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After my second visit, I began to notice changes in my body. I wake up every morning with more energy. I sleep better at night and I have experienced no pain.
Thank you for helping people with this incredible technology and thank you for everything you are doing for the benefit of mankind - everybody has got to experience this.

June 21, 2024

Scalar Lounge


24-unit EESystem

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Shannon Bradley


I chose to try the EESystems, hoping to improve my overall health. I had been struggling with an overactive bladder and early stages of urinary incontinence for nearly two years, and my symptoms were getting progressively worse. I would run to the bathroom 4 to 8 times a night, leaving me so sleep-deprived that I nearly fell asleep while driving. My doctors prescribed medication, but due to the risk of heart attack or stroke from my high blood pressure, I decided against taking it. About a month ago, I went to my local center for the first time, spending only two hours there. Since that day, I've been sleeping like a baby. If I wake up at night, it's only once, if at all.

June 16, 2024

Integrative Vitality Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Gloria Zelaya and Hector Marin-Arias


Hector and I went to the center in Port Washington. We loved it! We spent the night over and back twice. Hector feels stronger and self confident. He was hospitalized twice since February. Went to the vision doctor and went to the optometrist to have his glasses done, for everyone surprised his eyes improved. Hector is a visual artist, so vision is important. For me it has been more at an emotional level. Feeling emotional and sensitive. I'm a writer so it's important to have deep feelings.

June 7, 2024

Rays of Light


24-unit EESystem

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Joell Young


I was very curious about the technology and looking for improvements with different discomfort areas. As soon as I went in, I got a horrible headache. I thought maybe I needed to drink more water, so I drank more and tried to relax. After leaving and over the next few days the headache has turned into a complete vestibular migraine. I have a condition called semicircular canal dehiscence but it has only ever been bothered by loud noise or pressure changes like flying. I'm guessing the frequency triggered it so anyone with similar problems beware.

June 4, 2024

EESystem Healing Center of Bastrop


24-unit EESystem

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Diya Khemlani


I visited the Energise Me Center and was thrilled to be one of the first to try the EESystem. I was explained the science and then led to the room with calming music and atmost comfort with the Infrared Lighting and diffuser oils. I had an amazing experience, I felt so relaxed and safe while regenerating energy as I fell asleep for 2 hours. I gained more insight into my body and how I was feeling, I recommended this to everyone

May 25, 2024



16-unit EESystem

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Eileen Whittemore


A visit to Healthy Body Healthy Soul "lights my fire". After a treatment I have more energy to work on my multiple projects. I have no serious health issues except "old age" and they told me they couldn't cure that but I believe they help hold it at bay. At least that is my desire. Not only are the treatments beneficial the staff are extraordinary! Their friendly thoughtful care adds a great deal to the experience! Gold stars to each of them. Thank you for providing this tremendous experience! (age 89)

June 20, 2024

Healthy Body Healthy Soul


24-unit EESystem

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Jeanne Natre


I came to Revival EES to heal the peripheral neuropathy in my feet and after about 20 2 hour sessions it has improved 80%! I sleep much better, deeper and feel well rested in the AM. Most days I have more energy which I love!! I am no longer wakened in the night with bladder calling me! I am about to begin a maintenance plan just to keep detoxing etc.

June 14, 2024

Revival Energy Center


24-unit EESystem

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Krystal Hurtado


Today I went to Ascended wellness for a massage session done by Susan. She was so amazing my body is happy.

June 5, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Karen W.


I love visiting Energy Wave Wellness in Salem, MA. I originally went to experience general healing - physical, emotional & spiritual. Surprisingly, after my 3rd session, the dry eye syndrome that my optometrist told me that there was no cure for, surprisingly has permanently disappeared. What an unexpected delight!!

June 3, 2024

Energy Wave Wellness


12-unit EESystem

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Cathy Caplinger


I went there to try to be more spiritual. It was such a calming and meditating experience

May 25, 2024

Ascended Wellness


40-unit EESystem

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Sharon Pyle


I began frequenting Love & Light Healing after my 2nd chemo treatment for stage 4 metastatic pancreatic cancer. (I had surgery last June where they removed 2/3 of my pancreas, my gallbladder, my spleen, and redirected an artery to my liver.) Although I “felt” nothing after my session, there were immediate results. My next labs were totally normal! Most shocking was that my tumor marker # fell from 356 to 194! Amazing! It has continued to fall & is now 37 (normal is 35). Since starting EES I have not even taken 1 anti nausea pill! My energy level has been unbelievably high! It is obvious to me that the power who made me, God, is using this as a means to keep me alive for now. I am grateful.

June 20, 2024

Love and Light Healing


24-unit EESystem

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Lori Niell


I went to Rocky Mountain Energy Infusion in Colorado Springs to utilize their Energy Enhancement System (E.E.S.) after being diagnosed with malignant hypertension, which is dangerously high blood pressure. Not only did my blood pressure become better controlled, my psoriasis cleared up, & my toe nail fungus began to disappear! An expected benefit was my emotional stress improved even though the stress levels in my life remain the same. Kelly & Alan have great compassion for their clients, & they understand that this is the future of Healthcare. I had a 30 year career as a Nurse, and I believe that treating the individual via the electromagnetic field cures illness, not just treat symptoms.

June 12, 2024

Rocky Mountain Energy Infusion


16-unit EESystem

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Marycita Marchese


I'm a senior with more health issues, including cancer, than I care to admit to. Grateful just to wake up every morning. But then...I discovered this amazing place! Meds have saved me, but destroyed my bones, joints, liver, kidneys, etc. in the process. My first visit to Healthy Body Healthy Soul, I painfully limped in. The second visit, I slowly walked in. By the third visit, I comfortably walked in. But then life got in the way and I took a break. I quickly realized that I needed to get back on schedule here. I'm resting better again and in much less pain. I'm able to walk 2-3 mi a day now and complete daily tasks much easier. This is huge as far as improving my quality of life. THANK YOU!

June 4, 2024

Healthy Body Healthy Soul


24-unit EESystem

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Youssaira A.


I've had several sessions at Energy Wave Wellness and I have experienced many benefits. I had been experiencing acid reflux for many years that would wake me up several times a night disturbing my sleep cycles. After my 2nd EESYSTEM session, my nightly acid reflux and several nightly wakeups just stopped, much to my surprise. And it has not returned!! My sleep is much better and I feel as though my evening rest is more restorative and rejuvenating.

June 3, 2024

Energy Wave Wellness


12-unit EESystem

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Monika Falk


As a person who is already familiar with Quantum Frequency, I was very excited to experience this at the studio. Firstly, the owners and staff are just lovely welcoming people who clearly love what they do. The studio itself is clean, comfortable and an awesome place to be for any time of the day. My first visit there was due to some pain I was having. Once in the room I almost immediately felt calm, and a pleasant tingling sensation washed over me which is as a result of this Quantum Frequency. At the end of my session the discomfort and pain I had coming in was gone by the end of my session. It’s truly a strange but pleasant sensation and I can only recommend others to give it a try.

May 25, 2024

Quantum Life Energy


24-unit EESystem

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