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Meike Rueppel


Heute war mein 2ter Besuch in Linnich (12 Std.), vor 2 Wochen meine erste Einheit mit 4 Std. Etwas zu beschreiben, wo unser Verstand beschränkt wurde, ist eine Herausforderung. Wir dürfen ins Fühlen kommen, uns Zeit für uns nehmen. Gabriela und Edgar ermöglichen mir dies auf eine einmalige und wunderbare Art. Ich "arbeite" im Vertrieb und als Empath ist die heutige Welt eine Herausforderung. Zum heutigen Zeitpunkt kann ich sagen, dass an diesem Ort meine Akkus wieder aufgeladen werden, ich wieder durchatmen kann und zu mir komme. Zudem darf ich feststellen, dass mein Unterleibsziehen weg ist und meine Periode vom zweiwöchigen Rhythmus sich scheinbar reguliert. Ich bin unendlich dankbar!

August 11, 2024

Light Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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Regula T.


Liebe Sandra & Nicole
Von ganzem Herzen möchte ich mich bei euch für die schöne EES-12-Stunden-Nacht-Sitzung bedanken! Danke für eure kompetente, herzliche und liebevolle Einführung in diese spannende Welt, welche mich total geflasht hat! 😍
Meinem Bein geht es viel besser, die Schmerzmedikamente konnte ich heute bis auf eine Tablette schon weglassen! Zudem habe ich ein sehr warmes Gefühl von Dankbarkeit in mir erfahren und dies soeben bei einer wunderbaren Meditation mit dem zweiten warmen Fussbad sehr vertiefen können. Ich fühle mich ruhig und geerdet, wie schon lange nicht mehr! Danke dass ich diese tolle Erfahrung machen darf und ihr dieses tolle System an mich gebracht habt! 🙏🫶

August 7, 2024

EES Vital


24-unit EESystem

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Rachel Warby


Wow where do I begin.. My life was filled with childhood trauma! Oh its in the past people would say! Move on! I started healing intensely in 2011 with plant medicines. Since covid I feel my body has been attacked on a cellular level I'm not sure what's going on & I'm scared to use the NHS! Then I found Tina & her healing center. It's almost a miracle room filled with love & acceptance.. whoever needs healing send them here, gift them a 2 hour session! It may just save their life! I've recently lost my job, I see that as part of my healing? But I will find a way to continue this journey. AHO Tina's Tribe. Bless us all.

August 4, 2024

Zenrji Wellness Centre


12-unit EESystem

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Carole Bostic


I have been having knee pain off and on for a couple of years. Recently my left knee was giving me so much pain that it was hard for me to sleep and I had to take Ibuprofen. I went to the ReGenerate Wellness Center twice, 2 hour sessions each and I must say that my knee pain is all but gone. I will continue to go just for maintenance but I consider this a healing experience.

August 3, 2024

ReGenerate Wellness Center


12-unit EESystem

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Stephany Hamilton


So grateful I stumbled upon 7B Energy Wellness. I have a torn labrum in my hip & with the EE System I am able to remain active. I'm a road/gravel cyclist & I am able to cycle virtually pain free after my sessions @ 7B{An average ride is 50 miles}. Had a BAD ear infection ~ 6 hours in the system & the next day my ear was 90% better. Jet lag - flew from the Philippines to the USA, the next day went to 7B for a 2 hour session = NO jet lag! My immune system has benefited from 7B as well. Along with my mental & emotional wellbeing. Even though I do not have any major illness nor disease - I still go, I want to keep it that way ~ Preventative is the way I see it.

August 1, 2024

7B Energy Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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Dr. med. Christine Stopka


Liebe Sandra,
Seit Jahren kämpfe ich mit einem „flatternden Nervenkostüm“. Als Psychotherapeutin muss ich immer darauf achten, dass ich im Gleichgewicht bleibe. Am Sonntagabend hatte ich einen Notfall – es war das dritte Mal in meiner langen Praxistätigkeit, dass jemand in letzter Verzweiflung zu mir gekommen ist. Ich blieb ruhig, obwohl ich jederzeit den Rettungswagen hätte rufen können. Nach drei Stunden war alles vorbei, und der Patientin geht es wieder gut.
Früher war es oft so, dass ich Wochenlang in den emotionalen Problemen der Patienten festhing. Am Sonntag bin ich jedoch sehr gelassen durch die Situation gekommen, und es blieb fast nichts bei mir zurück.
Alles Gute für eure Arbeit!

