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Martina Vonderlieth


My husband Harry is 85 years old and was diagnosed with elevated glucose level. He is checking his glucose every morning, recording it for the last 3 months being between 150 and 175. He did not take it after the first visit but after the second visit his level was down to 125, and after the 3rd visit of 2 hours each time his level came down to 115. This is the first time he is this low.

January 31, 2023

Aurora Healing Ministry Relax N Recharge


48-unit EESystem

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Kathleen Davis


I visited this healing center because I have chronic neck pain for the last 5 years from an old injury; These are the improvements that I have noticed over the past several weeks: increased energy level and improved physical stamina; I couldn't walk more than 10 - 15 min. once or twice a week: now I am up to 30 min. (over 1 mile) 4 - 5 days a week. Changing my diet and being able to become more active has rewarded me with losing 5 pounds over the holidays instead of gaining weight. My chiropractor noted some improvement in the neck x-ray since last year. I also had 4 very small external sebaceous cysts which have inexplicably disappeared! The staff at Soulful waves are wonderful; they care very much about their members and I'm looking forward to visiting their healing center regularly.

January 12, 2023



24-unit EESystem

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Anthony Dructor


I hurt my shoulder about 2 years ago and have been going to Chiropractor for 2 years but still had pain. I couldn't lift my arm passed my elbow without severe pain. After two hours in the EES energy room pain is gone and I can lift my arm straight up over my head. Blood pressure as always been high since high school and have been on Lisinopril. My pressure is 150/90 which is the best it could be, as I am 77 years old and no medication now. I got sever case of shingles about two years ago and have it in neck, stinging and intense sharp pain every day. Now it is gone most of the time. Vision cloudy in right eye and now my eye is clear.

January 4, 2023



24-unit EESystem

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I am beyond grateful to have been able to visit one of these centers. I am 44 years young with poor vision my entire adult life without even realizing it I'm driving without my glasses. Brain fog is gone and I have so much clarity. I feel like I must of been walking around with goo around my head because the fog is just gone I have so many changes to make in my life now that I can finally think clearly. The whites in my eyes are so bright. I'm not craving junk food. The energy I have is awesome too. I took 4 other members of my family. My sister suffered from severe vertigo and almost couldn't make the 2 hour drive she said the minute she walked in her ears started popping she has not had a vertigo attack or any dizziness since we've been back. My dad has energy like he did 15 years ago, I watched my dad carry his cane today and basically run down the stairs! His sugar has been perfect his runs high normally. My dad gets Lazer treatments because he is losing his vision I watched my dad take his keys out his pocket find the right key and put it right in the key hole! He hasn't been able to see the keys or keyhole in years. I'm so excited this was only a 2 hour session and we will be returning. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.

December 23, 2022

Sanaré Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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Stephen R.


I had been having a rash with inflammation on one side of my head for several months and couldn't get rid of it until I started my first 2 sessions, then it completely went away. I also felt so calm after each session and i am able to better focus during the day and for longer periods of time without a single feeling of stress. I also lost 5lbs the next morning after my first 2-hour session and then i lost 5.3 lbs after my second 4-hour session. Also my blood pressure went down noticeably so I am super happy about the results. This is really amazing!

December 23, 2022

Vitality Wellness Energy Room


24-unit EESystem

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Anne Bentzen


As someone sensitive to energy, I was alarmed by the downward shift in my energy following a flu shot given with my annual physical. I came in the very next day with a headache, bodily achyness and feeling low and heavy. I did a 2 hour session followed by the detox bath in the evening. At the beginning of the session, I felt energy opening my 3rd eye and working on my head and felt energy working on my arms and legs at the end. After the session in which I slept during the middle, my head felt clear, all headache symptoms were gone and my body felt refreshed. I felt lighter and no longer groggy. My energy was higher and I felt relieved to be free of the symptoms from the flu shot though I was still felt tired. The next morning I woke up refreshed and ready to go about my day without any remaining symptoms. The 2 hr session restored my body from the side effects of the flu shot.

