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Vera Ilisoi


I am beyond grateful for this experience.

I have researched frequency medicine for over a year before finding this 24 units centre. I have been suffering from brain fog and dizziness for over 20 years and I was incredibly surprised to see improvements just after two x 4 hours sessions. I continued with several more 4 hours sessions throughout the month and noticed considerable improvements in my overall health. Dizziness has gone, brain fog gone also. I cannot recommend energy enhancements treatment enough . This truly is such an incredible gift to humanity. if anybody is on the fence on whether or not to try this out, just go for it!

July 30, 2024

Energy Enhancement Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Rocio Fallas


Tenía dolor de rodilla, fui al médico, se me realizó un ultrasonido, diagnóstico esguince grado 1, recibí terapia mecánica con un especialista, el malestar continuaba, decidí ir al centro Energy Vida, estuve por 3 horas en la sala, mi cuerpo se aflojó obteniendo sueño profundo, al día siguiente me sentí con mucho ánimo, energía y el dolor ya no estaba en mi rodilla.

July 28, 2024

Energy Vida - San Jose


8-unit EESystem

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Rita H.


Rita H.
What an absolutely amazing night of healing. I would like to share what happened to me.

I had terrible pain in my abdomen that started on Monday I could hardly sleep. Last night during our session and my prayers for healing I could feel the healing happening last night and left the studio pain free🤗 thank you so much🥰 I could feel it leaving my body I’ve never felt anything like it before!

July 26, 2024

Harmonic Health Club


8-unit EESystem

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Lauren Najam


I visited the Zenjri EE wellness centre because I wanted to boost my immune system, get some pain and other symptomatic relief, and generally balance my body. I wasn't sure what to expect at first, and as soon as I sat down in the room, strange sensations began in my body - buzzing, vibrating, cold burning, in different areas. I only stayed for 2 hours, and was overcome by a feeling of deep relaxation, which continued for several days afterwards, and sciatica pain in my leg was reduced. I slept very deeply that night, and was energised. In total I completed 12 hours of EE therapy, and I see the benefit of doing more. Looking forward to an overnight session. Tina, who runs the centre is great

July 23, 2024

Zenrji Wellness Centre


12-unit EESystem

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Meg Probst


I went into my first session with very high levels of anxiety, and my entire body hurting. On a scale of 1 - 10, my body was at a 7 or 8 overall. Two days later, my hands are moving better & it is easier to write & it is easier to walk. It also does not hurt as bad when I try to get up from a sitting position, which is awesome! Anxiety-wise, I feel calmer all around, just a more peaceful mind. When I walked into the cabin, I felt the energy hit me. The best way to describe it would be like a spirit going through you. It was the neatest experience. I was welcomed and treated with ultimate kindness and 100% enjoyed my experience.

July 20, 2024

Rocky Mountain Rejuvenation


24-unit EESystem

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Rafael Cordero


Después de estar algunas horas descansando en una de las salas con esta tecnología, pude constatar un alivio significativo en mi espalda, estoy muy contento y con mucho ánimo de seguir con más sesiones.

July 28, 2024

Energy Vida - San Jose


8-unit EESystem

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Cecilia Ortiz


"Estoy muy impresionada con lo que hizo el Sistema de Fortalecimiento Energético que tiene Energy Vida con mi hombro. Tengo una lesión en el hombro izquierdo desde hace años, y cuando voy a hacer ejercicio, usualmente me sucede que con algunos ejercicios la musculatura escapular me falla, es decir se me cae el brazo, y hoy hice uno de esos ejercicios, y el brazo no se cayó, ¡la escápula trabajó a la perfección!. Estoy impresionada... ¡de verdad funciona!

July 28, 2024

Energy Vida - San Jose


8-unit EESystem

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Eric Reitman


I experienced a back injury moving heavy equipment at work. I spent 2 hours in the EESystem plus wore the DNA Vibe. When I awoke the next morning my pain was entirely gone except for a little soreness. By lunchtime, I was pain-free. I am completely satisfied with my experience at Regeneration Station in Pensacola. What a miracle!

