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Jess Latcham


I’m a 33 year old woman who was recently diagnosed with having a 29x28x31mm posterior fossa meningioma - this is a brain tumor. I've had migraines since 2018 but they always resolved after a few days. In the weeks leading up to my diagnosis, I had severe migraines that were unrelenting. It felt like my brain was on fire. This crippling pain left me bedridden and unable even to lift my head off the pillow. After my 2nd or 3rd 2-hour session my pain COMPLETELY disappeared! I also have noticed that wearing the medallions makes a big difference as do the salt baths. I continue to attend Scalar Lounge and will see how my MRI looks in due course. So grateful for the EESystem!

October 13, 2023

Scalar Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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Jerry Thomas


I had a diabetic toe ulcer and a wound for the last 5 years wouldn’t heal on my ankle and was getting deeper and bigger now the toe ulcer completely gone and the wound has been healing and been more improvement since April when I started using my cube than had in last five years. My lower leg with the wound was turning purple now it’s pink again.

October 10, 2023

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Cathleen B.


How fortunate and blessed I feel to have this facility close to my home. Today, I went for my first 2 hour session and left feeling rested and invigorated. I always had a difficult time saying positive affirmations, but they flowed through my mind with ease for the entire visit. On my short 10 minute drive home, I observed with new eyes, seeing the beauty in things that I haven't noticed before. I immediately felt the need to be grounded and put on my swim suit and headed straight for the beach. In my profession, I deal with a lot of people that need peace, healing and positive energy. I can't wait to go to work and share with those who need this type of healing.

October 10, 2023

Staying Aliive Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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Jole ANN


I absolutely love and adore my lapis lazuli bracelet and medallion!! I have noticed within an hour of wearing it, I have to run to the bathroom a lot more often. I feel so much clearer, I feel its helping to detox my body. THANK YOU

October 8, 2023

Soulibrium Energy Enhancement Centre


12-unit EESystem

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I wasn't sure what to expect, however the process was thoroughly explained by Alla who works at the center. She answered all of my questions (and I had many!), explained what the entire experience entails from the start to what to do after the session. Alla ensured I'm situated and comfortable. The room is serene and full of calm energy- I literally fell asleep immediately and interestingly, woke up as my session was ending. After the session, I left feeling rejuvenated and recharged. Alla provided water bottles that are charged in the room and reminded of what to do at home. My next visits were just as soothing. So glad EES is in my area and thankful for Alla's kind support and knowledge.

October 6, 2023

Wellness Recharge Center - Calabasas


24-unit EESystem

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Brooke Davis


I booked one overnight session at Staying Aliive - from the moment I walked in the door, my mood changed for the better. Not only was I greeted by an awesome crew, I could literally feel my body tingling from the peaceful and powerful vibrations of the EESystem. I kicked off the night by listening to a meditation, and truly had the deepest, most spiritual meditation I’ve ever experienced. (Highly recommend this!) The next morning, a canker sore in my mouth that had been hurting and progressively getting worse by the day, was magically painless. Sure it was still there, but ZERO pain and it completely dissolved within two days. I cant wait to plan my next visit, with an extended stay!

October 12, 2023

Staying Aliive Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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Honey Jo Senter


Hearing Restored! I was excited to visit EESystem after watching several videos on YouTube with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Jason, and Tony Robbins. I've worked in the healing field as a massage therapist for more than 25 years, and the information felt like an exciting form of technology truth to me. I have had a hard time hearing in my left ear for many years now, so much so that to take a phone call I always had to use my right ear to hear the other person. After one two hour session at Homeostasis Gardens my hearing was restored completely! I've been back several times to enjoy the deep levels of tranquility and meditation. I highly recommend this to everyone.
Honey Jo

October 10, 2023

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Dari Mullins


Since visiting the centre the muscles in my pelvic area have improved, with improved incontinence issues. After the very first session my mood has lifted tremendously. I have only been for 4 x 2hr sessions, so I am very happy with the results.

October 9, 2023

Quantum Healing Noosa


24-unit EESystem

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Marcia Diaz


I am going through a really difficult time right now. I received my medallion the other night and put it on. Have had really restful sleep and coping much better than expected. Is this the medallion? I think yes!
I closed my eyes the other night and instead of mixed blurry colours they began to be organised fractals, it was amazing 👏Thank you so much

October 8, 2023

Soulibrium Energy Enhancement Centre


12-unit EESystem

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Debbie Schwarz


I have been going to what I call “the healing room “ and to Michelle Guas for physical therapy 3-4 hours per week.
I look at this as a charging for my cells!! I am able to clear my things and usually sleep when there. I know this is giving me a better quality of life and my bloodwork has totally circulation is great. I believe that my health has improved and I’m able to enjoy life !

October 4, 2023

Amplified Healing


24-unit EESystem

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I have had significant trauma in my life and have been dealing with it for many years .
The first few sessions at the EE centre I just cried . The last 2 sessions I have had literally nothing come up about it. I do not feel impacted by this trauma any more .I am deeply blessed and grateful. It has made a huge difference in my life . Ty Scalar . ❤️💖🙏🙏❤️❤️💜

October 10, 2023

Zenrji Wellness Centre


12-unit EESystem

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Wina S


My husband and I had been waiting for a EE System to open up near us. We finally got one in August. I had been to the Dr and found I had COPD and a spot on my lung. So I was excited about getting into the system. The owners are very caring people and it was always exciting to go. I went for a 2nd cat scan in September and found out my spot is gone and I no longer have COPD. I had been in the system at least 19 sessions before I found this news out and I'm thankful for Infinite Energy and Mike and Paula who own it. I feel like I have more energy and feel a lot better than I have in the past. I can't wait to see what the future holds for all of us.

October 10, 2023

Infinite Energy of Allentown


12-unit EESystem

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Suz Merrion


I have definitely felt more grounded wearing my medallion. I can't take it off!! I have experienced a HUGE relief in my menstrual cycle cramps which used to leave me in agony. THANK YOU

October 8, 2023

Soulibrium Energy Enhancement Centre


12-unit EESystem

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Lisa Palmer


Omg after 6 years of chronic pain and terrible EMF syndrome I finally found something that works! I had sharp pain in my hands when holding my cell phone now they are dull pains. I was so happy with the change that I ordered my own cube. I can't wait for it to arrive. I have to travel a distance to the Wellness center so the sooner it comes the better. Everyone in Richmond has been so helpful to me. Alexis and Tiffany go out of their way to ask how I am doing and offer to help me. I wish I could live there! This has been life changing!!! Thank you so much!!!!

October 7, 2023

Wellness Visions


24-unit EESystem

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Sarah Kumar


I am noticing so much more mental clarity after each session and I'm loving it! I feel more connected to myself and literally up levelling spiritually and overall feeling so much clearer and happier. I'm usually extremely foggy and in survival mode with my young energetic Autistic kids. My head and heart is getting lighter every time I come.

October 4, 2023

Vital Body Wellness Centre


24-unit EESystem

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