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Kalpana Singh


Me and my husband travelled from India to visit Boundless Love and Light Center in Hillsborough NJ. We spent around 80 hours each. My husband has keratoconus in his eyes from last 16 years and we had to keep his corneal thickness in check, so before coming to the center also we got his scans done. Before coming to the center he could only read the top line out of six which is the boldest the other five lines he could not see even with glasses and the corneal thickness in both eyes was between 400-500 in both eyes (any number above 600 is considered normal). We are thrilled to report that after we came back to India, his numbers increased above 600 in one and almost 582 in the other eye and he could read till 5th line and also guess the 6th line. His Dr. called it a pure miracle/impossible.

June 16, 2023

Quantum Light Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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Mihaela Amariei


We are a family of 4 (2 boys, 5 and 10) from Romania and stayed for 2 nights and half a day at Vitality Bay in Belgium. We got more than we expected. Marianne was very patient and caring regarding our questions and needs. During the stay, they were very hospitable and nice. The EESystem experience was special. I personally was able to feel a deep connection with the generated energy. We slept very well during the night. My older son experienced a very special emotional state, he felt like he was floating around with happiness. I myself feel more calm and patient then before and I am sure body healing will start showing soon. The positive intentions and positive energy that Marianne and her family bring into place really makes the difference. Thank you very much!

June 14, 2023

The Vitality Bay


24-unit EESystem

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Rich L.


It's the day after my visit to the 5D Wellness Center in Brea CA yesterday. Time will tell before I can confirm long term changes, however in the interim; I feel physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually; noticeably better. I feel wonderful, with more energy, not hungry, no head or body aches, more mental & physical stamina; I do feel enhanced, without a general malaise or aches and pains like the day before. I really enjoyed being in the space & meeting Julie, both were wonderful, I felt restful & comfortable in the space and I really did not want to leave anytime soon. 24 hours later, the best word to describe how I feel, is; "enhanced" a better me; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Praying this lasts and wondering if I can feel even better next time!

June 10, 2023

5D Wellness Center


48-unit EESystem

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Devorah Fineblum


When I began to visit the center I hoped for physical improvements many of which I’ve experienced… but I didn’t expect such an emotional impact … many of the feelings that have dogged me for years are being released … leaving me with an enhanced love for everyone I encounter as well as a heightened appreciation for beauty of all kinds… many thanks to Sandra and Channie here in Israel and the entire EESystems family.

May 31, 2023

Light Energy Meditation Center


36-unit EESystem

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John Dodds


Michele is awesome! She created a very welcoming and comfortable space. I was able to stay overnight and the experience was exactly what I needed. I have a lot of trouble sleeping soundly and deeply. After a little while of just enjoying the warm glow I was seeing through my closed eyes, I fell asleep faster than I ever remember before. I woke up the next morning as the sun was coming in both amazed that I didn't wake up at all during the night, and slightly upset that it felt like time flew by and my night was over :). I rarely have ever felt as refreshed and recharged as I did that morning. If you can do the overnight, you should!

May 24, 2023

Amplified Healing


24-unit EESystem

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Steven Guttenberg


My wife and I watched a video of the inventor speaking of and explaining this technology a couple of times. My wife then did a good bit of additional research. My wife tried this first, then we went together. We then took 2 family members and did an overnight. I found each experience very enlightening, fulfilling and productive. My left knee and right shoulder which have been an issue for many years, have progressively felt better with each visit. I am glad I went and I will continue to go and experience the benefits of this wondrous technology. I would highly recommend giving this technology a try. Plus, the customer service was absolutely fabulous.

June 16, 2023

Regeneration Station


16-unit EESystem

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Living a miracle! Out of wheelchair after 13 years. Muscles weak but recovering. Able to walk reasonable distances with only a cane. Thank God and EE system in North Palm Beach, FL. Frannie & Dani are fabulous. Traditional medicine offered only multiple surgeries with long, stressful recoveries. I declined and lived in my wheelchair--to work and to maintain my independence. Miracle of EE Therapy is giving me back my legs and the opportunity for a full life once again. Words are inadequate. AND, improvements are "whole body". Things like arthritic bumps on fingers improving; misshaped toes changing, foot shrinking and returning to normal size and shape. It is all amazing. If you need physical improvements of any kind, give yourself the blessing of EE Therapy!!!

June 12, 2023

Loving Light Regeneration


24-unit EESystem

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Jessica Vega


I visit Amplified healing in Palmetto Bay Florida once a week and I go for a few reasons, I have a few autoimmune diseases with a lot of joint and muscular pain, I also have severe anxiety and asthma. But the second I walk through the door I sense peace and tranquility. This is the only place I can focus on my healing and it actually works. All my pains just dissipate within the 2 hours. I have also seen a drastic change in my mood and my anxiety is so much easier to cope with. Sometimes with my asthma I wheeze where I cannot breathe correctly but when I go to the healing room I can feel my wheezing going away and I can breathe so much better. Also, I have never been able to meditate or fall asleep anywhere but here I can do both and it’s absolutely life changing.

