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Julienne Laurents


I am a 94 year old woman and on advice of my daughter, I visited the EESystem in Hechtel Eksel in Belgium. I have been incontinent for about 2 years. After a very relaxed 2 hours session my incontinence was completely gone!! My mind was also a lot clearer!!

March 5, 2023

The Vitality Bay


24-unit EESystem

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Aaron Potts


We had 3 x 2 hours sessions over 3 days. I felt really relaxed during and after each session and this continued for about a month or so. What I found most interesting though was that my whole body, all muscles, ligaments and tendons felt like they had been lubricated with WD40!! My whole body could just move more smoothly which really surprised me. I would say that I am not really that in touch with my body and how I feel so this was pleasantly surprising. I am really looking forward to having more sessions. I truly feel this will change my life. I am especially looking forward to seeing if my asthma will change in the future and how my ability to play sport still at 46 will be positively impacted.

February 24, 2023

Gold Coast EEScalar Centre


12-unit EESystem

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Jasmine Potts


After waiting 4.5 months for our appointments, we finally got to try the EESystem in the Gold Coast (12 units), Australia. It was everything we were hoping for and more. My husband, my Mum, her husband and I went. We had 3 x 2 hours sessions over 3 successive days. We had to fly across the country to go to our appointments after waiting so long, hence the 2 hr appointment every day for 3 days... we were SO excited! We all had different experiences. I have had a chronic neck condition for many years that flares up fairly regularly due to difficult manual work as a Remedial Therapist. Late last year I had irritated a disc in my neck which was causing so many problems for me and much pain. The 2 weeks before our appointments, it was particularly bad and I was taking pain killers every 8 hours as the pain was so bad. And I never take anything if I can help it! After the second session, all of the pain and tightness and restricted range of movement in my neck left and has not returned! I have not needed any pain relief for that since that second session or any kind of treatment on my neck, which is very unusual. Normally I would be at the chiro at least once a month, often more for my neck. I also dropped into the deepest sleep after the first hour and I was probably asleep for about 20 minutes. When I woke up I literally felt like I had been asleep for about 8 hours. I couldn't believe it. I also left each session with a deep sense of peace and calm that lingered for over a week and I had a lot more energy for many weeks. My thinking was extremely clear afterwards and one thing that was interesting was that I could type so much easier when I got back to work.

February 18, 2023

Gold Coast EEScalar Centre


12-unit EESystem

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Sophia Parker


Get yourselves in an EE system!! I have to say this is the best thing I've come across health wise ever! Seriously I've been dealing with stubborn blood clots in my arm for the past 6 months from thoracic syndrome. My veins being pinched in my shoulder from lifting too much on my farm and lots of computer work. I've been on blood thinners for the past 6 months, doing all the stretches and exercises for thoracic outlet syndrome and lots of herbs and diet changes that are supposed to help blood clots. Went in for an ultrasound the week before my first session at the scalar wellness center in Rockwall TX. The ultrasound showed no change in the blood clots situation since the last ultrasound 4 months prior. 😢 3 weeks ago I was feeling pretty trashed. The previous 6 weeks I had 30 vials of blood drawn, really heavy menstrual cycles from the blood thinners, 2 CT scans which equals about 400 x-rays of radiation, A Venogram where they keep the x-ray on above you for about 15 minutes, 4 contrast dye injections. My IV broke when I went to get the venogram and sprayed blood out all over the floor and the bed. So yeah a lot of radiation,blood loss and chemicals in my system. 2 weeks ago my arm hurt to pick up my dinner plate and just making it through Washing some dishes and getting the laundry done was rough. Energy was sooo low. Now after three 2 hour sessions in the EE systems I have a ton of energy. My head is super clear and I'm going crazy wanting to do everything I haven't been able to do in the last 6 months. My arm feels almost normal again too! Very little pain. I can feel the blood clots getting smaller every time I go.