January 27, 2023

Quantum Healing and Wellness - Bedford Hills


24-unit EESystem

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Susan Bowman


This is a miracle story. I was visiting my son in Scottsdale AZ and had remembered the interview on YT that Jason did with Dr Michael in May 2022. So I decided to try scalar healing at the Scottsdale location while in town. I can not say enough good things about this location. The Scottsdale EES center is perfectly designed and the staff is very helpful and friendly. I have had Fibromyalgia for nearly 20 years now. I have never given up on a cure. It took the medical industry 10 years to diagnose me. I tried all their pharmaceuticals, herbs, supplements and saw dozens of doctors both MD and ND. I tried EVERYTHING. I had been at the point of begging for death daily. God stepped in through synchronicity and I found myself at a Shaman and accepted plant medicine healing in 2014. That got me some of the way to healing but not all the way. Eventually, I became a Reiki Master and meditation teacher and animal communicator. (Illness has gifts too). Energy medicine has helped a lot but the daily pain was still there. Fibromyalgia is different for everyone but in me, it was all over my body and particularly in my spine and organs. My list of ailments is far too long to list. I bought a two hour session for me and my daughter in law. I had no expectation beyond being curious. (The root of curiosity is CURE). It felt very much like the tingling feeling I get when giving or receiving energy medicine. And the calm…indescribable. It was akin to being held by the hands of God. It took me a few hours after my session to realize the dissipation of pain. When I checked in with my body— I suddenly realized that nearly all of my pain was gone (roughly 75%). My old injuries in my shoulder and knee no longer hurt either and my liver was and is still happy. And my attitude was and still is over the top happy both from the absence of pain and the intense and beautiful calm. It is a miracle to find that level of relief in just 2 hours.

January 6, 2023

Scalar Healing Center - Scottsdale


24-unit EESystem

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Kathy Nodolf


As all victims of Lyme disease know, it can affect every part of your body and each individual in their own unique way. Generally the common factors are major inflammation throughout the body and suppressed immune system. I was immediately drawn to this life changing healing method after watching Jason Shurka's interview with Dr Sandra Rose Michael. To my delight I found SoulfulWaves in Sarasota, Fl. My two primary issues are extreme anemia resulting in blood transfusions and chronic UTI’S that I have difficulty clearing. After my first 4 hour session I was shocked and amazed that I experienced such dramatic results. I was running to the bathroom constantly( detoxing I assume) and then vibrating and tingling intensely for the full 4 hours. I had energy abounding. I truly felt 100% wide awake and full of energy for the first time in….well, I don’t remember ever having this much energy and feeling so awake! I went from barely able to walk from room to room and having to stop on the way up the stairs to catch my breath to boundless energy! People who saw me the day after remarked that I looked so much better.. The brain fog I woke up with every day is now completely gone. I am beyond grateful for this life changing miracle. I have now done a total of 11 hours and know I most likely have more healing to do, but for now I am thrilled to feel like I have a life to fully embrace and enjoy!

January 4, 2023



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Stacia S.


I’ve attended on 2 separate occasions that were 2 hour sessions, I’m 66 years old and have the usual complaints of an aging person. The typical aches and pains of a career that consisted of standing on my feet for 35 years, as well as sleeping issues and running to the bathroom all night. The experience was very relaxing and energizing. I now have had relief in every area of concern. I know that I must continue to attend to further my healing. I look at this as a trip to a massage appointment with longer lasting results.

December 23, 2022

Sanaré Wellness


24-unit EESystem

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Karen Ables


Walking into the room felt like silky warm butter on my skin... I woke up two hours later and had not moved a muscle. Within one week I was slowly hiking at 7500 feet in the New Mexico Mountains with my family, whilst two weeks prior I could not walk a city block with out catching my breath and resting. Three months later I am walking over 2 miles a day. My skin has cleared up considerably, my hair is thicker and many more changes are occurring as I write this testimonial.

December 23, 2022

Las Vegas Holistic Center


32-unit EESystem

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I feel fully energized. I haven't had this much energy in a long time. Going back in a few days to continue the process.... Peggy is super knowledgeable and a joy to talk with.

January 26, 2023

Scalar Energy Wellness Center - Rockwall


24-unit EESystem

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L. V.


I was very sceptical about the EES. I have PMR, a rheumatic condition and it seemed to have improved my condition after just (3) Two Hour Sessions. In addition, I had vivid recollections of my father that passed away 50 years ago and other seemingly dormant thoughts resurfaced. I look forward to more EES sessions at SoulfulWaves.

January 4, 2023



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Within moments of walking into my EE System session yesterday at the Energy Healing Room in Roseville,CA, I experienced a quieting of the usual mental chatter and quickly eased into a peaceful, expanded state of consciousness. All tension drained away, and I was able to pray and meditate and focus on my healing intentions for the 2 hour session. I experienced the energy moving to areas of my body that needed support, and quickly releasing any discomfort there. Afterwards, I felt in a profoundly expanded, loving state, with all physical aches and pains washed away. Can't wait to return!

January 1, 2023

Energy Healing Room


24-unit EESystem

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I have taken sleep aids to help me stay asleep for years as well as hormones for hot flashes. I have been to one 2-hour session and sleeping through the night and much more calm and centered with amazing patience. I have booked another session as it is the most relaxing thing I have ever experienced. I felt a slight tingling sensation which was unexpected. Truly amazing experience!

December 23, 2022

Aurora Healing Ministry Relax N Recharge


48-unit EESystem

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Genevieve B.


Dr. S’s EES made me a better parent for days. After the EES session I was zen and centered and I noticed that I was a way better parent because I was peaceful, grounded, and blissful. I can’t wait to get back for more EES.

December 22, 2022

Full Spectrum Quantum Wellness - Verona


24-unit EESystem

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