July 26, 2024

Regeneration Station


16-unit EESystem

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Gregor Hansbuer


Besonders seit der Corona-Zeit haben mich neue Technologien zur Stärkung des Immunsystems interessiert, weil sie helfen, die Erde 2.0 zu manifestieren. Bei meinen Recherchen bin ich auf das Energy Enhancements System (EES oder EESystem), das durch Dr. Sandra Rose Michael erfunden wurde, aufmerksam geworden. Ich freue mich, daß jetzt mit dem Quantum Light Center auch in Frankfurt diese Technologie verfügbar ist. Letzte Woche hatte ich meine erste 2-Stunden-Sitzung und ich fühlte mich anschließend viel klarer und beschwingter. Auch ist das Center sehr professionell eingerichtet und geführt. Man fühlt sich einfach gut, so daß ich das Center wieder besuchen werde.

July 22, 2024

Quantum Light Center


24-unit EESystem

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Joel Laliberte


Hi, I heard about those EESystem center near Montreal by the site Unifyd healing, I saw the interview with doctor Sandra Rose Michael and wanted to try. Now for almost 2 years I had problems with my Trigeminal nerve (middle and high branch), I had a lot of pain for 1 minutes or 2 specially when I brush my teeths or when I was eating. Sometimes I couldn't brush my teeths for several days in a row. After approximately 10 hours in a EESystem center (24 units) over a period of maybe 10 months I started to see a results and now I'm still going back sometimes. Since February 2024 I don't have no more pain, I can brush my teeths without any problems. Thank you to EESystem.

July 19, 2024

Energie Divine


24-unit EESystem

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Maria Rosa Chavarría


Tuve un accidente en el ascensor de mi casa. La puerta me prensó el brazo, me lo quebró y el golpe me expulsó hasta caer al piso, adicionalmente quebrándome 3 vertebras de la columna. Me operaron de emergencia para instalarme pines en el brazo. Al tercer día de la cirugía inicié mis sesiones en Energy Vida. 19 días después, me quitaron la férula, el cabestrillo y omitieron cualquier posibilidad de operarme la espalda ya que luego de 8 horas de sesiones en Energy Vida no había dolor, había bajado por completo la inflamación permitiéndome volver rápidamente a una movilidad moderada. ¡El medico estaba impresionado por lo rápido de mi recuperación!

July 28, 2024

Energy Vida - San Jose


8-unit EESystem

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Elise Stone


I have had three treatments thus far. Overall sleeping better, my body feels stronger, I have more energy and it just keeps getting better with every session. Chronic knee pain disappeared in first session. Sciatic nerve issues less severe by second session. Feeling of tingling and incredible well being in third session. I purchased a pyrite EES necklace and have used for treatments with my cats, who are also showing remarkable improvement in their overall health - normal blood work for the first time in 7 years and increased energy levels. I highly recommend the EES system. It will change your life and help you no matter what your imbalance/ illness is.

July 26, 2024

Gulf Coast Energy Spa


16-unit EESystem

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Lauren Derwent


Amazing treatment from start to finish. Tina (the owner) is wonderful, warm and friendly, with a true passion to promote natural healing. EE Systems definately work to encourage the body's natural healing response. I had a great experience and would recommend visiting Zenjri wellness centre in Clophill, Bedfordshire UK.

July 24, 2024

Zenrji Wellness Centre


12-unit EESystem

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Mauria DeMarkles


I have had 2 treatments at 2 hours each. One of the important things I did was breath threw my nose and exhale threw my nose, which to me was very beneficial during the treatment. I feel that true healing comes from within plus having the screens giving me the powerful frequencies is the way to go.
After the very first treatment I felt very uplifted as if a weight was released from my whole body
The next treatment I had I found after I was detoxing and tired. I still felt very uplifted. I drank plenty of water and soaked in the salts. I must say so hard to explain the feelings and emotions inside
Peggy is wonderful, she shares and suggests great ideas and very giving, thank you Peggy

July 21, 2024

Gulf Coast Energy Spa


16-unit EESystem

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Judi Malpass


I visited Zenrji initially because I was curious to find out what it was like. I felt reasonably fit and well at the time with the odd painful niggle in my knee.
Tina made me feel very welcome and I loved the peaceful and calm atmosphere. I have spent several hours at the centre including an overnight stay. I have a lot more energy and I feel younger in lots of ways. My skin feels lovely, my knee is better and I am literally able to run around with my grandchildren and my dog. I play 18 holes of golf and no longer feel exhausted. I will visit again in the Autumn. Thank you Zenrji

July 17, 2024

Zenrji Wellness Centre


12-unit EESystem

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