August 7, 2024

EES Vital


24-unit EESystem

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Susan Lagats


I came to the EE System to improve my energy and digestion. I noticed first sense of calm and clarity . Over short period of time with consistent sessions i noticed progressive and tangible changes . Very grateful for the the opportunity and the support to make the changes possible.

August 5, 2024

Whole Self Healing


12-unit EESystem

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Susan Medeiros


This my visit to this location, and we were very impressed by all persons waiting on us getting settled in, very attentive and helpful. The are was big and cool, we got a queen bed. Very comfy, clean bathrooms. It was very conducive to sleeping. Before I go to sleep I pray ask for healing on specific parts of my body. I have inflammation, that definitely cleared. Better mind and body function reset. We’ll be back for sure. Thanks again to everyone.

August 3, 2024

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Rose Dwyer


Our Dog Raven was having a bit of a 'ruff' time with pain in those hind legs, struggling up our staircase at home and taking medication for pain. Ever since Raven did an overnight and then started his weekly spa days at the Regeneration Station, she's kicked those meds to the curb and is strutting up those stairs like she's training for a doggie marathon.

August 3, 2024

Regeneration Station


16-unit EESystem

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Lauren D


We signed up for a two-hour session as soon as I learned about the new EES Center. My husband fell asleep quickly. Afterward, I felt calm, peaceful and balanced; we both experienced elevated moods.

I took in my first oversight EES session recently as a way to quickly gain more hours in the system to expedite detoxing in my body, improve circulation, decrease inflammation and resolve some arthritic tendencies in my hands. I plan to continue on a frequent/consistent basis.

The Sandpoint EES location is easy to find with plenty of parking; it is well kept plus has comfortable, adjustable recliners. The owner is a wealth of knowledge and truly cares about the clientele benefitting from EES!

August 1, 2024

7B Energy Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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Marina Schlesinger


Ich war gestern zum ersten Mal bei EES Vital für eine 2-Stunden-Sitzung, ganz ohne Erwartungen. Noch während ich dort im bequemen Sessel im Behandlungsraum saß, bemerkte ich, dass meine Ellenbogen-Schmerzen fast weg waren. Ich konnte plötzlich ein Glas Wasser anheben, was mir eine Stunde zuvor noch Schmerzen bereitet hatte. Heute, ein Tag später, bin ich schmerzfrei!
Das hat mich beeindruckt und überzeugt.

August 7, 2024

EES Vital


24-unit EESystem

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Vicki L.


I came to the 7B Energy Wellness center in February 2024, I came for a few different conditions, one being asthma which has improved so much I haven’t had to use my inhaler for months and we are in the peak of wildfires right now, it’s amazing and I had a whiplash condition as a kid and had pain and stiffness, it made it difficult to drive, after some hours in the center my neck pain is gone and I have complete motion in my neck! Susan is an amazing woman full of information on the system and so much more, I recommend this center to anyone wanting healing, body, mind, and soul! Such a refreshing place to go, and dogs love it there!

August 4, 2024

7B Energy Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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Rose Dwyer


I've been meditating for over 30 years, so I know a thing or two about energy. But the EE System takes things to a whole new level—right down to the cellular level. It's advanced, non-invasive, and downright impressive. I had cataract surgery on both eyes, and my eyes were watering so much I couldn't even drive. But after just one two-hour session watering was gone. Then, I had a deep cancer removed from my leg that just wouldn't heal. The doctor was applying live placenta treatments weekly, costing $3,000 each. After spending $12,000 and my leg was not healed, I booked an overnight session. Three days later, no more treatments needed. I am invigorated, alert, and energized!

August 3, 2024

Regeneration Station


16-unit EESystem

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I came to Revival E E S to heal the peripheral neuropathy in my feet and after about 20 2 hour sessions it has improved 80%! I sleep much better, deeper and feel well rested in the AM. Most days I have more energy which I love!! I am no longer wakened in the night with bladder calling me! I am about to begin a maintenance plan just to keep detoxing etc.

August 2, 2024

Revival Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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Ann Coughlin


Wanting to avoid Hip surgery from my painful Rt hip arthritis, I learned of the 24 unit EES healing option that opened in Sandpoint, ID. Eager to try it, I went for a 2 hr session and felt immediate relaxation and a reduction in pain in my Hip. After going for about 24 hrs total I was able to sleep, walk and stand without Hip pain. I also have had total healing of hand nerve issues and a frozen middle finger. The center is professionally run, clean and very accommodating. The owner is easy to work with and full of excitement about EESystems. My truth is that "IT WORKS". All you have to do is be curious enough to go sit in a chair and receive healing. It's really that simple, HONEST!

August 1, 2024

7B Energy Wellness Center


24-unit EESystem

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