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I've been following Jason since the very beginning. I've been on a journey of getting healthy naturally. I was so excited to hear Willowdale Holistic Center opening close to me. I was there to meet Jason on his East Coast tour. I'm prone to UTIs in the summer and this summer was no different. Usually they last 10 days. This time it only lasted 48 hours! I was amazed. No antibiotics, just some home remedies and the EES system. Thank you Unifyd Healing, Dr Michael, and Paula from Willowdale. I'm so grateful to be a part of this journey we are all on together

July 18, 2023

Willowdale Holistic Center


8-unit EESystem

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I've only been four times (8 hours) but it is so relaxing and it helps me so much I plan to continue. I was so excited to hear that EESystem was opening in my town. So far it has helped to heal my stomach area that had a painful and recurring stitch. I could not lay down (slept sitting up). I would take 5-10 minutes to get up after laying down. I'm only 53. After just two sessions it had gone. I have had Vertigo recently. I've cleaned my ears but it now seems to be working on this issue - thank Goodness. I also feel very unsteady when I walk, and I've run my whole life. Now I am very slow, and I don't know why that is happening. So I will keep going and being fixed up slowly. Wonderful!

July 15, 2023

Omni Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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Amir Shamir


I've been coming to Hani's center for about 20 hours so far. The results are incredible. My energy levels go up after each visit. My 30 year Tinnitus was gone after the first visit. My vision was improved as well. I am thankful for all that.

July 10, 2023

Light Energy Meditation Center


36-unit EESystem

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Iris Fourie


Having had asthma since childhood I have been happy to find each session at the Scalar Energy Wellness Center in Rockwall, Texas, giving me welcome relief with deep breathing and relaxation. With that comes clarity of mind and a wonderful feeling of wellbeing. A two-hour vacation.

July 10, 2023

Scalar Energy Wellness Center - Rockwall


24-unit EESystem

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Cheryl Jackson


I've been attending the Vital Wellness Centre at St. Morris, SA now for 10 weeks to access the EES, not really thinking about my overall health problems at that time & hoping to get more energy and vitality back into my life. The week prior to my first session I needed to get my referral updated to see my specialist regarding a respiratory problem I've had for about 4yrs and I had an appointment for a lung function test as I was getting worse. Immediately after my EES session I felt my breathing had improved, and it has continued since then, I can actually deep breathe without coughing and I don't need my puffer anymore, Amazing! I cancelled my specialist app. The centre is so welcoming and the EES is in a beautiful, luxurious room - I'm looking forward to going back.

July 8, 2023

Vital Body Wellness Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Health issues from a dysfunctional immune system, 5 yrs ago diagnosed with bowel cancer. I chose to treat it naturally. May '22 I almost died, had 3 huge operations. While in hospital I saw the original video on EES and knew it was for me but no centres in Oz. In March 2022, I flew interstate. After 8 sessions, my hazel/green eyes turned completely blue - and as an ex iridologist, I knew that was a great thing. When Vital Body opened I started doing overnights. June 2023 had ultrasound, cat scan, 8 pages of blood work, everything was 100% perfect. My integrative GP was stunned. The team are fabulous, the centre absolutely impeccable. Best one I have been in. Thanks EES. Diane

July 17, 2023

Vital Body Wellness Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Lee P.


I have now completed four overnight sessions at 5D Wellness Center. The main area of improvements are sleep and sinus/nasal health. I would regularly tape my mouth at night to prevent snoring. After the first visit, I have not had a need to tape my mouth again.

I also used to get nosebleeds a few times a month. It would happen if I rubbed my nose too hard. My sinuses used to be very dry. I essentially have had zero nosebleeds over the past month since my first visit.