February 13, 2023

Scalar Energy Wellness Center - Rockwall


24-unit EESystem

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Regina Porter


I had the 4 hour ( EESystem) session. I am manifesting the dissolution of fibroids. This spa is "State of the Art". The atmosphere and environment is conducive for healing. The leather recliner chairs were very relaxing which enhanced my experience. I was very relaxed and slept peacefully following my session. I rate my experience 5 out of 5 Stars. I will be attending sessions regularly and encourage ALL to visit.

February 8, 2023

Manifest Wellness Spa


24-unit EESystem

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Kohbi Flor


I just had my first two-hour, 8-unit session at the Vass Integrated Wellness clinic in Vernon, BC. Every day for the past 7 months, I’ve had a huge ache in my head every time I either bend down to pick something up or when I cough. I work as a painter and I’m always bending down for tools. The pain is there for a split second then goes away. It’s been horrible. Since my session yesterday, I’ve had no pain at all! I’m so amazed and relieved. I’ve booked 5 more sessions-one a week!

March 5, 2023

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Raul Castro


Before experiencing the Energy Enhancement System I had several issues. After a few hours in the system I noticed that my hypertension was lowered and my headaches were diminish. Another trouble I had was my blood sugar roller coaster, but after a few visits it become more stable and manageable. I am also, very impress with Rick and Jenny, they truly are great person which willingly help people. I highly recommend the Scalar Energy Wellness Center

February 19, 2023

Scalar Energy Wellness Center - Rockwall


24-unit EESystem

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Ellen Lawer


I took my dog who has been weakened and lethargic. Two days after he was much more energetic and moving. I went to set an example for my daughter and grandson to go. I've had whiplash in my neck and pain in my piriformis, sciatic area for months. At times stopping me from being able to sleep. My first visit, I felt a palpitation in my heart for a few seconds, I was grateful that something was being fixed that I wasn't even aware of. I felt a closeness to my Mom who has passed away, I had creative visions of photos I should take and various colors. When I left I felt relaxed and rested. As I was driving I realized my neck no longer hurt and neither did my lower spine and piriformis area. The pain did not come back. I do have other areas now that I am going to go back for that feel like they were the beginning problems, I am also improving my diet since we cannot continue to put garbage in our body and expect it to heal. My dog continues to feel better.

February 17, 2023

Urban Retreat Ministry - Land and Soul


24-unit EESystem

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Peggy Lawler


I had been planning on visiting the Rockwall Center but hadn’t made appointment yet. But then on a Monday had a terrible gall bladder attack (first one, I’m a nurse so familiar with symptoms). The original symptoms subsided after 16 hours, I’ll save you the details but lets just say they were so violent I almost passed out). But two days later I was unable to eat due to lingering, underlying nausea. Also slept almost constantly, I was so drained. My husband said I needed to go to Scalar so I did. I noticed the nausea again as I drove the 40 minutes. 15 minutes after going into the session, the nausea was gone. The session was very pleasant. After I got home I was able to eat and have had no problem since, and two days after the session I felt better than I have in years (literally). Specifically: I was able to get out of bed, or out of a chair without hobbling around for several minutes. Back pain gone ( a nagging stiffness and discomfort had been with me for years). Able get down on the floor and clean cabinets out without difficulty. Also mood was totally elevated.

February 12, 2023

Scalar Energy Wellness Center - Rockwall


24-unit EESystem

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Lorinda C.


My experience in the EESystem is truly a miracle. In Dec 2021, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer; following my doctors advice, I went thru 6 chemo treatments and was declared cancer free on May 5, 2022. In Sept 2022, my ovarian cancer aggressively returned with my antigen levels at 182.0 (cancer free levels are <38.0). I began round 2 of chemo treatments on Dec 8, 2022. My sister had recently opened an EESystem center and encouraged me to come in and try it. I went into the EESystem for 2 hours on Dec 21, 2022. On Jan 3, 2023 my bloodwork showed my antigen levels had dropped to 61.0 from 182.0… a 65% decrease! On Jan 5, I had a second chemo treatment, which had taken a real toll on my body, I was in a lot of pain. My sister encouraged me to do an overnight session on Jan 14, 2023 for 12 hours. The following morning I was pain free and overjoyed with disbelief. I wanted to come in for another 2 hours before having my bloodwork to test my cancer antigen levels again. After another 2 hours in the EESystem, a total of 16 hours, I had my bloodwork antigen levels tested and the results were miraculous… my antigen levels were 37.1, I am now cancer free!

