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Melinda Austin


My mother in law has suffered from severe depression for most of her life. Like crying for hours every morning severe. Dr's have done little to nothing for her. She has been to the center twice and has stopped crying and is more focused. She will definitely be continuing her journey.

March 24, 2023

Scalar Energy Wellness Center - Rockwall


24-unit EESystem

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I suffered from restless legs approximately for 30 years and were getting more and more troublesome! Completely disappeared! Had trigger fingers on my right hand. Also known as tenosynovitis. Completely gone. My doctor had said I would eventually need an operation. I feel more alert and energized, especially in the mornings, after a good night sleep, again since my sessions in the EES. Can't wait for the centers to open here in London , England as I will be booking more sessions .This will be my on going care to heal my body, mind and spirit.

March 21, 2023

The Vitality Bay


24-unit EESystem

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Pedro Pereira


I was diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy Stage 5. Anyone familiar with this disease knows that stage 5 means the end stage, and my eGFR was 12. So I had a stem cell transplant in Dec-2022, slthough we knew it would take 6-12 months for new stem cells to activate in the body. In Jan-2023 my eGFR had dropped to 8. So my mom did more research and found out about scalar waves used as healing therapy in the EESystem technology developed by Dr. Michael, can activate stem cells at an accelerated pace. She visited the Loving Light Regeneration Wellness Center in North Palm Beach, FL. She arranged an overnight session for me in Feb-2023 and I have to say that it was the best thing that could've happened to me. First, I slept like a baby, which I hadn't done in a long time. Next, I woke up feeling extremely revitalized. As the day went on, I felt more and more energetic and a deep sense of well-being. By the evening I was feeling so good, in such a way that I cannot find the words to explain. All I can say is that I feel invincible and balanced. By the next day and every day after that session, I've been feeling so full of energy, so healthy, so clear!! My cravings for comfort foods are gone, so I'm able to keep up with my new lifestyle of healthy eating and daily exercise without effort. My blood pressure is stable, I have no inflammation, I feel supercharged with energy, I feel less stressed, so composed, and overall I feel SO good! Additionally, my nephrologist calculated my eGFR in March-2023 and it had increased to 15. It seems that the overnight session must've activated a good percentage of the stem cells, only 2 months after transplant. I intend to do additional overnight sessions once a month until my eGFR goes above 20 to get out of the terminal zone. Let's say that even if my GFR never gets better, the deep sense of health and well-being one experiences after this EES therapy is undeniable.

March 19, 2023

Loving Light Regeneration


24-unit EESystem

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Donna Berthiaume


Enhanced my energy, clarity of mind, eased arthritic joints, calm and peace of mind like never before.

March 13, 2023

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Monica Holm


I have been under severe emotional withholding abuse from my entire family since April of 2021. I was having Chest Pain from 12/26 to 2/10 when I went into the System for 2 hours and have not had Chest Pain since! I went in again 2/28 for 3 hours and will be going 3/17 for another 2 hour session. My anxiety and difficulty sleeping has improved as well. I had a bad fall hiking with snowshoes injuring my knees and left rib cage on 2/20. The pain in my knees and ribs disappeared completely within two days of the 2/28 session.

March 8, 2023

Energy Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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Troy Front


My health story is very complicated, and I hope to be able to add to this testimonial down the road, but after just one 4 hour session I was already seeing benefits. After an ACL replacement in 2007 I developed a massive DVT. Shortly after I learn that I developed mitochondrial myopathy, polynueropathy, and other issues I won't list at this time. The almost immediate benefit I was seeing was with my sleep. For years I have had pins and needles in my feet, burning pain behind my knee that would keep me awake and wake me up multiple times a night. I also had electric shocks going from waist down my thighs causing my legs to twitch and turn, and sever cramping in my left foot that would cause the foot to turn inward so severe I could not move it. All these together added up to many hours lying in bed unable to sleep. After 4 hours at Inner You Energy I felt benefits that night. After 8 hours my pain cramping and twitching were 80% gone. I can't say for sure when it was nearly 100% gone, but I can say I haven't slept this well in many years. I now wake up refreshed, clear headed, and eager to see what other benefits I will start to see.

March 24, 2023

Inner You Energy


8-unit EESystem

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Had pain in my left arm which interfered with my work, I am a carpenter. The pain has now completely disappeared. Feel so much better and energized. Marianne was very informative. Comfortable luxury reclining arm chairs.

