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Abraham Nassi


Dear Michele🙏🏽 I would like to thank God for having put us together. You are definitely one of the more elevated souls that I have met in my life. You are kind, caring, loving, and generous. Even if a center opens up near us I will still drive two hours to come to Amplified Healing as we were blessed with more than just a healing in the EE system. I definitely believe that your sweet energy, and who you are as a person has a lot to do with your center. Remi and I have spent three overnights at your center, which was nothing less than incredible. I had an issue with my prostate and bladder, caused by an infection I had. It totally disappeared. The infection is gone and I no longer have any pressure on my bladder or prostate. We will definitely be back to you very soon.

April 25, 2023

Amplified Healing


24-unit EESystem

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The power of this scalar energy healing is miraculous, and so very powerful! I am so grateful to have this experience! After 2 hours I feel like I just visited a Charging Station to fuel my body, mind and soul!

April 21, 2023

The Energy Room


24-unit EESystem

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John Rutledge


I came to the system because of really bad rheumatoid arthritis. I did an overnight stay in the beautiful EE System of Bastrop, Texas location. They are wonderful people there. My experience is that after staying that night I was able to stop taking prednisone, which is a medication for severe inflammation. The EE System relieved so much inflammation in my body, that I was able to stop taking it altogether. Prednisone becomes toxic and dangerous when used long term so getting off of that stuff has been such a blessing! Now my goal is to get completely off all medications and get complete relief from RA permanently. I believe in the EE System technology because I can feel it working in my body. The more time I spend there the better I feel! I’m so grateful I found this miraculous gift!

April 19, 2023

EESystem Healing Center of Bastrop


24-unit EESystem

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Camille Rosenberg


Because of good friends Ann and Wayne I go to Soulful waves in Sarasota I dragged my husband with me . He said it is voodoo, I laughed and said try it. Well he had heart damage after COVID and his EF was low and high heart rate. After two one-hour sessions in January he noticed his high heart rate was getting lower and after once a week one-hour sessions it is still getting lower. It is April and his ejection fraction after his ultrasound went up a lot. He was 25-30 percent now he is 40-45. This is amazing. Heart rate went from 94 to 78 while sitting. This is amazing.

April 18, 2023



24-unit EESystem

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I went because I was tired of fighting with migraines. I would have to take at least four over the counter Motrin or Excedrin every day or alternate the two every two hours. Sometimes the hospitals migraine cocktail would not work either. We are talking 9-18 migraine duration days. After two, two hours visits I am migraine free for 5 solid days. That has never happened in the past. My moles have also disappeared, my need for excessive coffee consumption has diminished with no migraine withdrawal from coffee either. The room is beautiful and the lady running it is so sweet and kind. I will be going back to see what else this helps heal and continue with migraine free days!!!

April 17, 2023

Inner You Energy


8-unit EESystem

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Werner Pfleger


Fernanda made me feel welcome and invited me to settle into the zero gravity chairs. A silent current of energy was palpable in the room. The atmosphere was peaceful and serene. I drifted into a deep state of relaxation. Before I knew it the two hours were up and I felt refreshed and recharged. The effect stayed with me over several days and I cant wait to go back to explore it more.

April 22, 2023

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Tessy Dorantes


I feel amazing-so energized! I've had foot pain from inflamed tendon for 2 years with no help from conventional doctors. I spent 1 hour in the Scalar room for the 1st time ever- massaging my foot and I could just feel the tendon release. No more limping and minimal discomfort. I plan to return for another session as I'm confident I will be back to 100% soon.

April 20, 2023

EESystem Healing Center of Bastrop


24-unit EESystem

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Auro Reynoso


Prior to attending a session with the EE System, I suffered with insomnia. I am totally amazed with the results of my first session, which lasted two hours. That same very evening, when I went to bed, I slept straight through the night!

April 19, 2023

Loving Light Regeneration


24-unit EESystem

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Nasha Pisano


I was there for a tour and must have been in the room for no more that 30-40 mins all together. I was struggling with a leaky throat that was waking me up throughout the night and was choking on my saliva for months. It was driving me crazy coughing all the time. One day after the tour I noticed I wasn’t choking anymore and have been sleeping through the night just fine. I can’t wait to do full sessions. I’m recommending everyone to use this amazing healing system.

April 18, 2023

Centner Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Marilyn Wagner


Took my mother who is 87 for sessions after 4 sessions for 2 hours - she no longer has neuropathy which was extremely painful. The doctors solution was more medication with harmful side affects so she declined and was so happy when it disappeared.

April 16, 2023

Quantum Wellness For Life


16-unit EESystem

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When I got home, I was starving. I’m not sure if that’s part of the energy working through my system. I felt very tired towards the evening and couldn’t last more than 15 minutes in the bath before I went to bed. This morning I power walked 1.5 miles and ran 1.5 miles without stopping . I usually stop along the way I felt energized. I’m still buzzing and feel I’m in a completely different dimension. What an amazing experience. I’m definitely coming back next week.

April 21, 2023

Amplified Healing


24-unit EESystem

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Cyndy Lee


I worked in garden yesterday stooping & pulling weeds, my back ached. Went to the grand opening of EESystem Healing Center in Bastrop, Texas. I sat in the Bio Scalar room, where electro magnetic field generates multiple bio-active life enhanced energy move throughout my body. I also had vibroacoustics sound mat therapy for 20 minutes. Today I do not have any back pain after resuming 2 hours in the garden to finish pulling weeds.

April 20, 2023

EESystem Healing Center of Bastrop


24-unit EESystem

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Brooke McMurtrie


My husband had chronic pain - osteoarthritis, crush injury on hands resulting in carpel tunnel surgery - numbness in fingers, always dropping things, bursitis in shoulder. After EE System sessions all of my husband pain disappeared, he felt strong - like he had his strength back, he said he felt like a 21 year old (he is 44). He said he used to wake up thinking how was he going to get through the day with his pain. Now he lives pain free.

April 18, 2023

Aussie Quantum Healing Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Linda Baker


Following my knee replacement surgery, I struggled to make progress on my recovery. I turned to the healing options the EE System had to offer. The combined services I received of healing Scalar technology, massage, and tuning forks not only expedited my healing journey, but lifted my spirits. I gained mobility, felt much needed relief from pain, and slept better.

April 18, 2023

EESystem Healing Center of Bastrop


24-unit EESystem

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Nikki Benoit


I’m just in love with these systems! I’ve done a few hours already up at the Energy Room in Boca Raton and further north in Palm Coast. So excited Michele opened Amplified Healing here in Miami. I did a bliss session and it is just that! While in there I’m able to “drop in” to meditation quicker and they’re deeper, you can feel your body’s systems recalibrate. My sinuses clear immediately (I’ve dealt with sinus congestion my whole life!) I feel the cells in my body dance as regeneration and healing is taking place. I always always always leave sessions with more expanded consciousness, able to see a big picture for things, not reactive and an overall sense of …”yes”…Michele is such a gem, a talented healer with a huge heart. So much magic in the works for us all! Highly recommend 💗

April 9, 2023

Amplified Healing


24-unit EESystem

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