February 4, 2023

Vitality Energy Healing


12-unit EESystem

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John Johnstone


40+ years ago my big toe was broken in a motorbike accident and the Drs said they couldn’t do anything for me. I've been living with the pain and the discomfort of it off & on since then. In recent years I have had to modify my shoe to make it more comfortable for me to be able to walk around with less pain and also to dance. When it was particularly troublesome recently, it was very puffed up, swollen underneath, red and very sore; full of inflammation. I was starting to worry I might not be able to keep doing my rock'n'roll dancing because it was getting so bad. My chiropractor looked at it also and referred me back to a foot specialist. But the Drs said there was nothing to be done. Since my first two hours in a 12 unit EESystem, I came out of there and couldn’t believe I had no pain in my toe. Absolutely nothing! I could actually stand and press hard on my foot with all the weight into my big toe. I have never been able to do that since the motorbike accident without excruciating pain. All the pain was gone in my toe and even all the puffiness , redness and swelling was gone! I was amazed and it is still good 2 months later! I am absolutely thrilled.

February 24, 2023

Gold Coast EEScalar Centre


12-unit EESystem

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Ken Schrems


I went with the intention to help an open wound from a surgery that continually drained I had in 2022—went to several wound appointments —- no luck—— on two rounds of antibiotics for a couple of months Went up the EE center in Tarpon Springs Florida and within 4 times of going the wound closed up !! This is my main miracle the other was my foot always hurt and would swell at times —-it is now gone!!

February 19, 2023

Aurora Healing Ministry Relax N Recharge


48-unit EESystem

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Ra Ansems-Ridout


Our gorgeous black lab Jetty tore his cruciate lig last Monday and wasn't able to stand on his leg, it was very sore and he was quite sad. We had to carry him up and down the stairs and carry his sore leg to help him mobiles around the house. His medallion arrived from Quantum Healing Noosa (Australia) on the Friday and I put it on him. I went out for a few hrs and came back to him walking around the house up and down stairs and through his doggy door with a big happy smile on his face!!! He has been running (still with a limp but very comfortably) around like a crazy puppy.

February 15, 2023

Quantum Healing Noosa


24-unit EESystem

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Dr. Kate Keville


My name is Dr Kate Keville. I am a licensed chiropractor and have practiced holistic healthcare for over 35 years. I had a golf ball sized mass on my right breast for 12 years. I visited EE System in Tarpon Springs, Florida and received 4 hours a day for 5 days. After 20 hours the mass on my breast disappeared, my energy has increased, I have a peace of mind , and my ability to handle stress has improved greatly. My hair has grown approximately 4 inches and my finger nails grow so quickly I am still cutting them back weekly. Before EE My nails would need to be cut monthly. I have had chronic constipation from birth. At 65 years old I am having daily well formed bowel movement’s. I also am walking daily without motivation. My body is craving exercise, clean food and water.

February 8, 2023

Aurora Healing Ministry Relax N Recharge


48-unit EESystem

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I had broken my elbow and had difficulty gaining full movement of my bicep muscle. After a two hour session at Onyx the daily pain and movement is now gone!!! After 6 months of therapy without a good result and being frustrated, being at Onyx helped me heal my pain. I am so thankful that I will be able to get back to a more normal life. The Onyx staff were very helpful and knowledgeable. I was very comfortable and so happy that I found them on my visit to Colorado.

February 3, 2023

Onyx Healing Collective - Boulder


24-unit EESystem

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