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Sandra N.


I suffered years with pain in my hips, knees, my right shoulder, and a calcification lump on my inner left foot.
I came to Hani's Center (a beautiful soul) 3 months ago for an hour session. I've had amazing results: The lump and pain in my left foot, my hips, knees and right shoulder has disappeared. I lost 4-5 kilos in weight, and my facial skin and neck have a glow and youthful appearance. I'm grateful to Hani for her precious service to humanity.

September 26, 2024

Light Energy Meditation Center


36-unit EESystem

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Monika K.


Seit Juli besuche ich das Quantum Light Center in Frankfurt. Hintergrund waren Schmerzen in der Hüfte durch Verspannungen und wenig Energie im Alltag. Bereits nach der ersten zweistündigen Sitzung waren die Schmerzen in der Hüfte erheblich reduziert. Immer wieder auftretende Wadenkrämpfe haben sich sehr reduziert. Ich bin fokussierter und resilienter und habe mehr Energie im Alltag - besonders im beruflichen Umfeld. Ich kann das Quantum Light Center sehr empfehlen und habe hier inzwischen weitere Sitzungen absolviert, die sich nachhaltig positiv auf meine körperliche und mentale Gesundheit auswirken. Der Inhaber Herr Müller ist stets ansprechbar und hilft in allen Belangen gerne weiter.

September 24, 2024

Quantum Light Center


24-unit EESystem

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Peter R.


I was going to the bathroom urinating 4-5 times a night. After being in the EE system for 16 hours, I go maybe once or not at all. After my heart attack and surgery, I could hardly walk across the yard because I was so out of breath. Now, after about 50 hours in the EE system, I am walking 5 kms uphill and back and am not our of breath! Amazing technology!

September 23, 2024

Infinite Vitality


24-unit EESystem

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Cara Manahan


My friend in Calgary, AB had told me about this EES and the benefits that she was having. My menopause symptoms tend to zap my energy, leaving me somewhat moody and unfocused. I thought it would be worth a try to go to Gemini and experience EES for myself. From the moment I walked in, I felt at ease with Julie and Jenn. Both were very knowledgeable, inviting and ready to explain the technology. Upon the end of my 1st 2 hour session, I felt very relaxed and my body felt light. The next day, I had great energy and an uplifted spirit. I have since gone back for 2 more sessions, and each one brings more energy and overall wellness. I recommend EES, 100%.

September 23, 2024

Gemini Wellness Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Judie R.


My Doctor informed me my kidney numbers were going down, so I tried Infinite Vitality EE centre. After about 8 hours, my Dr reported my numbers had increased, wondering what I was doing! The average kidney number is 60. I couldn't go for about two months, and my numbers dropped to 15. I returned to the EE centre and after the next 10 hours, my numbers came back up to 33! I am going to continue attending the EE centre because I certainly want to avoid dialysis! I am so very happy!

September 21, 2024

Infinite Vitality


24-unit EESystem

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Katrine Daly


For years I couldn’t hear in my left ear and after a few sessions at Gemini Wellness and additional overnight session I got my hearing back.
So happy I can hear well.

September 26, 2024

Gemini Wellness Centre


24-unit EESystem

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Christina S.


After about 32 hours in the EE system, my leg oedema has improved, the pain diminished in my achilles tendon, as well as fybroid syptoms lessened and regulated bowels; including overall wellness to my other body ailments. So many thanks to Infinite Vitality EE Centre!!

September 23, 2024

Infinite Vitality


24-unit EESystem

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Eloise B.


I suffer from osteo arthritis in my toes with pain and swelling, making walking difficult. After my first 2 hours in the EE system I have no pain in my toes and the swelling has diminished! I continue attending the EE centre for maintenance. Love it!!

September 23, 2024

Infinite Vitality


24-unit EESystem

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Joni Fithen


My grandson with adhd and possibly on the autism spectrum (not diagnosed but suggested)has spent 2 overnights at the center. Prior to this had meltdowns about minor things, bad behavior in school, sensitivity to loud noise, etc... After spending 2 overnights at Renewed Spirit Therapies in Pass Christian, MS my grandson went from having 13 out of 15 days of bad reports at school to only 2 out of the last 10 days getting a bad report at school. And, these last 2 were not nearly as bad as before. And, at home, he is a different kid with a better attitude and no meltdowns. This technology is a miracle.

September 23, 2024

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Brent M.


I have been in constant pain since I fell 5 stories 30 years ago, crushed my heels and injured my back as well as an injured shoulder from the past 3 years. Doctors avoided surgery on my back for fear of paralysis. My first 2 hours in the centre, I felt aching in my shoulder and while driving home, I realized I had no more pain in that shoulder! After another 2 hour visit, I was not going to the bathroom as often in the night either. I returned to the EE room again for another 2 hours to experience a pain free back! I still do roofing work, but continue going to the EE centre every two weeks to maintain my body. I have no more sharp, driving pain! My life is so much better now!!

September 21, 2024

Infinite Vitality


24-unit EESystem

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Amber Mainer


I had an unfortunate injury when I was younger that left me with chronic back pain, I had tried every treatment I could find over the years to ease my pain and nothing was improving.
After being referred by a good friend I decided to give the scalar energy a chance to hopefully get some relief, if not physically at least mentally.

Well... I can say with great amazement that after a month at the Vitality Center I am now waking up pain free after 25 years. This was beyond my expectations and a life changing experience for me!!

September 25, 2024

Vitality Energy Healing


12-unit EESystem

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Marj T.


I had undergone 20 hours of radiation on my neck for cancer and as a result, had lost my sense of taste and smell for about 5 years and the Doctors had stated that it would return. After my first session of 2 hours at the EE centre, my taste was completely restored the next day and some ability to smell.

September 23, 2024

Infinite Vitality


24-unit EESystem

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Juliet Segee


My kidney function unexplainably decreased considerably after cardiac ablation surgery Dec 2023. My eGFR dropped from 104, bouncing btwn 73-84, causing a diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 2 (CKD2) in March 2024. After 30 hrs of EE Sessions, I am ecstatic to report, my eGFR has been restored to 102. My energy has been through the roof since my 1st session. Grateful!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

September 23, 2024

Synergy in Action-EESystem Atlanta


24-unit EESystem

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Brent M.


I go into the EE system about every two weeks just to energize my body and to relieve the stiffness in my back. I also feel calmer, have less anxiety and have way more energy after being in the system. The EE system has changed my life. My friends say I look so much happier without the sneering look of pain across my face.

September 21, 2024

Infinite Vitality


24-unit EESystem

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Jim H.


The EE System has changed my life. After suffering a stroke in March 2020, I was left with paralysis on the right side of my body. Despite therapy, my right foot remained numb with no feeling in my toes. While spending the winter in Phoenix, I was told about the EE technology. After just two hours in the system, I felt something happening in my right foot. It was remarkable. By the time I left Pheonix, I had complete feeling in my foot, could raise my arms above my shoulders and could put my jacket on by myself. This technology has truly changed my life. It inspired the opening of a 24 unit center in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada "Infinite Vitality" that has been helping many others.

September 21, 2024

Infinite Vitality


24-unit EESystem

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