both came in and did sound healing to boost my experience. OMG! I left there "high" with energy. I was hoping I would not get pulled over on the way home because I am not sure how I would explain my "high". I will be back and with friends! "HIGH"ly recommend this location!!!

October 14, 2023

Harmonic Health Club


8-unit EESystem

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