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I have had success in relief from Sciatic Nerve pain that was very painful. I visited Best of Me Scalar Wave Center and after 10 hours no more pain present. I am fine now.

August 29, 2024

Best of Me Scalar Wave Center


24-unit EESystem

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Max Kraulis-Breen


The service provided here is so appreciated and I have found it to be very beneficial. The owner is lovely and the healing I have experience is nothing less then profound. It's a relaxing and rejuvenating in many ways and affordable. I highly recommend exploring this as an assist for you!

August 28, 2024

Energy Lounge 369


16-unit EESystem

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Edward Wallace


I am an energy healer and use scalar wave technology in my practice. I didn't have any serious health issues but was in the process of optimizing my health. The positive results I have received are nothing short of miraculous. The benefits I received were far beyond my expectations. I had a couple of heart episodes a couple of years ago, nothing real serious but I have been monitoring my heart since. There are a couple of lines in your earlobes that signal heart issues. Since starting the energy sessions those lines have all but disappeared. My chest is more open and I am breathing easier. Also by blood pressure is back down and I even think my vision has improved. I would definitely recommend energy enhancement sessions for everyone.

August 18, 2024

ZiaZen Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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Ivana B.


My experience was excellent!
I had a whiplash due to a car accident and did not know what to do about a terrible headache 3 weeks after and many AK treatments.
I went to Staying Alive Wellness Center and after one overnight in the EE System and 30 minutes in the Theraphy Bed, the headache was gone.

August 13, 2024

Staying Aliive Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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Barbara V.


The energy Enhancement system has changed my well being in unexpected and delightful ways. I have less pain related to arthritis, my nervous system has moved from being in fight or flight to being in parasympathetic, meaning I am calm now. All the staff at the center have huge hearts and are benevolent beings wanting to make our community healthier!

August 13, 2024

Staying Aliive Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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Jenny Lamberton


I have been dealing with some neurological issues post covid and was curious how it would respond and I noticed a significant difference a few days after the session. I’m interested to see if another session increases these benefits!

August 29, 2024

Gemini Wellness Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Charlotte McCarthy


I have been going to EEE in Centerville for about 4 months. The owners are always welcoming and pleasant. I am 76 and have had an unsteady feeling for several years. After my first 2-hour session that feeling was gone! I've had arthritis in my hands and thumbs for 5 years; I now have improved hand flexibility & my thumbs no longer hurt. My sleep quality has significantly improved; I'm now averaging 7 hours each night with 4 hours of deep sleep per my tracker. My blood pressure is now normal and I'm no longer on meds! My reflux is improving and I can now eat things I couldn't before, such as pizza! Recent blood work showed excellent results. I love the EES sessions!

August 23, 2024

Energy Enhancement Experience


24-unit EESystem

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Tiffany Alvarez


I was excited to try the vibration plate and red light therapy combo! I almost fell asleep during the red light therapy. It was so relaxing! The vibration plate was really cool. it was a totally new experience for me. I loved it so much. I decided to buy my own vibration plate for home use! I highly recommend the protocol that involves these two modalities. My legs felt a little sore after the session and I noticed my digestion improved quite a bit from the red light therapy in the 24 hours to follow. It was a really rewarding experience overall!

August 18, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Lilli B.


My experience with the 24 unit EES has been profound in so many ways and grows over time. I have gained deep rest and rejuvenation relieving my body of fatigue, soreness and stiffness. Emotionally I feel uplifted, cleared and calm and more objective. Often times during an EES session feel waves of joy and bliss moving thru me. Overall the scalar EES has helped cultivate greater peace and contentment. On a mental level I find more focus, insight and intuition. The ongoing use of the EES has been a powerful transformative vehicle for my mind/body/soul. It is like an energy massage and the intelligence knows how and what to harmonize and heal. I go as often as possible.

August 13, 2024

Staying Aliive Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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Mary McIntosh


I came to the Scalar Lounge in Brisbane with very sore and painful joints, lots of inflammation in my body and feeling very unwell. After my first two hour session in the Scalar Lounge the pain in my back disappeared. I now have had a total of six hours in the Scalar Lounge and feel amazed at the improvement in my body. I’m excited about my results and eagerly looking forward to continuing my sessions. Vivienne has been a great help and I feel so comfortable going there.

August 12, 2024

Scalar Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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Lisa F.


I bought 5 wearable to create a vortex to go around my bed. I wanted it because I wanted to get the benefits of the energy I felt in the treatment room every day. Now my two small senior dogs sit on my bed all day. One of my dogs has really benefited. She had booger eyes every day and her eyes and ears were red and now her eyes and ears have cleared up. Plus, she had a blood clot in her bladder that is almost completely gone. I feel better and my dogs are also healing. I highly recommend the wearable around the bed.

August 29, 2024

Enhanced Energy Wellness


8-unit EESystem

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Sianna Avalyn


I’ve been in severe pain for over 8 years in my hips, groin and knees… limping and barely able to walk at times. Since sitting in the EE room at least 6-7 hours per week since May, pain level has decreased significantly. I’m walking better and feeling more alive. A great side benefit too is my hair is reversing from grey/white to original color.

August 20, 2024



24-unit EESystem

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Image Hasselback


Since integrating scalar energy into my life, I've experience profound shifts in my awareness and well-being. I've found a deep sense of peace and calm that has helped regulate my nervous system in ways I never thought possible. My energy levels have increased significantly, allowing me to engage more fully in life. Beyond the incredible benefits of the energy work itself, the staff is absolutely wonderful--kind, compassionate and genuinely caring. I highly recommend this service to anyone seeking balance, vitality, and a supportive, healing environment.

August 14, 2024

Healthy Body Healthy Soul


24-unit EESystem

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Jennifer H.


Staying Aliive Wellness Center offers one of the best healing technologies I have ever experienced. Mel and Amber have created an exquisite environment, and the power of a 24-unit EESystem is undeniable. Each session brings new deepening on both the physical and spiritual levels; I always leave feeling relaxed and clear. Staying Aliive is well worth the drive from Vero Beach!

August 13, 2024

Staying Aliive Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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Ena Bergmans


I visited Scalar Lounge in Wooloowin and had a 2 hour session there. It's a beautiful, relaxing and quiet environment. I disappeared very quickly in a meditative state. It feels wonderful and very relaxing. I just try to stay as healthy as possible. I have been using an Oura Ring & out of 100 I generally had a result around 75, sometimes early 80. After using the EESystem it now shows up from 85 to 92.
I have also been wearing an HFA mini for years. It's copper that turns dark during negative times. Very surprisingly the HFA mini turned a golden colour, then the next day a beautiful pink & golden again. I have never seen that before! Thank you so much for bringing the EES to Brisbane!

August 12, 2024

Scalar Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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