July 10, 2023

5D Wellness Center


48-unit EESystem

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Sharon Kilday


The reason for my visit to Quantum Wellness Studio was to help with the pain in my left foot. I had surgery a few years ago and my foot has not been the same since. When I walked into the studio I had the feeling of pins and needles, when I left that was not the case. Quantum Wellness Studio is peaceful, clean and a great place to heal. Leanne Perras was informative, knowledgeable and professional and knew how her studio can heal you. I had fallen asleep during my session and when I woke up I was not only refreshed, that pin and needle feeling was gone. I actually could feel my toes. I will make this part of my regimen for sure! THANK YOU Quantum Wellness for a great afternoon.

July 10, 2023

Quantum Energy Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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My father is almost 93. He has had severe back pain and cannot walk very far without having to sit down. PT has not worked. I convinced him to give the EE Center a try and I would go with him. He said he was willing to try anything, and knew it would probably take more than one visit. We visited the first time on July 7, 2023. When I talked to him 24 hours later, he informed me 90% of his back pain was gone and he was able to stand up and talk to someone for over 25 minutes - which he hasn't been able to do in over 10 years. He's already asking me to schedule his next visit.

July 9, 2023

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Richard Garcia


I arrived at the Healing Center on June 6th at 7am and met by Rick. My session went for 2 hours. I will be experiencing many more. At age 76 I am in very good health. Given the environment that we live in I intend yo stay in the pink of health and grow spiritually. Thank you for this opportunity to experience it and to share with loved one.

July 7, 2023

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The center is amazing, such pleasure to be there, Hani put thought in every detail for visitor's comfort. Her explanation about the system is perfect and clear. I will definitely be back!! I felt super relaxed, even though I am pretty healthy I felt deep work in my left ear and shoulder which I know had stuckness there before. Thank you so much!!

July 15, 2023

Light Energy Meditation Center


36-unit EESystem

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Owen Fourie


After becoming very ill on the last day of 2022, by mid-January 2023 I had extremely swollen legs and feet, a clear case of edema (dropsy). On top of this I suffered the loss of bladder control. My son did some research and found the Scalar Energy Wellness Center in Rockwall, Texas. After ten sessions from late January through early July, the edema has subsided from its original 100% to, say, 5% now with a mere trace of it in my ankles and feet. This, too, will be gone soon. I have also regained bladder control. My wife has benefited from her own sessions, and we are so grateful for the Scalar treatment and also for our Scalar friends in Rockwall. They are like family.

July 10, 2023

Scalar Energy Wellness Center - Rockwall


24-unit EESystem

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Pamalah MacNeily


I am almost 70 years old. I do qigong at least 1x per day, often 2 times. I have had Epstein Barr Virus, mold issues, and tiredness for over 5 years. I have done only 4 session and I am already starting to feel normal in the morning. When I wake up I feel energy in my body. Like I am still in the room. I have 3 medallions we sleep with. I have not had this kind of energy for so long. I am grateful that this technology is here. The resonance of the room is so beautiful. The Law of Resonance is working. I am coming UP to the resonance of the EE System.

July 10, 2023

Wellness Visions


24-unit EESystem

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Mary Grijalva


Hello everyone! My first experience was in Phoenix,Az at Vitality Energy Healing with Sonya (a very awesome passionate and sweet person). The first time was especially awesome because my chronic coughing was improved by about 80% and my bladder problem has also improved. I know I am a work in progress and this is not a magic overnight cure. I believe with a positive attitude and with frequent visits I can improve over time. I highly recommend this new technology because this has done more for me than over 5 yrs of going to Drs. and taking dangerous medicines has ever done for me! Good luck everyone!

July 8, 2023

Vitality Energy Healing


12-unit EESystem

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L. P.


I have been to four overnight sessions. I have seen improvements in my sleep quality, snoring, and nasal/sinus health. I used to tape my mouth at night to prevent snoring but I no longer seem to have a need for tape. I think people with sleep apnea and other breathing related issues have an opportunity to improve their conditions. I am thankful for my time at the 5D Wellness Center.

July 7, 2023

5D Wellness Center


48-unit EESystem

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