June 1, 2023

Amplified Healing


24-unit EESystem

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Dave S.


I have been dealing with severe anxiety and depression for a few years now. I did not expect to “feel” anything the first time I went in, but after a few minutes I could literally feel the energy as a tingling in my fingertips. After 20 minutes, I felt almost euphoric and my mood increased to a level that I haven’t felt in years. I went back a 2nd time for two hours and had the same experience. Since then, I’ve seen a noticeable difference in my stress and energy levels and an improvement in mood. I am definitely going to continue going to Rays of Light on Long Island! This incredible technology is REAL!

May 27, 2023

Rays of Light


24-unit EESystem

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Judy C.


78 years old, & have multiple conditions, auto immune diseases, arthritis, & Chronic fatigue. Since having my first session, my incontinence has improved by 90%. I have suffered for 6 yrs with incontinence. I don't know when I have ever slept soundly my whole life, but since the first visit, my sleep is now deeper and longer and less broken up. My ability now to cope with any stress has improve greatly. I used to be quite on edge & now feel relaxed, more at peace. Sharper & more positive mindset. I enjoy my garden but for years have been unable to tend to it, as I had no energy. After the first session, I came home & pruned my bushes. My energy has improved and I am now cooking at home again. My outlook on things has changed, am able to do my shopping, Thankyou EEsystem & Vital Body Wellness

May 23, 2023

Vital Body Wellness Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Gerrie Verschraegen


Lovely Overnight! I went with my friend to a sleep over in the EESystem of the Vitality Bay in Hechtel Eksel, Belgium. It was heavenly, serene, calming and extremely relaxing!! The reception by Marian and Jan was very friendly! The room was luxurious, the bed inviting and everything we needed was arranged! Private bathroom, a little breakfast for in the morning and a salt bag for each of us to use when we got home!! After a week I am still very calm and relaxed and have a lot more energy!! Definitely recommended!! Thank you EESystem, and thank you Marian and Jan!

June 14, 2023

The Vitality Bay


24-unit EESystem

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James N.


For the past several months, due to a series of emotional issues, I have experienced a profound loss of energy. My MD told me that it would be a year until I could expect my energy to renew. However, after only 3 1/2 hours of EES treatment yesterday, I was surprised today that I have felt more energy that I have in four months.

June 12, 2023

5D Wellness Center


48-unit EESystem

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I took myself and four others, plus one pet to EE Systems Healing Center of Bastrop in Bastrop, TX. I wanted to go because I believe in alternative systems for health improvement and my husband had an issue of hands going to sleep and not being able to sleep at night. We are all over 60 and my Mom is 92. The facility is courteous and knowledgeable. We all noticed some benefits from the 2 hr experience, even the pet. My husband is sleeping better. I feel a general sense of over all well being. The center is a bit of a distance from us, but we will be going back for additional time. Great place! Good energy!

May 31, 2023

EESystem Healing Center of Bastrop


24-unit EESystem

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Wow! The moment I stepped into the healing room, I could feel my body relax! I had such a sense of feeling grounded in that present moment. My Mom, after only one hr. (24 unit healing center) Noticed a significant decrease in swelling to both of her hands. She has been having a lot of arthritis pain in her body and she has had a great week, since our 2 hr. visit last Saturday. I had some changes for the better with my eye sight. I also felt my thoughts this week, were clearer than they have been in a very long time. I felt the need to sleep when I returned home, after our session, I felt exhausted. When I woke up, I felt the best I have felt in years! Totally energized! We go back again tomorrow. I can’t wait to see what other ways, our bodies will heal. Go, experience it for yourself!

May 26, 2023

Divine Energy and Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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Hannelore Lutz


After 10 operations on my hands and destroyed nerves I developed osteoarthritis in my fingers, in the past 10 years so bad that I could hardly use my thumbs for holding a coffee cup, picking up a sewing needle or a pencil. If I clenched my hands into a fist, I could only open them again afterwards with extreme pain and got two snap fingers. After one night in the EESystem (12 units) I could move all my fingers without pain, clench and unclench a fist, zipper up a zipper and tie my own shoes. I can hardly believe my good fortune, especially since it has lasted for several months now, and I feel like I'm reborn. Another side effect is that I sleep much better and no longer have back pain when I get up in the morning.

May 22, 2023

Pure Frequency Studio


24-unit EESystem

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