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Flor Solasz


I have been interested in the EES System for years and was super excited when I found they opened near me. I suffer from Raynaud's, which is a poor blood circulation. Winters and quick change of climate in the summer like air-conditions triggers the illness. My 1st time, my session was for 1:00. I went in, laid down and couldn't get comfortable. I looked up at the clock and it said 1:10. I said to myself, OH LORD! I have 50 more minutes of this? I closed my eyes and tried to make this work. The owner tapped me on the shoulder. I was so upset because I finally got comfortable. But, to my surprise, she came in to wake me up and to let me know that I slept for 2 hours. WHAT!!! I quantum leaped

October 4, 2023

Rays of Light


24-unit EESystem

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I have had 5 two hour visits. The first time I could breathe deeply. Since having C***d 3 times my breathing had suffered. Now I can breathe so much better. 2nd visit I had my hearing healed. I had lost hearing in right ear by 75%. It has been totally restored after 30 yrs. And pain I had has been resolved. My energy level has been restored. C***d had wiped my energy out. But now I feel like I did before having C***d. Can’t recommend the EESystem enough. Staff is so kind and helpful.

October 3, 2023

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Cathi Remington


I went to Karen to try out the EESytem out of curiosity. I have problems with sleep after menopause and also have broken my back twice. I am so pleased with my visits. I have had three 2 hour treatments and I sleep so well now. After the first night 2 weeks ago I slept 10 hours the first night and 11 the second night. It is a wonderful relaxing treatment. I am a marine veteran and they get one free hour a week. It is so affordable. I can’t Thank Karen enough for introducing this to me. I go 2 hours a week and this week I am even going twice. I had arthritis in my right knuckle and after the second visit I don’t feel the pain anymore. I think I found the fountain of youth.

October 2, 2023

Boston Thermography Center


24-unit EESystem

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I am a senior with multiple arthritic issues causing pain in my neck, shoulders, back, hips, knees & feet. I have experienced full relief from pain in all areas, with the exception of my back, which is an acute fractured vertebrae with muscle spasms. However, that is also improving with each visit. I fall into a deep sleep each time & the room feels like a healing sanctuary. Love this center!

September 27, 2023

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Russ and December


When you walk in the first thing that you experience is the whisper of serenity, so it didn't take long for the "first session" jitters to pass. The staff is amazing, so helpful and genuine. Our first session sold us on the healing effects on both the body and the mind. My husband had an incredible improvement with his back and hip, and I felt an overall improvement with my MS. We both left feeling very relaxed and calm. Can't wait to go back!

September 25, 2023

Staying Aliive Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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I went to Costa Rica to visit my friend Jason who has a 24 screen system. I was in there for about 14 hours with neuropathy in both feet. I was taking five gabapentin every night after the session. I am no longer on gabapentin and my pain in my feet is probably 99% gone. I just wanna say thank you very much Jason and this has been the greatest experience I’ve ever experienced.

October 4, 2023

Energy Vida - San Jose


8-unit EESystem

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While in the room in deep meditation, I had an experience of being shown I will become a grandmother in one and a half to two years. I have never wanted to be a grandmother. I had so many reasons why it wasn’t a good idea. But during the vision I could feel the energy of my grandchild. I was overcome with emotion. Tears start to slide down my face because I feel such joy. I can’t wait to meet him in real life. I still can’t believe the transformation inside my very being. It is one thing to accept becoming a grandmother but to go from total refusal to pure happiness is amazing. And yes I understand that is my child’s decision to have children or not. I am sharing my story…not my child’s.

October 3, 2023

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Heartfelt gratitude to Unifyd and EE system for the free 24 unit in Tirupati. I recently took a flight to Tirupati to experience the EE System. It was a wonderful experience. After 4 hours only my imagination started to get very vivid. I found myself in a state of bliss. I felt peaceful and some tingling feeling up and down my spine. The effects stay with me weeks after I am back from Tirupati.
Thanks again Jason, Dr. Michael and the teams!

September 28, 2023

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Lois Lane


V*****e injection site scar. I have this scar in my arm that’s been there since childhood, and I’m 79 years young. It is no longer an irritating bump. It is now much smaller and has an indentation in it. It appears to be disappearing. I happen to notice this happening after six 2-hour sessions. Julie makes the packaged sessions affordable. You should check them out.

September 27, 2023

5D Wellness Center


48-unit EESystem

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Lisa Napoli


I am recovering from iron deficiency anemia. This caused me extreme fatigue , hair loss, shortness of breath, anxiety and weight gain. The eesystem sessions have been very supportive to my overall health and healing. I am sleeping better and I feel more energized.

September 25, 2023

Boston Thermography Center


24-unit EESystem

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Sandra Iman


We studied EESystems for a few years. Looked for a 24 cube and found Synergy. Had a beautiful time, we had a warm welcome the folks that were there to spend the night with us were awesome. Left energized and my arthritic finger settled down and now I can wear my ring, also a lump on my upper left arm is almost gone. Looking forward to seeing these great gals again.

October 3, 2023

Synergy in Action-EESystem Atlanta


24-unit EESystem

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Janet K.


For years, my sinuses would close up during the night and I would wake up struggling to breathe. This was with nasal strips and nasal sprays. After eight hours in the system (four 2-hour sessions), I noticed my sinuses were staying open and I was sleeping through the night. I no longer use the nasal strips and I have severely cut back on the nasal spray with intentions of stopping completely very soon. I also have presbyopia for the last five years or so. After about 14 hours in the system, I was able to notice improvement with my vision while reading the computer. And about 10 more hours after that, the improvement has become consistent. I am much less dependent on the reading glasses now.

October 2, 2023

Infinite Energy of Allentown


12-unit EESystem

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Rosemary Horn


First off, I would like to apologize to Amber for not remembering her. Secondly, I'd like to thank her for being the catalyst for a beautiful memory session. After settling in, my memory of Amber was with the 2 beautiful dogs she had with her. This prompted a memory session of all of the many years of pet sitting, past and present, where all of the pets and their owners came through. What a pleasant time spent joyfully reflecting on memory lane. Also, I want to add that after my first session, my energy level increased dramatically. Years ago after a bone marrow transplant, I became very fatigued. For whatever reason, the EES System gave me a new sense of energy.

September 27, 2023

Staying Aliive Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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I visited Boston Thermography and added an EESystem session to my other healing treatments offered by Karen. I was experiencing physical (joint pain) and mental stress compounded by chronic fatigue. Once settled in the EESystem room, I drifted off into a deep sleep (unlike me), and awoke almost 3.5 hours later! It was as if I was in a time warp…I hadn’t felt so peaceful and rested in a very long time. My body was able to relax, repair, and do what it needed to do in that period of time. I know EESystem allowed my body a break to heal…I will continue my sessions with an open heart and mind to healing!

September 26, 2023

Boston Thermography Center


24-unit EESystem

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I have for years tried many different treatments to address my chronic Lyme, but this is the first time I have experienced something that works. After spending time in the "Perfect Square" I am sleeping better and have less symptoms. I feel stronger and more hopeful that I may finally be able to beat this. I want to take every chronic Lyme sufferer by the hand and say, "Just try this and see how it makes you feel." If they are like me, they may feel the promise of a Lyme-free life.

September 21, 2023

The Fountain


24-unit EESystem

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