March 21, 2023

The Vitality Bay


24-unit EESystem

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Lia Heisig


Upon watching an interview of Dr. Baker by Jason Shurka, I decided to do further research on how this technology can help to significantly reduce symptoms of PTSD and mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) in war veterans like me. So I purchased a 10-hr package and used it 2 hours at a time. Prior to this therapy, my symptoms were high anxiety, panic attacks, irritation/anger, fear of crowds, memory lapses, inability to think or focus, and other impaired cognitive functions. After 10 hours in the "womb room" as the dear owners call it, I experience a much calmer response to the daily stressor. The memory lapses are now rare, I'm now able to do basic mathematical equations and can actually remember things from one day to the next. It seems that my ability to form memory is coming back. The anxiety has reduced significantly and I haven't experienced a panic attack since I started the sessions in January. I noticed that at the grocery store, I'm much less reactive when people stand or walk behind me. By no means am I saying that I am cured, but I am saying that a total of 9 sessions of 2 hours each (between the two centers) have done for me what 5 years of protocol therapies, meds and treatments by the VA could not do. I still have a ways to go, but this EES technology is bringing much awaited hope and healing to me and many veterans who have not been able to get relief from their war injuries by the approved conventional protocols.

March 19, 2023

Loving Light Regeneration


24-unit EESystem

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Leighanna Woodard


I did a 2 hour session. I focused on meditation and breathwork in the session, although I was told this isn't required. I felt my retention breathwork more powerful and effective. After the session, I was very calm and felt a peace all over me. My energy levels dramatically improved, especially feeling alert and energized in the mornings, which is usually problematic for me due to health issues. The staff were friendly and engaging. I can't wait to go back!

March 11, 2023

Manifest Wellness Spa


24-unit EESystem

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Lesli Love


I noticed my feet were burning the whole time & I could feel a ball of pulsing energy between my ankles, feet & calves. I could also feel it address old injuries (bad sprained ankle & chronic knee pain). I was surprised this sensation continued the rest of the day until this morning. I could feel it had worked out some layers of trauma in all those areas & that I was standing & felt different in my feet, ankles & lower legs today - that was my 10th hour (2 hr sessions each) in the system. Excited for more to come, clear & be healed!!!

March 7, 2023

Loving Light Regeneration


24-unit EESystem

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I came with my daughter who has eczema quiet desperate to find help that didn’t include medicine…. Which help the symptoms but not the source. I came with her to keep her company and in the process after 3rd session I noticed I didn’t reach for my knee brace and just worked out. After, 15 minutes of using my left knee to my shock I didn’t have it on and I don’t use it anymore it’s been well over 2 weeks and my knee feels great!!! I can’t say enough beautiful things about Frannie and Danny!!

March 24, 2023

Loving Light Regeneration


24-unit EESystem

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Lia Heisig


Before EES, I was dealing with the relentless hot flashes of menopause every 10-15 mins 24/7, plus night sweats and mood swings. Different parts of my body hurt, but the lower back was the worse, due to loss of bone density. I was sleeping very little and experiencing very low energy. My doctor told me it was all part of the aging process. So I started the 2-hr sessions, and after 4 sessions (8 hours) all my symptoms were gone. Consequently, I scheduled sessions for my son and the day of his first session he couldn't move his head due to neck pain. He said the pain was gone within the first 20 minutes in the chamber and experienced other benefits, which he'll describe in his own testimony. I've been free of pain or menopause symptoms since the 4th session.

March 19, 2023

The Energy Room


24-unit EESystem

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Karen Crist


I have never been able to smell and in the EE system, it happened. I wanted to jump out of my chair and tell someone. I explained to my sister what happened. I smelled cool, fresh and mint and she said it is exactly what it smelled like in the room. I was amazed that my brain knew the smells that my nose has never experienced. How could I have described exactly what these scents were??!!! I did the oxygen bar and could smell, for the first time, the smell of peppermint. Amazing!!! My sister did the salt sauna and EE. We both slept that night like never before. We are in our 70's and the aches, pains, stiffness and brain fog are almost non-existant. The effects that day were energizing, but the next day was even better. We both realized the effects of the system and felt refreshed, relaxed, calm and mind/body/soul changes going on, especially our body changes. Like I expressed already, I could write a book about the experience in changes we both felt.

March 17, 2023

Manifest Wellness Spa


24-unit EESystem

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Carlynn Simmons


All of my sessions have been for four hours. I have had foot neuropathy for years, no feeling in my feet. The morning after my first session I could not believe that I could feel the softness of the carpet under my feet. Since then I have noticed what feels like an awaking of the nerves in my feet. Being 80 years of age I have all the normal aches, pains and stiffness that goes along with aging. I find that I am getting in and out of my car much easier now. The only drawn back that I have found, is that I can’t have a session every day!

March 9, 2023

Manifest Wellness Spa


24-unit EESystem

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Sandy McGowan


I first learned of the EESystem from a video of a gathering in Sarasota, FL with Sandra Michael speaking. It certainly spiked an interest on my part as I have what is called Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy which has similar symptoms to macular degeneration. A blind spot in one eye with just that eye having peripheral vision. Anyway, I have been to Meg Poor's in Georgetown, Maine 6 times for 2 hrs each time. And I can see a face on the television screen now in that central vision area that saw nothing. I am truly amazed and thankful.

March 6, 2023

Gotts Cove Healing Center


12-unit EESystem

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